敏感性皮肤,Sensitive skin
1)Sensitive skin敏感性皮肤
1.Sensitive skin refers to the hypersensitive status of the skin.敏感性皮肤是一种皮肤高度敏感的状态,在这种状态下皮肤极易受到外界因素影响产生皮肤不适。
2.(2) To observe the etiological factor of sensitive skin and its skin physiologic function characteristic, according to that guide the better prophylaxis, therapy and skin care.探讨引起敏感性皮肤的发生原因及其皮肤生理功能特点,为敏感性皮肤的防治及护肤提供理论依据。

1.Allergic reactions can lead to irritable bowel, upset stomach, and a number of skin problems.过敏性问题包括肠胃不好和敏感性皮肤
2.(Not for those with sensitive skin or a papaya allergy.)(不适合那些敏感性皮肤或对番木瓜过敏的人)
3.The protection of treatment cosmetics on sensitive skin功效性化妆品对敏感性皮肤的防护作用
4.Use for making facial cleanser, mild effect on skin, suitable for dry, combination and sensitive skin type.用作制作洗面乳,性质温和,较适合中、乾性和敏感性皮肤
5.Skin Physiometry of Acne and Sensitive Skin, Etiological Factors of Sensitive Skin in Kunming of China;昆明地区痤疮和敏感性皮肤生理功能及相关原因分析研究
6.You skin is oily(dry, normal , treating acnes skin ,sensitive).你是油性(干性、中性、暗疮、敏感性)皮肤。
7.There are four kinds of skin : normal , oily , day and sensitive .皮肤有四种:中性、油性、干燥和敏感。
8.a substance that is irritant to sensitive skins对敏感的皮肤有刺激性的物质.
9.An infected or diseased patch of skin.感染性的皮肤一块感染或患病的皮肤
10.Skin sensitization test and irritating test of airtight functional dressings密闭性功能敷料皮肤致敏试验及皮肤刺激试验
11.He was very conscious of his black skin.他对自己的黑皮肤非常敏感。
12.A naturally inspired skincare line formulated with Calendula extracts topurify and hydratesensitive, rough skin.净化和补水,并且是对敏感、粗糙的皮肤。
13.Analysis of Genotyping and Antifungal Susceptibilities of Clinical Isolates of Dermatophytes from Children;儿童皮肤癣病临床分离株的基因分型与药物敏感性分析
14.Antifungal Susceptibility Testing to Dermatophytic Isolates Evaluated and Compared by Rosco Disk Diffusion Method and Broth Microdilution Method;常见皮肤癣菌及申克氏孢子丝菌的体外药物敏感性实验研究
15.The Drug Sensitivity Test of Dermatophyte to Litsea Cubeba Oil and Clinical Experiment;山苍子油对皮肤癣菌的药物敏感性实验及临床实验
16.Study of Microbiology and Antibiotics Susceptibility in Complicated Skin and Soft Tissue Infection in Fujian福建地区复杂性皮肤软组织感染的病原学及药敏分析
17.Susceptibility test of dermatophyte to four antifungal drugs using a modified M38-A protocol参照CLSI M38-A方案测定皮肤癣菌临床株对4种抗真菌药物的敏感性
18.a mimosa's leaves are sensitive to touch; a sensitive voltmeter; sensitive skin; sensitive to light.含羞草的叶子对触摸很敏感;灵敏的伏特计;敏感的皮肤;感光的。

sensitive skin.敏感性的皮肤
3)skin sensitivity皮肤敏感
1.Objective To determine serum tIgE and ECP in patients of acne with facial skin sensitivity to elucidate the existence of allergy,and further to direct treatment for better clinical effects.目的通过检测血清总IgE(tIgE)、嗜酸细胞阳离子蛋白(ECP),证实痤疮伴颜面皮肤敏感患者皮肤过敏状态的存在,以进一步探讨其机理,指导临床取得更好的疗效。
4)sensitive skin敏感皮肤
1.Multi-sensor data fusion of the robotics sensitive skin;机器人敏感皮肤多传感器数据融合
2.This paper discussed the design method of robotics sensitive skin based on infrared sensor.阐述了基于红外传感器机器人敏感皮肤的设计方法。
3.The developed robotics sensitive skin is a large-area,flexible,mini-type array of infrared sensors with dataprocessing capabilities,which can be used to cover the surface of robot.研制的敏感皮肤由模块化和带有强数据处理能力的微型红外传感器阵列构成,可以粘贴在机器人表面,依赖于皮肤上的红外传感器来感知外部环境。
1.Results Liangyang Ointment had no acute toxicity effects to the integrety or damaged skin of Wistar rats,having no irritation and hypersensitive to guinea pigs skin.方法用Wistar大鼠进行皮肤急性毒性试验,用豚鼠进行皮肤刺激性和皮肤过敏性试验。
6)robotics sensitive skin机器人敏感皮肤
1.Study on electromagnetic compatibility in robotics sensitive skin;机器人敏感皮肤电磁兼容问题的研究

皮肤敏感试验皮肤敏感试验 将变应原通过皮肤划痕或贴纸片的方法与皮肤接触,观察该抗原是否引起局部变态反应的试验。用于寻找某些过敏性疾病的发病原因。