1.A Genius in Despair and Despair in a Genius: Interpreting R. W. Fassbinder;绝望的天才与天才的绝望——解读法斯宾德
2.Lu Hsun s Despair:Voice of the Dark-Hearted People Present;鲁迅的绝望:心灵黑暗的在场者的声音
3.The Despair of Resisting Despair——On LuXuns despairing consciousness fome the childrens images in 《NAHAN》 and 《PANGHUANG》;反抗绝望绝望——从《呐喊》《彷徨》中的小孩子形象看鲁迅的精神困境

1.Do not hope without despair, nor despair without hope.勿抱无绝望的希望,勿存无希望的绝望
2.It will uplift me in moments of despair yet it will calm me in time of exultation.绝望时,使我振作;
3.Loess, he had thought despairingly.黄土,他绝望地想。
4.Shame, Despair, Solitude!耻辱,绝望,孤寂!
5.One hope is too like despair有种希望太和绝望相似,
6.Hope is the antithesis of despair.希望是绝望的对立面
7.From One Despair to another--The Spiritual Journey in Novels by Yu Hua;从绝望绝望——余华小说的精神之旅
8.On Nabokov s Novel Despair;我们缘何绝望——纳博科夫小说《绝望》简论
9.Characterized by or resulting from despair; hopeless.绝望的以绝望为特征的,由于绝望而引起的;没有希望的
10.struggle desperatel拼命地斗争,绝望地挣扎
11.even in times of pain and despair.即使在痛苦绝望的时刻。
12.At this dark and hopeless moment,正在这灰心绝望的时刻,
13.Despair overclouded his face.他脸带绝望的愁容。
14.Finally, the exasperated professor begged,最后,教授绝望地恳求道:
15.a morass of confusion, doubt, despair, etc困惑、 怀疑、 绝望等的境地
16.in desperate straits.处于几近绝望的境地
17.He smashed the watch in frustration.他在绝望中把手表砸了。
18.He stole the money in desperation.他在绝望中偷了钱。

1.ZHANG Jie s Desperation and Disenchantment——From Never Forget Love to Without Word;张洁的绝望与超越——从《爱,是不能忘记的》到《无字》
2.On the gothic and mysterious atmosphere and psychological process of desperation;恐怖神秘的气氛和绝望的心理历程——《年轻的布朗大爷》的文体魅力
3.It is found that they have shared not only the emotional experience-fear and desperation,but also the anti-reason on speculative philosophy.十九世纪两位伟大的思想家克尔凯郭尔和托尔斯泰在对人的生存意义的探索中,不仅抱有着相似的情绪体验——恐惧和绝望,而且对思辨哲学有着同样的反理性思考,并最终以皈依宗教来实现精神上的回归,达到伟人之思的精神契合。
1.This novel has two juxtaposing topics,one is the outward hopelessness which is overt,and the other is the hopefulness in the depth which is concealed.这部作品有两个并存的主题:一个是显性的,即表面的绝望;另一个是隐性的,即深层的希望。
2.This thesis analyzes Shen Congwen s loneliness of existence and hopelessness in the "lunacy" period.沈从文“精神失常”时期 ,存在着孤独与绝望 ,造成这种“精神失常”有其外部原因 ,更重要的是沈从文的内心世界 ,正是这种“绝望的抗战”的精神的表
3.There has a significant link between social problem solving deficits and maladjustment, and Problem-solving appraisal is an important predicting variable in hopelessness、depression and suicide ideation.社会问题解决能力的缺陷与不良适应之间存在显著的相关,而且问题解决能力的评估是预测绝望、抑郁和自杀意念的重要变量。
1.A Textual Game between Reality and Fiction: On the Postmodernism Characteristics in Nabokov s Despair;虚构与真实之间的游戏——《绝望》的后现代主义特征
2.The Double "Similarity" of Nabokov s Despairand His True Intention;论纳博科夫《绝望》的两个“相像性”及其真实意图
3.On Nabokov s Novel Despair;我们缘何绝望——纳博科夫小说《绝望》简论
5)hope and despair希望与绝望
1.The writer will make a comparison study between their views of enlightenment, history, life and themselves from“care and existence”,“hope and despair”and“analysis and split”to build up the spiritual system of Lu Xun and Mu Dan and discuss its value and meaning.本文将从“存在与关怀”、“希望与绝望”、“自剖与分裂”三个方面入手,对鲁迅和穆旦的启蒙观、历史观与人生观、自我观等方面进行比较研究,尝试建立起鲁迅和穆旦的精神谱系,并论及其价值和意义。
6)despair and hope绝望与希望
1.Maodun and Luxun lingered between despair and hope on many occasions.茅盾与鲁迅屡屡地在绝望与希望之间徘徊 ,绝望与希望的对抗在鲁迅与茅盾的作品中形成了一组巨大的张力。
