1.Effect of augmentation training of anti-seasickness habituation on preventing seasickness;抗眩晕预适应强化训练对预防晕船的作用
2.Investigation and analysis of incidence rate of seasickness during sea training;海上训练晕船发生率的调查分析

1.a good [ bad ] sailor不晕船[晕船]的人
2.The swing of the ship made many people seasick.船的摇摆使许多人晕船
3.I would be airsick. (Ship sick) Please give me some pills.我有一点晕机(晕船)可否给我一些晕机(船)药?
4.Hsin-mei said, "It's a little rough now.Do you feel seasick?"辛楣说:“这时候有点风浪,你晕船晕船?”
5.I thought you were a good sailor.我以为你不晕船的。
6.I'm no sailor and I couldn't wait to reach dry land.我晕船, 恨不得立刻上岸.
7.I get sea-sick sometimes when the sea is rough.海浪大时我有时会晕船
8.The passengers who felt seasick stayed below.晕船的乘客待在下层.
9.Jake: I can't go near boats. I get seasick.杰克:我就不能靠近船。我晕船
10.If she were not a poor sailor, she would go by steamer.要不是因为晕船,她就坐船去了。
11.Research on Female Sailors Anti-seasickness and Physical-psychological Health Interventions in Hospital Ship.;医院船女船员抗晕船与心身健康干预的研究
12.She was very much worried about getting seasick, but fellow-travellors laughed her out of it.她很担心会晕船,可是旅伴们同她说说笑笑,使她忘了晕船的事。
13.Research of the Changes in the Supply of Blood and Oxygen in Rats Brain Constitution after Seasickness and the Anti-seasickness Effects of a Mixture of Chinese Traditional Medicine;晕船大鼠脑组织供血供氧变化及扩血管中药抗晕船作用研究
14.Screen of seasickness behavior indices of simulated seasickness in rats and observation of adaptability rules模拟晕船大鼠晕船行为学指标的筛选及适应规律的观察
15.If it is not, and you are likely to get seasick,如果大海肆虐起来,你就可能晕船
16.The sea was rough and half the passengers were seasick.海面波涛汹涌,半数旅客晕船
17.being also a little Sea sick still;再加上有些晕船,更是打不起精神来。
18.Especially when I feel seasick, I can't stand watching someone else vomiting."尤其晕船的时候,看不得人家呕。”

Sea sickness晕船
1.Sea sickness in medical workers on board hospital ships;医院船医务人员晕船病发生状况的调查
2.Objective: To observe the changes of free amino acids (FAAs) in plasma and brain of rats during simulated sea sickness and post–adaptation.目的:通过观察模拟晕船及适应后大鼠血浆及脑内游离氨基酸含量变化,为进一步研究防治晕船的营养干预措施提供实验依据。
3.The mental and physical fatigue induced by sea sickness significantly impaired working performance of marine troops, and it is important to relieve the fatigue after sea sickness.晕船造成的脑力和体能的下降严重影响部队海上作业能力,因此促进晕船后脑体功能的快速恢复至关重要。
3)motion sickness晕动(病)(晕车、晕船)
4)What kind of sailor are you?你晕船不晕船?
5)What kind of a sailor are you?你晕船不晕船
1.Objective To investigate the relation between heart rate variability (HRV) and seasickness, and to explore the physiological parameter for prediction of susceptibility of seasickness.目的分析心率变异性(heart rate variability,HRV)与晕船病的关系,探索预测晕船病易感性的生理指标。
2.Objective To establish synthetic training project for preventing seasickness and evaluation method.目的通过对209名大学生晕船病易感性预测,对其中128名大学生进行预防晕船病训练和训练效果评估,以建立预防晕船病综合训练方案和评估方法。
