色素性皮肤病,Pigmented dermatosis
1)Pigmented dermatosis色素性皮肤病
1.Clinical survey of the pigmented dermatosis treated by Q-switched Nd:YAG laserQ开关Nd:YAG激光治疗色素性皮肤病5000例疗效观察

1.Clinical survey of the pigmented dermatosis treated by Q-switched Nd:YAG laserQ开关Nd:YAG激光治疗色素性皮肤病5000例疗效观察
2.Application of computer analysis software system on measurement and analysis of pigmentation diseases色素分析软件在评估色素性皮肤病及其疗效中的应用
3.Experimental Study of Treatment of Skin Pigmented Disease by Q-Switched Double Laser Pulse;双脉冲Q开关激光治疗色素性皮肤病的实验研究
4.Clinical Effect of Q-Switched Nd:YAG Laser for Pigmentary Dermatosis(1051 Cases Report)调Q开关Nd:YAG激光治疗色素性皮肤病1051例临床观察
5.poikiloderma atropbicans vasculare血管萎缩性皮肤异色病
6.Biomedical Photonics Study on Pigmented Skin Diseases of Yellow Race黄种人皮肤色素性疾病的生物医学光子学研究
7.Histopathological Characteristics of Four Kinds of Pigmented Skin Disorders on Chinese Women s Faces;中国女性面部色素增多性皮肤病的组织病理学研究
8.The incidence of cutaneous melanoma on Crete,Greece希腊克利特岛皮肤黑色素瘤的发病率
9.Study of the Origin of Melanin on Neurocutaneous Melanosis神经皮肤黑变病中黑色素的来源初探
10.Pitfalls in the clinical and dermoscopic diagnosis of pigmented actinic keratosis色素性光化性角化病的临床和皮肤镜诊断上的不足
11.Expression of CD4, CD8 and Receptor γ of T Cell in Pigmented Purpuric DermatosesCD4、CD8和γ受体在色素性紫癜性皮肤病T细胞中的表达
12.poikiloderma atrophicans vasculare血管性萎缩性皮肤异色病
13.Observation of therapeutic effect of Nd:YAG laser on treatment of skin pigmentary lesionsQ开关Nd:YAG激光治疗皮肤色素增加性疾病的疗效观察
14.Experience of treating cutaneous pigmented lesion by home-made Q-switched Nd-YAG Laser国产Q-Nd-YAG激光治疗色素增多性皮肤病临床体会
15.Topical antibiotic therapeutic choice in Staphylococcal aureus skin infection金黄色葡萄球菌感染性皮肤病的外用抗生素选择
16.Expression of Survivin in the Epidermis of Some Proliferative Lesions;存活素在某些增生性皮肤病皮损表皮的表达
17.The Report of Cutaneous Malignant Melanoma Accompanied Vitiligo;皮肤恶性黑素瘤并发白癜风病例报告
18.Dark coloration of the skin, hair, fur, or feathers because of a high concentration of melanin.黑色素沉着病头发、皮肤、毛皮或羽毛因黑色素沉积而变黑

non-pigmented skin disease非色素性皮肤病
1.Methods:The clinical diagnosis,dermoscopic examination and pathological result for some pigmented and non-pigmented skin diseases were compared.目的:探讨皮肤镜在色素性和非色素性皮肤病的临床诊断中的应用价值。
3)skin lesion with pigment色素性皮肤病变
1.Clinical study on skin lesion with pigment of face by XH ultra - high frequency skin plastic operation apparatus;XH超高频皮肤整形仪治疗面部色素性皮肤病
4)skin pigmentosus disease皮肤色素性病变
5)pigmented skin diseased皮肤色素性疾病
6)pigment skin diseases色素性皮肤性疾病

变态反应性皮肤病  由变态反应引起的一组炎症性皮肤病。又称过敏性皮肤病。十分常见。变应原可通过食入、注射、吸入、与皮肤粘膜的直接接触等途径而引起机体过敏,导致炎症反应的发生。变态反应参与大多数皮肤病的发病。轻症影响健康,重症可困扰终生,甚至危及生命。常见的药疹、湿疹、异位性皮炎、过敏性接触性皮炎、过敏性紫癜等都属于这组皮肤病。可概括为以下几类:①荨麻疹和血管性水肿。②接触性皮炎。又分为原发性刺激性皮炎(非变应性)和变应性接触性皮炎。③湿疹。按病程分为急性、亚急性和慢性。又可分为微生物性湿疹、营养缺乏性湿疹、应力型湿疹、耳部湿疹、眼睑湿疹、乳房湿疹、尿布皮炎、手部湿疹、自身致敏性皮炎、干燥性湿疹及钱币状湿疹。④异位性皮炎。又分为婴幼儿期、儿童期、青年及成年期。