1.Determination of epinastine hydrochloride in human plasma by RP-HPLC;RP-HPLC测定人血浆中盐酸依匹斯汀浓度及其药动学
2.Clinical effect of epinastine treating patients with dermatitis eczema;依匹斯汀缓解皮炎湿疹患者临床症状的疗效评价
3.Clinical study of human placenta tissue fluid combined with Epinastine in treatment of the chronic urticaria.依匹斯汀联合人胎盘组织液治疗慢性荨麻疹的临床研究

1.Preparation and Application of Ion-Selective Electrode of Epinastine Hydrochloride盐酸依匹斯汀离子选择性电极的研制与应用
2.Clinical study of human placenta tissue fluid combined with Epinastine in treatment of the chronic urticaria.依匹斯汀联合人胎盘组织液治疗慢性荨麻疹的临床研究
3.Determination of Main Component in Epinastine Hydrochloride Tablets by UV Spectrophotometry紫外分光光度法测定盐酸依匹斯汀片中主药的含量
4.Clinical Efficacy of Epinastine in Combination with Compound Glycyrrhizin for Chronic Eczema依匹斯汀联合复方甘草酸苷治疗慢性湿疹临床观察
5.Effect of Espinastine Combined with Injection of Extracts from Rabbit Skin Inflamed by Vaccinia Virus in Treating Chronic Urticaria依匹斯汀联合牛痘疫苗致炎兔皮提取物注射液治疗慢性荨麻疹的临床观察
6.Treatment of chronic urticaria with ebastine依巴斯汀治疗慢性荨麻疹临床疗效观察
7.Efficacy of ebastine on chronic idiopathic urticaria依巴斯汀治疗慢性特发性荨麻疹的疗效
8.Conclusion Ultraviolet spectrophotography was applicable for the assay of the release rate of EDST.结论紫外分光光度法可用于富马酸依美斯汀释放度的测定。
9.Objective To prepare Emedastine Difumarate Sustained-release Tablets(EDST),and develop a method for the determination of drug release rate.目的制备富马酸依美斯汀缓释片,并建立其释放度测定方法。
10.Efficacy of Qifeng Particles And Ebastine in Treatment of Chronic Urticaria(Report of 50 cases)芪风颗粒和依巴斯汀联合治疗慢性荨麻疹50例临床疗效观察
11.Clinical Observation of Runzao Zhiyang Capsule Combined with Ebastine in Treatment of Chronic Urticaria润燥止痒胶囊联合依巴斯汀治疗慢性荨麻疹疗效观察
12.Efficacy of the combination therapy with BCG-polysaccharide nucleic acid and ebastine in the treatment of chronic urticaria卡介菌多糖核酸联合依巴斯汀治疗慢性荨麻疹的疗效观察
13.Clinical observation of compound glycyrrhizin combined with ebastine in treatment of chronic urticaria复方甘草酸苷联合依巴斯汀治疗慢性荨麻疹临床疗效观察
14.Clinical Observation of BCG-PSN Combined with Ebastine in Treatment of Chronic Urticaria卡介菌多糖、核酸联合依巴斯汀治疗慢性荨麻疹46例的疗效观察
15.Raoul: Christine, Christine, let me see her.劳尔:克里斯汀,克里斯汀,让我看见她。
16.Westinghouse Electric Corp.威斯汀豪斯电气公司
17.WABC (Westinghouse Air Brake Co.)威斯汀豪斯气闸公司
18.Study on Bioequivalence of pitavastatin capsules in Chinese Healthy Volunteers匹伐他汀钙胶囊人体生物等效性研究

epinastine hydrochloride依匹斯汀
1.Epinastine hydrochloride is a kind of histamine Hx antagonist, and it is mainly usedto cure hypersensitiveness disease such as Asthmatic bronchitis, allergic rhinitis, allergicdermatitis and so on.依匹斯汀是一种组胺H_1拮抗剂,主要用于治疗支气管哮喘、过敏性鼻炎、变应性皮肤病等变态性疾病。
3)Epinastine hydrochloride盐酸依匹斯汀
1.Pharmacokinetics and bioequivalence of epinastine hydrochloride,a histamine H_1 receptor antagonist,in healthy Chinese volunteers;组胺H_1受体拮抗剂盐酸依匹斯汀片人体药动学与生物等效性研究(英文)
2.A headspace gas chromatography method for the determination of solvent residual in epinastine hydrochloride was established.建立顶空气相色谱法分析盐酸依匹斯汀中溶剂残留。
3.Objective To prepare and apply the ion-selective electrode of epinastine hydrochloride for the determination of epinastine hydrochloride.目的探讨盐酸依匹斯汀离子选择性电极的研制方法及其在含量测定中的应用。
4)epinastine hydrochloride tablets盐酸依匹斯汀片
1.Pharmacokinetics and relative bioavailiability of epinastine hydrochloride tablets in Chinese healthy volunteers;盐酸依匹斯汀片在健康人体的药代动力学和相对生物利用度
5)Epinastine hydrochloride依匹斯汀盐酸盐
6)Epinastine hydrobromide依匹斯汀氢溴酸盐
