典型声像图,Typical features
1)Typical features典型声像图

1.Clinical value of typical features of thyroid nodules on ultrasonography超声评价甲状腺结节典型声像图的临床意义
2.Although( it is) found occasionally in normal persons, this characteristic pattern should always lead the sonographer to consider a bowel lesion.⒃尽管这种图像也见于正常人,但超声诊断人员见到这种典型图像一定要考虑有结肠病变。
3.Ultrasound Classification and Pattern of Urethral Vegetation in Male男性尿道赘生物声像图分型及其特征
4.Sonar imagery segmentation algorithm by improved MRF parameter model改进MRF参数模型的声呐图像分割方法
5.A New Algorithm for Ultrasound Image Speckle Suppression一种新型的超声图像斑点噪声抑制算法
6.Ice Typical Features Retrieval in Liaodong Bay Based on Microwave Remote Sensing Imagery基于微波图像的辽东湾海冰典型要素信息提取
7.Study of Feature Extraction and Recognition of Typical Targets in SAR Images;SAR图像典型目标特征提取与识别方法研究
8.Representative Algorithm Comparison and Recent Development of Image Digital Watermarking图像数字水印典型算法的比较与研究概况
9.Synthetic aperture radar raw signal generation and image simulation of typical targets典型目标的合成孔径雷达回波生成与图像仿真
10.Accurate estimation of face image illuminating direction based on classical lighting model经典光照模型实现人脸图像光照方向准确估计
11.The Application of Three-dimensional Remote Sensing Image Model in Representative Geological Disasters Warming in Chengdu-Lhasa s National Highway;三维遥感图像模型在川藏公路典型地质灾害预警中的应用
12.Research on Image Process Key Technologies for Intravascular Ultrasound Images;新型血管内超声图像处理关键技术研究
13.3D Segmentation of Cardiac Ultrasonic Image Based on Deformable Models;基于形变模型的心脏超声图像三维分割方法
14.Segmentation of Ultrasound Image Based on GVF Snake Model;基于GVF snake模型的超声医学图像分割方法研究
15.Segmentation of Medical Ultrasonic Image Based on Active Contour Model;基于活动轮廓模型的超声医学图像分割
16.Removing Salt and Pepper Noise Based on Variation Method;基于变分法的椒盐噪声图像恢复模型算法
17.Analysis of Consonance of Musical Tone Based on Auditory Image Model;利用基于人耳模型的声像图分析乐音的协和度
18.Algorithm to Remove Multiplicative Noise Based on TV Method基于TV模型对含乘性噪声图像的去噪算法

Ultrasound classification声像图分型
3)B-ultrasonic wave typeB超声像图分型
1.The relations between the degree hepatic fibrosis and clinical type,B-ultrasonic wave type in patients with hepatohenticular degeneration;肝豆状核变性患者肝纤维化程度与临床分型及B超声像图分型的关系
4)image noise model图像噪声模型
5)classic image经典图像
1.To rewrite the classic images of contemporary Chinese oil paintings in the performance of an important way, it has distinctive characteristics of the times, and consumer culture, media technology, aesthetic concepts, and so closely linked.经典图像的改写是中国当代绘画创作中一种重要的表现方式,它具有鲜明的时代特征,与消费文化、媒体技术、审美观念等有着密切的联系。
1.Methods:202 patients with thyroid adenoma or struma nodosa were examined with ultrasonography pre operation and with pathomorphology post operation.目的 :探讨甲状腺腺瘤与结节性甲状腺肿的超声声像图特征 ,找出特征性的表现以提高超声的诊断水平。

声像图声像图  超声学术语。使用脉冲反射式辉度调制型超声诊断仪,探测人体组织和器官的回声特征,在显示屏上所显示的断面影像。