湿性愈合敷料,Moist dressing
1)Moist dressing湿性愈合敷料

1.Observation of the effect of wet healing dressing on the therapy for bedsore and analysis of cost benefit湿性愈合敷料治疗压疮的效果观察与成本效益分析
2.Nursing for Patients Offered Wet Healing Dressing Together with Leak-proof Materials for Treatment of Peri-intestinal Opening Abscess联合应用湿性愈合敷料及防漏材料治疗肠造口周围脓肿患者的护理
3.Research about the Using of Chinese Herb Sanhuang Curing Decoction Wet Spread Together with Combined Tissue Transplantation in Subacute Phase in Early Destroyed Hand Injuries.;三黄愈疡液湿敷创面亚急诊组合组织移植早期治疗毁损性手外伤的研究
4.Effect of Local Function of Sorbalgon and Rb-Bfgf after Endoscopic Sinus Surgery藻酸钙敷料联合rb-bFGF创造湿性环境对鼻内镜术后效果的影响
5.Clinical study of treatment effect of Glycocell on diabetic ulcer新型敷料Glycocell促进糖尿病溃疡面愈合的临床研究
6.Treating pigmentation with collagen sheets after burns in 298 patients胶原敷料治疗烧伤创面愈合后色素沉着298例
7.The comparative study of pressure ulcer's treatment between dry healing theory and wet healing theory干性愈合与湿性愈合理论治疗压疮的比较研究
8.Effect of ionic silver dressing combined with hydrogel on degree Ⅱ burn wound healing银离子敷料联合水凝胶对Ⅱ度烧伤创面愈合的作用
9.Comparison of wound healing in donor site between hydrocolloid dressings and vaseline gauze: a clinical study水胶体敷料与凡士林油纱对皮片供皮区创面愈合的比较
10.Observation on application of comfeel dressings in postoperative faulty union wounds of abdominal operations康惠尔系列敷料在腹部术后愈合不良伤口中的应用观察
11.Observation on the effectiveness of electromagnetic irradiation combined with anal wet compress with poison-elimination decoction in wound healing after hemorrhoid surgery祛毒汤湿敷肛门配合电磁波照射在痔术后切口愈合中的应用及效果观察
12.Results All of 6 patients got fully recovery from SSSS after treatment with prompt antibiotics,3% boric acid and mupirocin(MPC) Ointment.结果及时、合理应用有效抗生素及3%的硼酸湿敷和莫匹多星软膏外涂均痊愈。
13.The clinical application of new soft silicone dressing in radioactive moist dermatitis新型软聚硅酮敷料在放射性湿性皮炎中的临床应用
14.Effect of occlusive wound dressing supplemented with antiphlogistic and analgesic agents on plasma beta-endorphin in hot and humid environments:a study in pigs湿热环境下密闭性功能敷料护理伤口对β-内啡肽的影响
15.A substance or material used as a warm, moist medicinal compress;a poultice.热敷布一种用作温暖潮湿的药物敷布的物质或材料;糊状敷剂
16.Clinical study on moist healing therapy to treat patients with bedsore of ulcerative stage湿性愈合疗法治疗溃疡期压疮的临床研究
17.Moist Healing of Abdominal Incision for the Treatment of Gynecological湿性愈合用于妇科腹部切口裂开的处理
18.Progress on application of moist healing concept and method in treatment of patients with pressure sore湿性愈合理念及方法在压疮治疗中的应用进展

synthetic dressing湿性敷料
1.Objective To observe the effects of dry dressing and synthetic dressing on the skin graft donor site wound in the middle and latter stages.目的观察干湿性敷料对供皮区创面中后期愈合的作用。
3)wet healing湿性愈合
1.Observation of the effect of wet healing dressing on the therapy for bedsore and analysis of cost benefit;湿性愈合敷料治疗压疮的效果观察与成本效益分析
4)moist wound healing therapy湿性愈合理论
5)moisturizing dress ing保湿敷料
6)moist dressing湿敷料

连续性与非连续性(见间断性与不间断性)连续性与非连续性(见间断性与不间断性)continuity and discontinuity 11an父ux泊g四f“山。麻以角g、.连续性与非连续性(c。nt,n琳t:nuity一)_见间断性与不间断性。and diseo红ti-