饥荒年,Famine times
1)Famine times饥荒年
2)A passing year of famine饥荒流年
3)faminie from 1929 to 19331929-1923年饥荒
1.Industrial Bias, Food Entitlemtnts and the Chinese Famine;工业偏向、食物获取权与饥荒
2.The Famine and Its Relief of Fujian Area in Ming Dynasty;明代福建地区的饥荒与救济
3.It instantly turned to be a famine and millions of refugees starved to death.1928-1930年,豫陕甘三省遭遇了空前未有的大旱灾,旱灾迅速发展为饥荒,使数以百万计的灾民因饥饿而死亡。

1.die of [suffer from] famine死于 [闹] 饥荒
2.Famine too has done its awful work饥荒也在到处肆虐。
3.Famine visited this region.饥荒侵袭了这一地区。
4.War brings death and famine.战争导致死亡和饥荒
5.Famine has plagued these countries for years.这些国家遭受饥荒多年。
6.Thousands of people were starved to death during the famine year.那年饥荒饿死了几千人。
7.They lived through the long famine.他们经历了长期的饥荒
8.Famine stalked through the country.那个国家饥荒蔓延。
9.famine and its attendant diseases饥荒及随之而来的疾病.
10.Famine and disease followed close Behind饥荒和疾病接踵而来。
11.Famine caused widespread distress.饥荒引起了普遍的忧虑。
12.Famine also was staved off for some time.饥荒也曾经被驱除。
13.relieve famine in Africa救济非洲的饥荒灾区
14.Famine is often the sequel to war.饥荒往往是战争造成的.
15.Famine often follows on the heels of war.战争过后常闹饥荒.
16.famine and disaster relief assistance;饥荒和其他灾害救济;
17.Drought has caused famine in Africa.干旱在非洲造成了饥荒
18.Plague and famine visited the country.瘟疫和饥荒侵袭该国。

A passing year of famine饥荒流年
3)faminie from 1929 to 19331929-1923年饥荒
1.Industrial Bias, Food Entitlemtnts and the Chinese Famine;工业偏向、食物获取权与饥荒
2.The Famine and Its Relief of Fujian Area in Ming Dynasty;明代福建地区的饥荒与救济
3.It instantly turned to be a famine and millions of refugees starved to death.1928-1930年,豫陕甘三省遭遇了空前未有的大旱灾,旱灾迅速发展为饥荒,使数以百万计的灾民因饥饿而死亡。
