维生素D受体(VDR),Vitamin D receptor(VDR)
1)Vitamin D receptor(VDR)维生素D受体(VDR)
2)vitamin D receptor维生素D受体
1.Polymorphism of vitamin D receptor gene BsmI in patients with vitiligo;白癜风患者维生素D受体BsmI基因多态性的研究
2.Bone mineral density among 9-12 years old Han children and the relation between vitamin D receptor gene polymorphism and bone mineral density;西安地区青少年骨密度值及其与维生素D受体基因多态性的研究
3.Effect of zinc deficiency on the gene expression of vitamin D receptor and CaBP in kidney of growth rats.;缺锌对生长期大鼠肾脏维生素D受体及钙结合蛋白基因表达的影响

1.Progress in vitamin D receptor and vitamin D resistance维生素D受体与维生素D抵抗研究进展
2.Polymorphisms of Vitamin D Receptor Gene and Its Association with Vitamin D Deficiency Rickets;维生素D受体基因多态性与维生素D缺乏性佝偻病相关性研究
3.A Study on the Association of the Vitamin D Receptor Gene Polymorphism with Vitamin D Deficiency Rickets;维生素D受体基因多态性与维生素D缺乏性佝偻病易感性的研究
4.Effects of vitamin D deficiency during pregnancy on femoral VDR protein expression of offspring孕鼠维生素D缺乏对子鼠长骨维生素D受体蛋白表达的影响
5.Progress of Research on Relation between Polymorphism of Vitamin D Receptor Gene and Physical Performance;维生素D受体基因多态性与运动能力研究进展
7.Study on the association between vitamin D receptor gene polymorphisms and rickets维生素D受体基因多态性与佝偻病关系的研究
8.Study on Relationship between Polymorphisms of Estrogen α Receptor Gene or Vitamin D Receptor Gene and Female Bone Mineral Density;雌激素α受体、维生素D受体基因多态性与女性骨密度关系的研究
9.Effect of different methods of sunlight exposure and vitamin D supplement on vitamin D receptor expression and bone mineral addition rate in rats日光暴露方式及维生素D摄入与大鼠肾脏维生素D受体表达及骨矿化改变
10.Association between Vitamin D Receptor Gene Polymorphism and Growth in Children of Han Nationality in Chengdu;成都地区汉族儿童维生素D受体基因多态性与生长关系的研究
11.Relation of single nucleotide polymorphisms of vitamin D receptor with the performance of outstanding athletes and their clinical biochemical values维生素D受体基因单核苷酸多态性与运动能力及生化指标的关系
12.A Study on the Association of Polymorphisms of the NRAMP1 Gene and VDR Gene with Susceptibility to Pulmonary Tuberculosis in Chinese Tibetans;NRAMP1基因、维生素D受体基因多态性与中国藏族结核病的关联研究
13.Study on Association between Vitamin D Receptor Gene Polymorphisms and the Chronic Hepatitis B;维生素D受体基因多态性与慢性乙型肝炎的相关性
14.Relevance Study on Associations of VDR Gene Polymorphisms and Susceptibility to Lead Toxicity;维生素D受体基因多态性与铅毒性的关联性研究
15.Association of ApaⅠ Polymorphism of Vitamin D Receptor Gene with Bone Metabolism in Patients with End-Stage Liver Disease;维生素D受体基因ApaⅠ多态性与终末期肝病患者骨代谢的关系
16.Association of the Vitamin D Receptor Gene Polymorphism with Delayed Rickets;维生素D受体多态性与晚发性佝偻病易感性研究
17.Vitamin D Receptor Gene Polymorphism: Association with Bone Mineral Density in Children of Han Nationality in Chengdu;成都地区汉族儿童维生素D受体基因多态性与骨密度关系研究
18.The Association of Vitamin D Receptor Gene Polymorphism with Diabetes Mellitus in the Han Nationality of Tianjin Area;天津地区汉族人糖尿病与维生素D受体基因的相关性研究

vitamin D receptor维生素D受体
1.Polymorphism of vitamin D receptor gene BsmI in patients with vitiligo;白癜风患者维生素D受体BsmI基因多态性的研究
2.Bone mineral density among 9-12 years old Han children and the relation between vitamin D receptor gene polymorphism and bone mineral density;西安地区青少年骨密度值及其与维生素D受体基因多态性的研究
3.Effect of zinc deficiency on the gene expression of vitamin D receptor and CaBP in kidney of growth rats.;缺锌对生长期大鼠肾脏维生素D受体及钙结合蛋白基因表达的影响
1.Study on the association between VDR polymorphism and vitiligo;维生素D受体基因多态性与白癜风的相关性研究
2.Effects of vitamin D deficiency during pregnancy on femoral VDR protein expression of offspring孕鼠维生素D缺乏对子鼠长骨维生素D受体蛋白表达的影响
3.Methods: Mice with targeted deletion of the 25-hydroxyvitamin D 1 alpha hydroxylase gene(1α(OH)ase-/-),and the vitamin D receptor gene(VDR-/-) were used.维生素D受体基因敲除小鼠有很高的1α羟化酶表达,小鼠血钙也显著低于野生型小鼠(68±9。
4)receptor vitamin D受体维生素D
1.Objective: To investigate the prophylaxis effect of Jiaweigutongxian capsules on streptozotocin—induced osteoporosis in rats by measuring bone mineral density and VDR-mRNA measurement.目的:通过观察链尿佐菌素诱导DM大鼠模型的骨密度与小肠粘膜维生素D受体mRNA的变化,探讨加味骨痛仙胶囊对糖尿病所致骨质疏松症的作用机制。
6)vitamin D receptor gene维生素D受体基因
1.Study on polymorphism of vitamin D receptor gene FokⅠ in the Uygurs,Kazaks and Hans;维、哈及汉族儿童维生素D受体基因FokⅠ位点多态性的研究
2.Association of vitamin D receptor gene TruⅠ and FokⅠ polymorphisms with lumbar degenerative disc disease in Han nationality;汉族人维生素D受体基因TruⅠ和FokⅠ多态性与腰椎间盘退变的关系
3.Relationship between the polymorphism of start codon and CDX2 site in vitamin D receptor gene and the effect of calcium supplementation on bone mineral density of postmenopausal women;维生素D受体基因起始密码子和CDX2多态性与钙剂补充对绝经后妇女骨密度作用的关系

维生素M ,叶酸,维生素R,维生素B11,药物名称:叶酸英文名:Folic Acid别名: 维生素Bc;维生素M ,叶酸,维生素R,维生素B11, 外文名:Folic Acid,Cytofol, Folsan, Millagfol适应症: 临床主要用于: 1.妊娠期,婴儿型巨细胞性贫血。 2.恶性贫血(与B12合用)。 3.铅、苯、化学物质中毒引起的贫血等。 用量用法: 1.口服:成人每次5~10mg,1日3次;儿童,每次5mg,1日3次。 2.肌注:每次10~20mg。每日1次,20~30日为1疗程。小儿每次15mg,每日1次。 注意事项: 1.不良反应较少,罕见有过敏反应。静注易致不良反应,故不宜采用。 2.大剂量叶酸能拮抗苯巴比妥、苯妥英钠和扑米酮抗癫痫作用,并使敏感儿童的癫痫发作次数增多。 3.营养性巨幼红细胞贫血常合并缺铁,应同时补铁,并补充蛋白质及其他B族维生素。 规格: 叶酸片:每片5mg。注射液:每支15mg(1ml)。 复方叶酸注射液:每支1ml,含叶酸为5mg. 类别:抗贫血药