糠秕孢子菌毛囊炎,Pityrosporum Folliculitis
1)Pityrosporum Folliculitis糠秕孢子菌毛囊炎
1.Comparison of Three Methods in Treating Pityrosporum Folliculitis on Face and Neck;面、颈部糠秕孢子菌毛囊炎三种治疗方法比较
2.Clinical observation of treatment in pityrosporum folliculitis by physical medical methods;糠秕孢子菌毛囊炎物理治疗的疗效观察

1.Efficacy of fluconazole combined with autotransfusion on pityrosporllm folliculitis patients氟康唑与自血联合治疗糠秕孢子菌毛囊炎的疗效观察
2.Clinical Experimental Study on Shuanghuajiedutang in Treating Pityrosporum Folliculitis.;双花解毒汤治疗糠秕孢子菌性毛囊炎的研究
3.Objective To evaluate the value of Parker ink staining rapidly in diagnosing tinea versicolor and pityrosporum folliculitis.目的 评价派克墨水染色在快速诊断花斑癣及糠秕孢子菌性毛囊炎中的价值。
4.Study on Quxie Lotion in Treatment of Seborrheic Dermatitis on Scalp and Effection on Sebum Excretionrate and Mlassezia Furfur;祛屑洗剂治疗头部脂溢性皮炎的研究及对皮脂、糠秕孢子菌的影响
5.A small flask-shaped fruiting body in ascomycetous fungi that contains the ascospores.子囊壳某些含有子囊的孢子囊菌的瓶状小实体
6.Ascospore One of (usually) eight haploid spores produced inside an ASCUS by members of the phylum Ascomycota.子囊孢子:在子囊菌中,子囊内进行减数分裂产生的孢子,通常是8个。
7.A sperm-producing organ occurring in seedless plants, fungi, and algae.孢子囊,精子囊无籽植物,菌类植物和藻类植物的孢子囊
8.The Study of Differential Gene Expression between Yeast and Mycelial Phase of Malasesiza Furfur;糠秕马拉色菌菌丝态和酵母态基因表达差异的研究
9.Screening of the Differential Expression Gene in Yeast and Mycelial Phase of Malassezia furfur糠秕马拉色菌菌丝态和酵母态细胞差异表达片段的筛选
10.A sexually produced fungal spore formed within an ascus.子囊孢子形成于子囊内由雌雄结合产生的真菌孢子
11.Isolation of Malassezia furfur from the Groin Abscess of a Renal Transplant Patient肾移植患者皮肤脓肿分离出糠秕马拉色菌1例报道
12.Effects of blue light therapy on acne and Malassezia furfur蓝光对痤疮患者的疗效及对糠秕马拉色菌的影响
13.A disk-shaped or cup-shaped ascocarp of some lichens and the fungi Ascomycetes.子囊盘,裸子器某些地衣和子囊菌的盘状或杯状子囊孢子
14.The Determination of Giardia Theca and Cryptosporidium Capsule in Water by Immuno-fluorescence Method免疫荧光法测定水中贾第鞭毛虫孢囊和隐孢子虫卵囊
15.puff-ball (type of fungus with a ball-shaped spore-case that bursts open when it is ripe)马勃菌(有球状孢子囊,成熟时即裂开).
16.Comparison of Three Molecular Classification Characteristics of Streptosporangium Strains链孢囊菌属3种分子分类方法的对比
17.Zoosporangium (pl. zoosporangia) A sporangium that produces ZOOSPORES.游动孢子囊:产生游动孢子的孢子囊。
18.The spore-bearing layer of the fruiting body of certain fungi, containing asci or basidia.子实属某些真菌的果实的带有孢子的层面,含有子囊或者孢子室

1.Clinical study of acne vulgaris of difficult treatment complicationg with infection of pityrosporum or demodex folliculorum;难治性寻常型痤疮合并糠秕孢子菌及螨虫感染的临床观察
2.Objective To summarize the d iagnostic and therapeutic experiences of pityrosporum folliculitis.目的总结糠秕孢子菌性毛囊炎诊断治疗经验。
3.Objective To discuss the clinical observation of the treatment of Pityrosporum folliculitis Method For the 70 definitely pityrosporum folliculitis patients,the Ketoconazole was taken 200mg,once a day,and Bifonazole Gel externally once a day for 4 weeks.目的探讨治疗糠秕孢子菌毛囊炎的有效方法。
3)Pityrosporum furfur糠秕孢子菌
1.Results Within 473 cases, Pityrosporum furfur was isolated in 349 cases (73.结果检出糠秕孢子菌349例,占73。
4)pityrosporum orbiculare糠秕孢子菌
1.The role of pityrosporum orbiculare in acne vulgaris;糠秕孢子菌对寻常痤疮影响的临床研究
5)Microsporon furfur糠秕小孢子菌
6)Malassezia furfur糠秕马拉色菌
1.Investigation of the Malassezia furfur bacteria carrier rate of infantile eczema seborrheica;婴儿脂溢性湿疹糠秕马拉色菌带菌率调查分析
2.Isolation of Malassezia furfur from the Groin Abscess of a Renal Transplant Patient;肾移植患者皮肤脓肿分离出糠秕马拉色菌1例报道
3.Detection of serum IgG, IgM and IgA against Malassezia furfur in the patients with seborrheic dermatitis and its clinical significance;脂溢性皮炎患者血清中抗糠秕马拉色菌抗体的检测及其临床意义
