火把花根,Colquhoumia root
1)Colquhoumia root火把花根
1.Objective To investigate the effect of Colquhoumia root on expression of TGF-β1 and Smad3 in kidney tissue of Mesangial Proliferative Glomerulonephritis(MsPGN) rats.目的探讨火把花根对MsPGN大鼠TGF-β1和Smad3表达的影响。

1.Clinical Observation of Colquhounia Root Tablet on DN;火把花根片干预糖尿病肾病进展的临床研究
2.Clinical and Laboratory Investigation on the Effect of Colquhounia Root Tablet in the Treatment of Acne;火把花根片治疗痤疮的疗效观察及实验研究
3.The Pilot Study of Anti-inflammation Mechanism of Huobahuagen Tablet on the Airway of Asthmatic Guinea Pigs;火把花根片对哮喘豚鼠气道抗炎机制的初步研究
4.The Experimental Study on Protective Effects of Colquhounia Root on Rats of Acute Lung Injury Induced by Oleic Acid;火把花根对油酸致大鼠急性肺损伤的保护作用的实验研究
5.So he took a hollow reed, went up to Olympus, stole the red flower of fire, and brought it down to earth in his reed.于是,他带了一根空心的芦苇到奥林匹斯山去偷红色的火花,并把火花装入芦管带到了人间。
6.He struck a light, kindled a fire, and trusted the club into it.他擦亮一根火柴,生起炉子,把木棍塞进炉火。
7.He struck a match and lit the lamp.他擦着一根火柴把灯点着。
8.Spit the mutton on this stick and turn it over the fire.把羊肉叉在这根棍子上,在火上翻烤。
9.The slightest spark or an open flame can blow us all to hell.轻微的火花和明火都会把我们打下地狱
10.We made a bonfire of dead leaves in the garden.我们在花园里点燃火堆把枯叶烧掉.
11."Let's parch corn! Stir up the fire!"“咱们爆玉米花吧,把炉火通旺
12.He rubbed two stones together to produce sparks.他把两块石头相互碰擦而产生火花。
13.He lightly struck another match and let his cigarette dangle from the corner of his mouth.他又轻轻擦亮了一根火柴,然后把烟咬在嘴角。
14.For he deliberately stamped upon the fuse and put it out.原来他特意跑去踩那根引线,把火踩灭了。
15.The snake then wound itself round the wires. When it did so, it sent sparks down to the ground and these immediately started a fire.蛇身便缠绕在电线上。当蛇缠绕电线的时候,就把火花传到了地上,这些火花立刻引起一场大火。
16.The snake then wound itself round the wires. it sent spare sparks down to the ground and these immediately started a fire.蛇身便缠绕在电线上。就把火花传到了地上,这些火花立刻引起了一场大火。
17.You want to start the car when the spark plug is broken?!火花塞都坏掉了, 你还想把车子发动起来?!
18.It took the firemen nearly two hours to put the blaze out.消防队员花了近两个小时才把大火扑灭。

Colquhounia root火把花根
1.Colquhounia root effectively eliminate proteinuria secondary to chronic allograft nephrology;火把花根片治疗慢性移植肾肾病的临床研究
2.Study of Colquhounia root on IgA nephropathy;火把花根治疗IgA肾病的研究
3)Colquhounia root tablet火把花根片
1.Colquhounia root tablet inhibits the expression of adhesion molecule in acute lung injury of rats;火把花根片抑制大鼠急性肺损伤黏附分子表达
2.Experimental Study of Colquhounia Root Tablet in Reducing Acute Graft Versus Host Disease in Bone Marrow Transplantation Mice Model;火把花根片在小鼠骨髓移植模型中减轻急性移植物抗宿主病的实验研究
3.Clinical and Laboratory Investigation on the Effect of Colquhounia Root Tablet in the Treatment of Acne;火把花根片治疗痤疮的疗效观察及实验研究
4)huobahuagen tablet火把花根片
1.Effects of Huobahuagen tablet on the expression of interleukin-3receptor mRNA in asthmatic guinea pig bronchoalveolar lavage fluid and eosinophil infiltration;火把花根片对哮喘豚鼠肺泡灌洗液白细胞介素3受体mRNA的表达及嗜酸性粒细胞浸润的影响
2.Background and ObjectiveHuobahuagen tablet, a traditional Chinese medicine which is peeled skin and then whose root is made into medicine, belongs to celastraceae common threewingnut root genus.火把花根片是由重庆中药研究院研制的纯中药制剂,临床研究表明,火把花根片具有良好的抗炎及免疫调节作用,对银屑病、慢性肾炎、类风湿性关节炎、结节性红斑等多种自身免疫性疾病有显著疗效,但是无激素的毒副作用,病人的依从性较好。
5)Thiram Ziram火把
1.Toxicity of Thiram Ziram on Colletotrichum gloeosporioides;火把对柑桔炭疽病菌的室内毒力试验

水团花根【通用名称】水团花根【其他名称】水团花根 (《泉州本草》) 【来源】茜草科植物水团花的根,植物形态详"水团花"条。 【采集】全年可采。 【化学成分】含生物碱、黄酮甙、挥发油、鞣质、氨基酸、还原糖。 【性味】广州部队《常用中草药手册》:"苦涩,凉。" 【功用主治】清热利湿,行瘀消肿。治感冒咳嗽,肝炎,腮腺炎,关节炎,跌打损伤。 【用法与用量】内服:煎汤,0.5~1两(鲜者1~2两)。外用:捣敷。 【选方】①治感冒发热,上呼吸道炎,腮腺炎:水团花干根五钱至一两或鲜根一至二两,水煎服。(广州部队《常用中草药手册》) ②治肝炎:水团花鲜根、薏米鲜根、虎杖鲜根各一两。水煎调糖服。(《福建中草药》) ③治跌打损伤:水团花鲜根皮和胡椒少许,同捣烂外敷。(《福建中草药》)