1.The internalization and externalization of the management concept of newly-built universities;新建高校办学理念的内化与外化
2.The Framework Design of the Operational Mechanism of Financial Accounting Function Externalization;财务会计职能外化运行机制的框架设计
3.Application of externalization and internalization education in physical education in university;内化教学与外化教学在高校体育教学过程中的应用

1.From Externalization to Internalization: On the Orientation of FLT Teachers’Development;从外化到内化:谈外语教师发展的方向
2.Located outside the alimentary canal.肠胃外的,非肠胃的位于消化道外的
3.We will continue to utilize foreign funds and optimize the mix of foreign investment.继续积极利用外资,优化外商投资结构。
4.Deepen FX reforms and promote FX market development;深化外汇体制改革 促进外汇市场发展
5.Optimizing the Foreign Language Education with the Perspective of Brand Strategy;树立“大外语”观,优化中国外语教育
6.How to Join Foreign Culture in Foreign Language Teaching;怎样在外语教学中导入外族文化因素
7.Extraterritorial Culture:Li Wenshan s Extraterritorial Travel Prose;域外文化个案:李文珊的域外游记散文
8.Der Einfluss von der fremden Kultur-Die Charakteristik der Fremdwrter in der deutschen Sprache;外来文化的影响——德语外来词的特征
9.Developing Service Outsourcing and Optimizing the Export Structure of Foreign Trade大力发展服务外包 优化外贸出口结构
10.Trade Policy Adjustment in the Course of Domestic and Foreign Trade Integration内外贸一体化中的对外贸易政策调整
11.the worseningdiplomatic situation日趋恶化的外交局面
12.non-weaponization of outer space外层空间的非武器化
13.(physiology) located outside the alimentary tract.(生理学)位于消化道外的。
14.infrared carbon dioxide analyser红外线二氧化碳分析器
15.chalcogenide glass mid-infrared fiber硫化物玻璃中红外光纤
16.UV-light activator for resin polymerization紫外线光敏树脂固化器
17.fluoride glass mid-infrared fiber氟化玻璃中红外光纤
18.gallium arsenide ultrared lighting transistor砷化镓红外发光晶体管

1.Alienation and Estrangement and Objectification——The third of Studies of Estrangement and Aesthetics;外化、异化与对象化——“异化与美学”研究之三
2.In terms of social value, art works in network need to experience a process of connotation and alienation; the forms of process are various.就网络艺术作品的社会价值而言 ,它需要经历一个内聚和外化的过程 ,其表现形式呈现多样化。
3.Karl Marx had partly transcended Hegel s dialectics through the transformation of the concept of alienation in Economic and Philosophical Manuscript of 1844.外化是黑格尔辩证法的一个重要范畴 ,在《184 4年经济学哲学手稿》中 ,马克思对这一范畴的批判改造 ,在一定程度上超越了黑格尔。
3)externalization equals alienation外化即异化
4)the inner spends and alienation内化和外化
5)externalization and internalization外化与内化
6)internalization and externalization内化与外化
