1.Penumbra assessment of acute cerebral ischemic in rats by CT perfusion;CT灌注成像对大鼠急性脑梗死缺血半暗带的判定
2.Observation on penumbra of perihematoma in patient with hypertensive cerebral hemorrhage;高血压脑出血血肿周围半暗带的超微结构改变
3.Relationship between amyloid precursor protein mRNA expression in ischemic penumbra and infarct size of rats;大鼠脑缺血再灌注半暗带β淀粉样前蛋白mRNA表达与梗死体积的关系

1.The Reserch on the Penumbra Surrounding the Hematoma of the Patients with Intracerebral Hemorrhage;脑出血患者血肿周边“半暗带”初步研究
2.Imaging Evolution of Brain Ischemic Penumbra: Experimental Study;脑缺血半暗带影像学演变规律的实验研究
3.The Experimental Study on the Perihematomal Penumbra and Its Time Window;血肿周围半暗带及其时间窗的实验研究
4.Experimental Study of the Influencing of Acupuncture on Ischemic Penumbra after Wistar Rats Focal Ischemia;针刺对MCAO大鼠缺血半暗带影响的基础研究
5.The Investigation of DWI Evolution of Brain Ischemia Penumbrain Hyperacute and Acute Stages;超急性与急性期脑缺血半暗带演变的DWI研究
6.Blood Oxygenation Level Dependent(BOLD) and Measurement of Brain Temperature with Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy for Ischemic Penumbra: Experimental Study;BOLD及MRS脑温测量对缺血半暗带的价值:实验研究
7.Assessment of ischemic penumbra in patients with cerebral infarction by radionuclide brain imaging脑核素显像对脑梗塞患者缺血半暗带的评价
8.Effects of folic acid,vitamin B_6 and vitamin B_(12) on ischemic penumbra in cerebral ischemia rats叶酸联合维生素B_6/B_(12)对脑缺血半暗带区影响
9.STUDY SELECTION? The literatures about penumbra were selected primarily. Inclusive criteria? ①The development on the definition of the penumbra.资料选择:对资料进行初审,纳入标准:①关于半暗带的定义的研究发展。
10.MRI study on graphic-penumbra of the hyperacute infarct with diffusion weighted imaging and perfusion imaging磁共振扩散加权和灌注成像对超急性期脑梗死影像半暗带的研究
11.Clinical Research on the Cerebral Ischemic Penumbra Definition and the Non-Invasive Brain Edema Monitoring;脑缺血半暗带界定及无创脑水肿监护的临床研究
12.An Experimental Study of Ischemic Penumbra in Rabbits with Magnetic Resonance Diffusion and Perfusion Weighted Imaging;兔脑缺血半暗带磁共振扩散和灌注加权成像的实验研究
13.Effect of Thoracic Epidural Sympathetic Block on Ischemical Penumbral Apoptosis in Rats;胸段硬膜外交感神经阻滞对大鼠脑缺血半暗带细胞凋亡的影响
14.The Effect of the Expression of SYN and GAP-43 on the Scaple Penetration Accupancture for Rat with Acute Cerebral Infarction;头穴透刺法对急性脑梗死大鼠缺血半暗带SYN及GAP-43表达的影响
15.An Experimental Research of Ischemic Penumbra of Acute Cerebral Infarction by Using Diffusion-and Perfusion-Weighted Imaging;早期脑梗死缺血半暗带磁共振扩散和灌注加权成像的实验研究
16.Effects of octanol on penumbra following experimental cerebral ischemia/reperfusion缝隙连接阻断剂-辛醇对实验性局灶性脑缺血/再灌注半暗带的影响
17.Up-regulation of electroacupuncture on the expression of neuroglobin in cortical penumbra of MCAO rats电针上调MCAO大鼠皮质缺血半暗带脑红蛋白的表达
18.Effects of Smoking on Cell Apoptosis and Expression Level of Fos Protein in Rat Brain Ischemic Penumbra吸烟对大鼠局灶性脑缺血半暗带内细胞凋亡及Fos蛋白表达的影响

Ischemic penumbra半暗带区
1.Effects of folic acid,vitamin B_6 and vitamin B_(12) on ischemic penumbra in cerebral ischemia rats叶酸联合维生素B_6/B_(12)对脑缺血半暗带区影响
3)ischemic penumbra缺血半暗带
1.Value of magnetic resonance angiography-diffusion mismatch to predict the ischemic penumbra in acute ischemic stroke;磁共振血管成像-弥散成像不匹配对预测急性缺血性脑卒中缺血半暗带的价值
2.Comparative research of ADC value and pathological changes in infarction core and ischemic penumbra after acute cerebral infarction in rabbits;兔急性期脑梗死核心和缺血半暗带磁共振表观扩散系数与病理对照观察
3.Advances of ~(11)C-flumazenil receptor imaging in ischemic penumbra;~(11)C-flumazenil受体显像在缺血半暗带研究中的进展
4)ischemia penumbra缺血半暗带区
1.[Objective] To explore molecular mechanism following focal ischemia, the glutamate receptor subunit 2 (GluR2) protein expression and apoptosis measured in ischemia core (IC)and ischemia penumbra (IP)of adult rats at various recirculation times (1h, 1, 3, 7, 15 and 30 day) following a 120-min period of middle cerebral artery occlusion (MCAO).结果再灌1h,缺血侧中心区(ischemiacoreIC)与缺血半暗带区(ischemiapenumbra,IP)GluR2蛋白表达与对照组无差异。
5)Vessel injury penumbra血管损伤半暗带
6)ischemic penumbra脑缺血半暗带

暗带暗带 超声学术语。声像图上表示无回声或低回声的灰暗条带。大小、清晰度和连续与否不拘。最常见的是血管、胆道等结构的声像表现。