重型斑秃,severe alopecia areata
1)severe alopecia areata重型斑秃
1.Effects of YI FA Oral Liquid Combined with Glucocorticoid on Expression of Glucocorticoid Receptor mRNA Level of Severe Alopecia Areata Patients中药益发联合糖皮质激素对重型斑秃患者糖皮质激素受体mRNA表达的影响
2.Objective:To investigate the clinical characteristic of severe alopecia areata.目的 :探讨重型斑秃的临床特征。
3.Objective:Observation point injection with Ling Dan in the treatment of severe alopecia areata the clinical efficacy and mechanism of,by detecting part of the treatment group patients with blood viscosity,understanding point injection with Ling Dan tablets in the treatment of severe alopecia areata in the course of the viscosity of patients with blood.目的:观察穴位注射配合灵丹片治疗重型斑秃的临床疗效及机理探讨,通过检测治疗组部分患者治疗前后血粘度,了解穴位注射配合灵丹片在治疗重型斑秃的过程中对患者血粘度的影响。

1.Effects of YI FA Oral Liquid Combined with Glucocorticoid on Expression of Glucocorticoid Receptor mRNA Level of Severe Alopecia Areata Patients中药益发联合糖皮质激素对重型斑秃患者糖皮质激素受体mRNA表达的影响
2.The Studies on the Relationship between Th1/Th2-type Cytokine and Alopecia Areata;TH1/TH2型细胞因子与斑秃关系的初步研究
3.The Clinical Study on the Treatment for "AA" (The Type of the Loss of the Kidney Essence and the Deficiency of Blood) with "Bu Shenyangxue" Decoction;补肾养血胶囊治疗斑秃(肾亏血虚型)的临床研究
4.Association of HLA Allele and Haplotype with Alopecia Areata in Chinese Hans;HLA等位基因及单倍型与汉族人斑秃的相关性研究
5.The Research in the Relationship of the Clinical Symptoms of Patients with Alopecia and Traditional Chinese Medical Diagnosis Axis;斑秃患者临床症状体征与中医证型相关性的研究
6.The Establishment of the Alopecia Areata Animal Model Induced by Imiquimod with C3H/HeJ Mice and Its Pathogenesis;咪喹莫特诱导C3H/HeJ小鼠斑秃动物模型的建立及发病机理初步研究
7.Shengfa Decoction Associate 5% Minoxidil Tincture in Treating Emotional Depression and Agitated Type of Alopecia Areata生发饮联合5%米诺地尔酊治疗情志烦劳型斑秃临床疗效观察
8.Correlation Between Human Leukicyte Antigen-DRB1 Genes to Alopecia Areata and the Sub-types Differentiated Based on Traditional Chinese Medicine Theory in Han Nationality in Henan Province河南汉族斑秃及其中医证型与HLA-DRB1基因的相关性研究
9.Effects of alopecia areata pill on the serum levels of endothelin in alopecia areata patients口服斑秃丸对斑秃患者血浆内皮素水平的影响
10.A case of alopecia areata associated with vitiligo and DLE is reported.报告1例斑秃伴白癜风和盘状红斑狼疮。
11.A Preliminary Study on the Immunological Mechanisms of Alopecia Areata in Children;儿童斑秃免疫学发病机制的初步探讨
12.Study on Peripheral Lymphocyte Apoptosis in Patients with Alopecia Areata;斑秃患者外周血淋巴细胞凋亡的研究
13.Observation of Therapeutic Effect of PUVA-turban in the Treatment of Alopecia Areata;PUVA-头巾帽疗法治疗斑秃疗效观察
14.Studies on the role of Th1/Th2 cytokines in alopecia areata斑秃患者血清IFN-γ、IL-12、IL-4的检测
15.Research progress of acupuncture for treatment of alopecia areata in recent ten years近十年针灸治疗斑秃研究进展(英文)
16.bald(ie badly worn)tyres光秃的(严重磨损的)轮胎
17.Semidouble dark blue-violet. Variegated. Large.半重瓣深蓝色到紫色花。斑叶。大型。

emotional stress-induced Alopecia Areata情志烦劳型斑秃
1.Objective:to observe the effect of TCM formula ShengFa Fluid together with Minoxidil tincture of 5 percent, to the emotional stress-induced Alopecia Areata.目的:观察中药生发饮内服联合5%米诺地尔酊局部外擦治疗情志烦劳型斑秃的疗效。
3)Alopecia areata斑秃
1.171 cases of alopecia areata:an investigation and analysis on quality of life;171例斑秃患者生活质量评定及其影响因素的分析
2.Clinical observation of combined therapy for 35 patients with alopecia areata;综合疗法治疗斑秃35例的临床观察
3.The clinical observered human dermal papilla cells conditioned medium treated alopecia areata;人毛乳头细胞条件培养液治疗斑秃的临床观察
4)Alopecia Areata Liniment斑秃搽剂
1.Determination of Minoxidil in Alopecia Areata Liniment by First Order Derivative Spectrophotometry;一阶导数光谱法测定斑秃搽剂中米诺地尔的含量
1.Meteorological Analysis on the Forming of Barelands in Cold Highland Grassland in Southern Qinghai Plateau.;青南高寒草甸秃斑地形成的气象条件分析

斑秃    斑秃  alopecia areata  亦称“圆形脱发”,以头部发生圆形或椭圆形、非炎症性、非瘢痕性的脱发,且无自觉症状为特点。病因尚不完全明了。精神神经因素常是发作诱因,不少患者在发病前常有精神创伤,焦虑、紧张的病史。近来认为自身免疫在发病中起一定作用,在斑秃处的发囊下部有T细胞浸润,部分患者血清中可检出自身抗体如抗甲状腺、抗胃壁细胞等抗体。由于在一定范围内的毛囊同步由生长期进入到退行期及休止期,所以临床出现片状脱发。