1.Primary Strategy of Study on Laboratory Methods for the Diagnosis of Primary Syphilis with Chancre;梅毒硬下疳实验室检查策略初探
2)hard chancre;indurated chancre硬性下疳

1.of or having chancres.属于或具有硬性下疳
2.of or relating to or having chancroids.属于、关于或有软性下疳。
3.Detection of Chancroid and the Other Etiology of Genital Ulcer Disease;软下疳及其它生殖器溃疡性疾病病原体检测分析
4.A dull red, hard, insensitive lesion that is the first manifestation of syphilis.下疳一种暗红色坚硬不敏感的引起机能障碍的一种病,为梅毒的初期症状
5.A soft, highly infectious, nonsyphilitic venereal ulcer of the genital region, caused by the bacillus Hemophilus ducreyi.软下疳一种软而具高度传染性的生殖器官区的非梅毒性病溃疡,由细菌杜雷克嗜血杆菌引起
6.Syhilis, in its primary form, may produce a chancre on the lips.原发型梅毒可在唇上产生下疳。
7."Chancre: Primary sore or ulcer at the site of entry of a pathogen; specifically, the typical skin lesion of primary infectious syphilis."下疳: 性传播疾病梅毒早期的典型皮肤病变,常常发生在阴茎、阴唇、子宫颈或肛门直肠部位。
8.traumatic subdural effusion外伤性硬脑膜下积液
9."Without treatment, it may progress through three stages: primary, characterized by a chancre and low fever;"如不加医治,梅毒病程可分三期:一期梅毒的特征是出现下疳肿块且伴有低烧;
10.Subdural puncture in diagnosis and treatment of subdural fluid collection in infants or toddlers with purulent meningitis:report of 207 cases硬膜下穿刺术在小儿化脓性脑膜炎后硬膜下积液诊治中的作用
11.Transfixion from subdural space to sylvian cistern and roofing of temporal muscle in the treatment of potential intractable subdural effusion硬膜下腔-侧裂池沟通及颞肌贴敷术治疗难治性硬膜下积液
12.Observation of Simple Awl Cranium Drainage in treating Chronic Subdural Hematoma单纯锥颅引流术治疗慢性硬膜下血肿
13.Logistic Regression Analysis on the Risk Factors for Binswanger s Disease;皮质下动脉硬化性脑病相关因素分析
14.Correlation Study of Sublingual-threads and Hepatocirrhosis;舌下脉络改变与肝硬化的相关性研究
15.Application of skull slot in drainage for chronic subdural hematomas开槽引流术治疗慢性硬膜下血肿152例
16.Rapid spontaneous resolution of acute subdural hematoma in 15 patients15例快速自然消散的急性硬膜下血肿
17.Endovascular Treatment of Arteriosclerosis Occlusive Disease介入治疗下肢动脉硬化性闭塞症30例
18.Management of Chronic Subdural Hematoma by Improved Trepanation and Drainage改良钻孔引流术治疗慢性硬膜下血肿

hard chancre;indurated chancre硬性下疳
3)Syphilitic chancre梅毒硬下疳
5)Two cases of hard chancre in urethra尿道口硬下疳2例
1.A case of chancriform pyoderma complicated with non-gonococcal urethritis and condyloma acuminatum is reported.报告1例下疳样脓皮病伴尖锐湿疣及非淋菌性尿道炎。

硬下疳    硬下疳    为一期梅毒的临床特征。在大、小阴唇内侧或子宫颈部可见圆形或椭圆形硬结,表面糜烂,边缘稍隆起似软骨样硬,直径1~2cm,表面有浆液性分泌物,含有大量梅毒螺旋体,传染性很强,可伴单侧或双侧腹股沟淋巴结肿大。妊娠期子宫颈因脆软及充血而易受损伤,使梅毒螺旋体入侵致病。因而孕期硬下疳好发于子宫颈,一般在2~6周内自愈,故不易被发现。