1.We use autoblood njectio ad acumenmatching blood-letting therapy treat acne that have had good clinicalefficacy.我们运用自血穴位注射配合放血疗法治疗痤疮取得了很好临床疗效。

1.Effect of light quantum selfblood on hemorrheologic change in patients with cerebral ischemic stroke in plateau光量子自血疗法对高原缺血性脑血管病患者血液流变学的影响
2.automatic blood warming products自动温血器﹝输血用﹞
3.autoimmune hemolytic anemia自身免疫性溶血性贫血;自体免疫性溶血性贫血
4.ectronic blood-cell counter电子自动血细胞计数器
5.spontaneous rupture of mesenteric vessel肠系膜血管自发性破裂
6.Do you happen to know your own blood group?你知道你自己的血型吗?
7.automatic centrifuge for blood cell washing自动血球洗净离心机
8.idiopathic hypercholesterolemia自发性高胆固醇血症
9.auto-grouper system自动血液型判定装置
10.automatic blood chemistry analyzer自动血液化学分析仪
11.automatic hemoglobinometer自动血红蛋白检测仪
12.any of several hemolysins derived from strains of streptococcus.来自链球菌系的溶血素。
13.purchase freedom with Blood以血的代价赢得自由
14.Bloody attack, the blood clans can from if use come together in the blood in the body.血腥攻击,血族们可以自如使用聚集于体内的血。
15.Blood pike, the blood clans can from if ground usage in the blood in the body.血矛,血族们可以自如地使用蓄于体内的血。
16.non-autoimmune hemolytic anemia非自体免疫性溶血性贫血
17.Study on Blood Self-lubricating Mechanism in Micro Implanted Blood Pump;微型植入式血泵血液自润滑机理研究
18.Effect of arginase inhibitor on the vascular remodeling in SHRnor-NOHA逆转自发性高血压大鼠血管重构

autologous blood embolus自体血血栓
1.Results: The embolic stroke model mimicking human ischemia with autologous blood embolus was stable,reliable and reproducible.方法:采用成组设计的随机对照研究,用大鼠自体血血栓注入大脑中动脉建立栓塞模型,观察缺血后6、12、24 h大鼠的神经功能评分、脑含水量和梗死灶体积。
3)Autologous blood自体血
1.Study for Autologous blood feedback procedure and nursing support for patients with traumatic rupture of spleen treated by on operative therapy;外伤性脾破裂非手术治疗自体血回输的流程及护理
2.Clinical analysis of autologous blood pleurodesis under vacuum suction in treatment of intractable pneumothorax;负压吸引下自体血胸腔粘连术治疗难治性气胸临床研究
3.Methods We had respectively injected autologous blood 50μl and bacterical collagenase 0.方法本研究在大鼠尾状核分别注入自体血 5 0 μl和胶原酶 0 。
4)autologous transfusion自血回输
1.Clinical effect of laparoscopic surgery accompanied by autologous transfusion treated hemorrhagic abdomen in gynecology;腹腔镜手术中自血回输治疗妇科血腹症的临床观察
5)autogenous vein自体血管
1.The Availability of Autotransfusion in Cardiac Surgery;自身输血在心脏外科手术中的可行性
2.Autotransfusion began before the operation finished or when blood loss exceeded 300ml in the treated group.目的:评价急性血液稀释自身输血应用于颅脑手术患者的安全性和可行性。

自然血亲自然血亲 性法学名。出于同一祖 先有血缘联系的亲属,如父母子女、兄弟姊妹、祖父母孙子女、外祖父母外孙子女等。非婚 生 子女按我国婚姻法规定,从其出生之日起,即具有与婚生子女相同的法律地位,享有与婚生 子女同等的权利。