1.A method of constructing payload of packets in background traffic with dictionary;背景流量中报文负载的字典构造方法
2.The Comparison of the Characters Explanation in Xin Hua Dictionary and Modern Chinese Wordbook;《新华字典》与《现代汉语词典》字头释义的比较
3.In this algorithm the weld image is dealt with based on Laplacian operator with offset, and 12 dictionary models for the processed image are established with allowable structure.该算法首先对含有裂纹缺陷的图像采用基于偏移量的Laplacian算子进行检测处理,对处理后的图像建立有12个基本容许结构的字典模型,应用字典法提供有效的搜索方法,通过迭代,从邻近目标中提取越来越多的上下文信息处理,有效去除噪声,提取裂纹缺陷。

1.A lexicon, vocabulary, or dictionary.字典辞典、词汇或字典
2.walking dictionary [ encyclopedia ]活字典[百科全书]
3.It's in the dictionary as well.那个字字典里也有。
4.This dictionary has sixty thousand entries.这本字典有六万字。
5.The small pocket dictionary was expanded into a larger volume.该袖珍字典增订为较大的字典
6.This dictionary has been enlarged/expanded into a full-sized one这本字典已增订为大型字典
7.The small pocket dictionary was expanded into a full-sized one.该袖珍小字典经扩充成为大型字典
8.I used her dictionary. I did not use your dictionary.我用她的字典。我没有用你的字典
9.Influence of the Forms of Explaining Word Characters in Vocabulary on Modern Dictionary;《字汇》释字体例对现代字典的影响
10.A Survey of Some Unidentified Chinese Characters in the Chinese Dictionary and the Central Chinese Big Dictionary;《汉语大字典》《中华字海》未识字考
11.She is, as it were, a walking dictionary.她可以说是一部活字典
12.a walking dictionary,encyclopedia,etc活字典、活百科全书等
13.There are two columns on each page of this dictionary.这本字典每页分为两栏。
14.This dictionary has an entirely new type-setting.这本字典排版很新。
15.data pool dictionary entry format数据库字典输入格式
16.computerized dictionary.用计算机存储的字典
17.She has a nice pocket dictionary .她有本很棒的袖珍字典
18.Can I borrow your dictionary?借用一下字典,好吗?

dict. (dictionary)字典,辞典
4)Sawndip Sawdenj《古壮字字典》
1.Study on the Sawndip Based on Sawndip Sawdenj;《古壮字字典》方块古壮字研究
5)data dictionary数据字典
1.Design and realization of data dictionary management system;数据字典管理系统的设计和实现
2.Using data dictionary to implement the schema evolution of object-oriented database;利用数据字典实现面向对象数据库的模式演进
3.Software precautionary maintennance design based on data dictionary;基于数据字典的软件预防性维护设计
6)PRB dictionaryPRB字典库
