
1.He had bushy eyebrows that grew together in the centre.他长着毛茸茸的眉毛,眉宇间连在一起。
2.He drew his heavy black brows together in a frown.他皱着眉头,浓黑的眉毛拧成了一个结。
3.He arched his eyebrows.他把眉毛向上弯成拱形 [耸起双眉] 。
4.He raised an eyebrow at Jack.他扬起眉毛看着杰克。
5.Miss Ley lifted her eyebrows.莱伊小姐扬起了眉毛
6.children muffled almost to the eyebrows.孩子几乎被裹到了眉毛
7.Scowling, Chueh-hui bit his lips.他马上把眉毛竖起来。
8.His eyebrows project noticeably.他的眉毛特别突出。
9.Her eyebrow is long and slim.她的眉毛又长又细。
10.The arch of a raised eyebrow.呈拱形的扬起的眉毛
11.Eyebrows on fire/concentrate on immediate matters火烧眉毛,先顾眼前
12.a cosmetic pencil used to darken the eyebrows.用来画黑眉毛的化妆笔。
13.Lao Yang knitted his brows.老杨的眉毛拧了个结。
14.Moses shut his eyes and raised his brows.摩西闭上眼睛,扬起眉毛
15.A cap was pulled low over his brow.帽子片下拉到眉毛上边。
16.Eyes... lovely... but hidden beneath bushman eyebrows.眼睛 ……气色…… 可惜眉毛活像两只毛毛虫。
17.The smooth area between the eyebrows just above the nose.眉间,印堂鼻子上部和眉毛之间的光滑部分
18.The brow fat pad lies directly posterior to the eyebrow skin and orbicularis oculus muscle and aids in smooth gliding of the eyebrow with animation.后眉部脂肪垫位于眉毛皮肤及眼轮匝肌之后方,可以帮助脸部表情动作时眉毛有顺畅的滑动。

eyebrow recognition眉毛识别
1.In order to study the novel biometric of eyebrow,this paper presents an eyebrow recognition method by comparison of feature strings,the basic idea of which is to extract feature strings using discrete Fourier transformation and K-means algorithm,and to recognize a given eyebrow image as the candidate per- son with the minimum edit distance between their feature strings.为了对眉毛这种新颖的生物特征开展识别研究,提出了一种基于特征串比较的眉毛识别方法,其基本思想是采用离散傅里叶变换和K-均值算法进行特征串提取,并通过计算2个眉毛特征串之间的编辑距离来确定所识别的候选人。
2.In order to demonstrate the possibility and feasibility that eyebrow can work as a biometric,this paper presents an eyebrow recognition method,the relation of whose accuracy to the observation symbol number and the state number has been preliminarily investigated.为说明人类的眉毛作为一种生物特征使用的可能性和可行性,提出了一种基于离散HMM的眉毛识别方法,并对它的识别率随观察符号个数和模型状态数的变化关系进行了初步的实验研究。
3.This paper analyzes the possibility that human eyebrow works as an independent biometric for personal identification,and proposes the idea that PCA may be applied to eyebrow recognition.本文分析了人类的眉毛作为一种独立生物特征进行身份鉴别的可能性,提出了利用PCA方法进行眉毛识别的基本思路。
3)eyebrow image眉毛图像
4)Eyebrows Localization眉毛定位
5)artificial brow假眉毛
