暴露性角膜炎,exposure keratitis
1)exposure keratitis暴露性角膜炎

1.A Case with Exposure Keratitis Caused by Orbital Region Pyoderma Gangrenosum眼周坏疽性脓皮病致暴露性角膜炎1例
2.Use of Human Corneal Epithelial Cells for Eye Irritation and Inflammation Assessment应用重组人类眼角膜细胞模型评估眼暴露刺激与炎症反应
3.The abdominal cavity is opened at autopsy here to reveal an extensive purulent peritonitis that resulted from rupture of the colon.图示尸解打开腹膜腔,暴露出结肠穿孔引起的广泛化脓性腹膜炎。
4.Study on short time exposure test of rabbit corneal epithelial cells:an alternative to rabbit eye irritation test兔角膜上皮细胞短期暴露实验替代兔眼刺激实验的可行性研究
5.epidemic keratoconjunctivitis【医】流行性角膜对膜炎
6.bovine infectious keratoconjunctivitis牛传染性角膜结膜炎
7.epidemic conjunctivitis流行性结膜炎;暴发火眼;急性触染性结膜炎
8.Penetrating keratoplasty in fungal keratitis穿透性角膜移植治疗真菌性角膜炎
9.acute fulminating meningococcemia急性暴发性脑膜炎球菌血症
10.Keratitis Inflammation of the cornea. The conjunctiva may also be inflamed (keratoconjunctivitis).角膜炎:角膜的炎症。结膜也会发炎(角膜结膜炎)。
11.Clinical analysis of 58 cases of herpetic keratouveitis病毒性角膜葡萄膜炎58例临床分析
12.Treatment of viral keratitis associatie with uveitis of 178 Cases;178例病毒性角膜炎伴发色素膜炎治疗分析
13.Effects of exposure to intense noise on acute and chronic injury of gastric mucosa in rats强噪声暴露对大鼠急慢性胃粘膜损伤的影响
14.Laser confocal corneal microscopy: A new diagnostic option for fungal keratitis激光角膜共焦显微镜观察真菌性角膜炎的研究
15.The Study on Deep Lamellar Keratoplasty for the Infected Corneal Ulcer深板层角膜移植治疗感染性角膜炎的临床分析
16.Late onset diffuse lamellar keratitis after LASIKLASIK术后迟发性弥漫性板层角膜炎
17.Clinical analysis of 118 cases with infectious keratitis118例感染性角膜炎的回顾性分析
18.Adenoviral conjunctivo-corneal epithelitis:an unusual clinical presentation of epidemic keratoconjunctivitis study临床表现罕见的流行性角结膜炎1例:腺病毒角结膜上皮炎(英文)

The exposed angle暴露角度
3)sclera uncovered巩膜暴露
1.Excision of pterygium with sclera uncovered and using mitomycin.;辅用丝裂霉素的巩膜暴露法翼状胬肉手术
4)acute ceratitis急性角膜炎
1.) METHODS:Anti-inflammatory effects of Musk Eye Drops on acute ceratitis in mice was observed with the models of mouse auricle edema induced by dimethylbenzene and acute conjunctivitis caused by Croton oil,and acute ceratitis resulting from surgical injury.方法:采用二甲苯致小鼠耳肿胀、巴豆油所致家兔急性结膜炎模型以及家兔角膜手术外伤引起的急性角膜炎模型,观察麝香滴眼液的抗炎作用。
6)acute keraconjunctivitis急性角膜结膜炎
