致病药物,causative agents
1)causative agents致病药物
1.Objective:To study the causative agents and the types of drug eruption of inpatients in our hospital for a period of six years.目的 :分析我院近 6年药疹患者的致病药物及临床表现类型。
2.Objective: To understand the types of drug eruptions and their causative agents in order to help clinicians to diagnose and treat drug eruptions.目的:了解药疹的类型及其相关致病药物,以有助于临床对药疹的诊治。
3.Objective: To study the causative agents, the character and curative effect of drug eruption.为研究近年来药疹致病药物、临床特征及疗效,我们对吉林大学第二医院2002年3 月~2005 年3 月间因药疹住院及住院过程中发生药疹的119 例患者的临床资料进行分析和比较,以期为临床预防和诊治药疹提供参考。
2)causative drug致病药物
1.Drug-induced sleepwalking:common causative drugs,prevention,and management;药源性睡行症的常见致病药物及防治
2.Its clinical features were the occurrence of oliguria-or nonoliguria-type ARF several days or weeks after the exposure to causative drugs.DARF的常见致病药物有抗生素、非甾体抗炎药、利尿剂及某些中药等。
3)pathogen drug sensitivity致病菌药物敏感性
4)drug-induced psychosis药物引致的精神病
5)causative agents致敏药物
1.Objective To study the causative agents and the clinical features of drug eruption of outpatients in our hospital from 2004 to 2005.目的分析北京同仁医院皮肤科2004年1月2006年6月,门诊药疹患者的致敏药物及临床分型。
2.OBJECTIVE By investigating the epidemiological characteristics of drug eruption and summarizing the development of the causative agents, the types of drug eruption of inpatients and the therapeutic experiences of severe drug eruption in our department for five years, the objective of the thesis is to improve prophylaxis, diagnosis and therapy of this disease.目的 探讨药疹的流行病学特征,总结齐鲁医院皮肤科近5年来住院药疹患者的致敏药物和皮疹类型的发展变化及重症药疹的治疗经验,以便更好地预防、诊断和治疗药疹。

1.Early recognition of AHS and timely discontinuing of the suspected drugs are the essential therapy.即早认识并停用致敏药物是治疗的关键。
2.Analysis of 26 Cases of Allergic Shock Induced by Anticancer Drugs26例抗肿瘤药物致过敏性休克分析
3.True drug allergy is often preceded by prior exposure, or sensitization, to the same or to a similar substance.药物过敏发生前常有同一物质或类似物质的接触或致敏。
4.Along with the development and application of new drugs, the incidence of drug-induced erythro-derma tends to increase, so does the number of sensitizing drugs.随着药物的使用和新药的开发应用,药物过敏引起的红皮病呈上升趋势,致敏药也逐渐增多。
5.On Separation of Pathogenic E.coli from Chicken and Screening of Sensitive Drug肉雏鸡致病性大肠杆菌的分离及敏感药物筛选
6.Omparative study on allergen assessment animal models in brown norway rat and guinea pigBN大鼠与豚鼠用于药物致敏性评价的比较
7.A Phermaceutical Susceptibility Test of Pathogenic E.Coli strains Isolated from Chicken to Eroflocacin;恩诺沙星药物对几株禽源致病性大肠杆菌的药敏试验
8.Conclusion: There are relations between the mortality and age,administration time,characteristics of drugs and administration route.结论:药物所致过敏性休克死亡与患者年龄、用药时间、药物特点及给药途径等有关。
9.Molecular Species Identification and Susceptibility Patterns of Pathogenic Fungi in Superficial Mycoses;浅部致病真菌的分子生物学鉴定及药物敏感性的相关研究
10."Drugs containing mercury can cause sensitivity reactions, sometimes fatal. In young children, acrodynia (pink disease) is probably caused by an organic mercury compound in house paints. "含汞药物可引起过敏反应,有时是致命的。儿童的肢痛病(「红皮
11.objective To investigate the rule and characteristics of drug-induced anaphylactic shock(AIAS).目的探讨各类药物导致过敏性休克的规律和特点。
12.Comparison of Sensitivity of Anti-bacteria Medicinies between Gansu and Shanghai Strains of Aeromonas hydrophila Parasited on Trionyx sinensis鳖致病性嗜水气单胞菌甘肃株和上海株对抗菌药物的敏感性比较
13.Sensitivity Test of Pathogenic Aeromonas hydrophila to 31 Kinds of Antibiotics致病性嗜水气单胞菌对31种抗菌药物的敏感试验
14.Mucus Hypersecretion in the Airway of Sensitized Rats: The Effects of EGFR Pathway and a Novel Therapeutic Intervention.;致敏大鼠气道粘液异常分泌与EGFR通路及其药物治疗
15.Expression of Vascular Cell Adhesion Molecle-1 in Lung Slices from Antigen-sensitized Rats and Pharmacological Modulation;抗原致敏大鼠离体肺片VCAM-1表达及药物调节作用
16.Almost any allergy-causing substance- including insect venom, pollen, latex, certain foods and drugs- can cause anaphylaxis.几乎所有的致敏物质——包括昆虫毒液、粉、胶、些食物和药品——都能引发过敏症。
17.food - sensitized solar dermatitis食物致敏性日光性皮炎
18.Do you have any drug allergies?你对什么药物过敏吗?

causative drug致病药物
1.Drug-induced sleepwalking:common causative drugs,prevention,and management;药源性睡行症的常见致病药物及防治
2.Its clinical features were the occurrence of oliguria-or nonoliguria-type ARF several days or weeks after the exposure to causative drugs.DARF的常见致病药物有抗生素、非甾体抗炎药、利尿剂及某些中药等。
3)pathogen drug sensitivity致病菌药物敏感性
4)drug-induced psychosis药物引致的精神病
5)causative agents致敏药物
1.Objective To study the causative agents and the clinical features of drug eruption of outpatients in our hospital from 2004 to 2005.目的分析北京同仁医院皮肤科2004年1月2006年6月,门诊药疹患者的致敏药物及临床分型。
2.OBJECTIVE By investigating the epidemiological characteristics of drug eruption and summarizing the development of the causative agents, the types of drug eruption of inpatients and the therapeutic experiences of severe drug eruption in our department for five years, the objective of the thesis is to improve prophylaxis, diagnosis and therapy of this disease.目的 探讨药疹的流行病学特征,总结齐鲁医院皮肤科近5年来住院药疹患者的致敏药物和皮疹类型的发展变化及重症药疹的治疗经验,以便更好地预防、诊断和治疗药疹。
6)hallucinogenic agents致幻药物
1.In sacrificial rituals, shaman sometimes takes hallucinogenic agents to get the experience of meeting god and combining with god.在祭祀仪式上,萨满有时使用某些致幻药物以获得与神相见、与神合一的体验。

茶园害虫致病微生物茶园害虫致病微生物pathogenic microbes of pests in tea plantation 茶圈,虫致脚徽生物比5 of(pathogeniein tea Plantation)nllCro- 侵染业科学院茶叶研究所等单位还发现有:圆抱虫霉寄生小绿叶蝉,虫草菌寄生扁刺蛾、茶刺蛾,球赤壳菌寄生茶牡蜘蚊,稼祥寄生茶毛虫、云尺续等,红霉菌寄生娜圆幼,拟青祥寄生肾纹毒蛾、茶细蛾、褐刺蛾等。 不少病原真菌都可进行人工生产,国内则以白僵菌生产较多。在生产中重要的是选取优良的菌种和培养基,控制培养条件和防止污染。其土法生产的工艺流程:从自然似虫分离选取优良菌种一、试管斜面培养一、转入瓶、堆进行二级培养一*转入大床进行三级固体扩大培养一一,出料在40一45℃条件下干燥一、粉碎过筛100筛目一一侧定活抱子含量一、包装密封一一阴凉干燥处贮存备用。白僵菌除菌种培养外,一般对营养条件要求不高,菌种培养基可用马铃薯20%,蔗籍2%,琼脂2%加水配制;二级培养则可用淘米水(5oo克水淘500克米);三级扩大培养可用米糠40%麦轶30%,谷壳30%,加水适量(不超料重)。为了进一步提高产量和产品质量,宜进行液体深层发醉的工业生产。 细菌病大多由芽抱杆菌科(B acillaceae)芽抱杆菌属才肠ct’llus)的细菌感染所致。苏芸金杆菌(B.th“万伙卯召嘴司已经工厂化生产,广泛用于防治蛾蝶类及其它农业害虫。苏芸金杆菌的营养体呈直形较粗杆状,两端钝圆,有厚膜,长宽为1.2一1.8X3.0一5.0徽米。周生鞭毛微动或不动。营养体单个存在或几个结成链状,在适宜条件下经过不断裂殖,老熟形成长卵口形抱子炭,抱子囊最后破裂放出一个芽泡和一个伴抱晶体。芽抱卵圆形,有光泽,长宽为0.8一0.9x2.0徽米,在适宜条件下再萌发裂殖。伴抱晶体多呈菱形或近方形,长宽为o.6x2.0微米,含有毒素,在碱性溶液中释放出来,对害虫具有很强的毒力。害虫吞食经消化道侵入体腔。峨搽类幼虫肠液呈碱性,正利于毒素析出毒杀害虫。病死虫体变软,变形,色暗,组织解体脓化,并有奥味,故亦称脓病或软化病。苏芸金杆菌有很多变种,如青虫菌、松毛虫杆菌、杀螟杆菌、“7216”、“HD一l”等。在茶树害虫中也常有自然感染和人工应用。例如福建茶科所用0.2亿饱子/毫升菌液防治茶毛虫,5天后死亡75一90%。安徽祁门茶科所用同样剂量防治茶蚕,5天后死亡100%:0.5亿/毫升菌液防治茶蓑蛾.10天后死亡78一100%。