派瑞松霜,Pevisone cream
1)Pevisone cream派瑞松霜
1.Clinical observation on the results of treatment of scrotal eczema patients with Pevisone cream;派瑞松霜治疗阴囊湿疹的临床研究
2.Clinical Observation of the Therapeutic Effect of Pevisone Cream on Patients with Dermatitis and Eczema;派瑞松霜治疗皮炎湿疹的疗效观察

1.Objective To observe the therapeutic effect of combining camptothecin ointment with pevisone cream in the treatment of patients with chronic eczema and neurodermatitis.目的观察喜树碱软膏与派瑞松霜联合应用治疗慢性湿疹和神经性皮炎的疗效。
2.halometasone monohydrate卤美他松霜剂(适确得霜剂,三卤米他松)
3.Determination of Triamcinolone Acetonide and Econazole Nitrate in Triamcinolone Acetonide and Econazole Nitrate Cream by HPLC派瑞松乳膏中曲安奈德和硝酸益康唑的含量测定
4.Church of Scientology Switzerland, Bern瑞士基督教科学派教会
5.a diplomatic envoy accredited to Switzerland派往瑞士的外交使节
6.When the Ten Thousand Things of Creation Wither and Fall in Winter,the Pine Remains Green--On the image of the pine in Tao Yuanming s poetry;凝霜殄异类,卓然见高枝——陶诗中的“松”
7.Ketty's wing had hurt before because of the bulrush.派瑞衔起些鱼,开始了他们的迁徙之旅。
8.The Remolding of the English School by Barry Buzan试论巴瑞·布赞对英国学派理论的重塑
9.Berel is untied and fed.班瑞尔被松了绑,得到了一些吃的。
10.The intense congelation made the whole country look like one petrifaction这样一派冰封霜凝的景象,使得整个地区宛似一块化石。
11.Analysis of LU You s Calligraphy Thoughts;心空万象提寸毫 老蔓缠松饱霜雪——陆游的书学思想探析
12.The official title of the person is 'Justiteombudsman', but the Swedes commonly refer to him as the 'J.O.' or 'Ombudsman'.此人官衔为“司法特派员”,但瑞典人一般管他叫“JO”,即“司法特派员”。
13.He let them abuse us and actually encouraged them to beat us."瑞大爷反倒派我们的不是,听着人家骂我们"
14.but the Swedes commonly refer to him as the 'J. O. 'or 'Ombudsman'.但瑞典人一般管他叫“J. O. ”,即“司法特派员”。
15.French-born Swiss theologian whose tenets defined Presbyterianism (1509-1564).用自己的原则定义长老派主义的法籍瑞士人。
16.Effect of rebamipide combined with famotidine in the treatment of active gastric ulcer in 61 patients瑞巴派特联合法莫替丁治疗活动期胃溃疡61例
17.Li Ruiqing,Hu Xiaoshi and You Shou and Their Eqigraphic Arts Epigraphic Art Passes on Till Today金石书派 百年传承——李瑞清 胡小石 游寿其人其艺
18.Brent gave all of his friends invitations to his birthday party.伯瑞特邀请所有朋友参加他的生日派对。

1.The efficacy of Pevisone cream in treating 49 cases of chronic dermatitis or chronic eczema;派瑞松治疗慢性皮炎湿疹49例近期疗效观察
2.Study of the impact of hand eczema on the quality of life and its improvement by using of pevisone;手部湿疹对生活质量的影响及派瑞松对其改善的研究
3)Pevisone paste派瑞松软膏
4)Pevisone externals派瑞松外用
1.Objective:To evaluate clinical response of Chinese herbs Bath Plus Narrowband Uvb Plus Pevisone externals oh Psoriasis Vulgaris.目的:评价综合疗法(中药药浴、NB-UVB光疗、派瑞松外用)治疗寻常型银屑病的临床疗效及不良反应。
6)Compound Econazole Nitrate Cream复方硝酸益康唑乳膏,派瑞松乳膏

派瑞松 ,复方达克宁药物名称:复方达克宁英文名:别名: 派瑞松 ,复方达克宁 成分: 曲安奈德1%,盐酸可卡因 适应症:湿疹,由真菌和细菌感染所致的炎症性皮肤病。由表皮癣菌,酵母菌,和霉样菌所致的炎症性皮真菌病。身体皱褶处的真菌感染及继发性细菌或混合感染。潮湿,渗出,急性及亚急性皮肤病。也可以用于甲沟炎,念珠菌性口角炎,尿布性皮炎,浅表脓皮病。 用量用法: 将本品涂于皮肤感染处,轻轻涂抹。 禁忌: 皮肤结核,梅毒,或病毒感染。 不良反应: 偶见过敏反应。 注意事项: 不要用于孕妇,特别是妊娠首三个月的妇女,除非其潜在效果明显大于可能发生的危害。 规格: 霜剂:5克,15克 类别:皮肤病用药