1.Effect of nimotop on the long-term learning and memory and astrocytes in perinatal rats after hypoxia-ischemia;尼莫通对新生大鼠缺氧缺血后学习记忆和海马星形胶质细胞的影响
2.Neuroprotective effects of Mannitol combined with Nimotop in treatment of ischemic reperfusion injury in rats;甘露醇与尼莫通联合应用对大鼠脑缺血再灌注损伤保护机制的研究
3.Effect of Nimotop in treating injuries of optic nerve after brain trauma;尼莫通高压氧对外伤性视神经损伤的治疗

1.The Experimental Study on Brain Protection of Nimotop during Deep Hypothermic Circulatory Arrest in Rats;尼莫通对深低温停循环脑保护作用的实验研究
2.Protective Effect of Nimotop on Acute Cerebral Ischemia-reperfusion Injury in Rabbits尼莫通对兔急性脑缺血再灌流损伤保护作用的研究
3.The research on effects of interrention of LZ,NM to rCBF brain water content and neurological symptoms after ICH in rats川芎嗪、尼莫通对大鼠脑出血后局部脑血流量、脑水份含量及神经行为学干预作用的研究
4.Observation of the Result through Treating Patients with Thrombotic Cerebral Infaration by Xie-Sai-Tong Injection iv gtt and Nimodipine Tebles in Oral;血塞通加尼莫地平治疗血栓性梗塞的疗效观察
5.Detection of nimodipine in tongmaishu capsules by the HPLCHPLC法测定通脉舒胶囊中尼莫地平的含量
6.Monica: It's outside the terminal. Oh, no! A parking ticket!莫尼卡:就在机场大楼外边。哎呀,糟了,违章停车罚款通知单!
7.Effects of Nimotop on Brain AQP4 Expression in Young Rats and Blood-brain Barrier Permeability after Severe Scald尼莫同对严重烫伤幼年大鼠脑内AQP4表达及BBB通透性影响
8.Effect of combination of Xueshuangtong and nimodipine on early cerebral infarction血栓通粉针联合尼莫地平治疗早期脑梗死临床研究
9.Effects of Nimotop on the Expression of AQP4 in the Severe Scald Young Rats' Brain尼莫同对严重烫伤幼年大鼠脑内水通道蛋白4表达的影响
10.Effect of Nimodipine on expression of AQP4 and permeability of BBB after traumatic brain injury创伤性脑损伤后尼莫同对AQP4表达和血脑屏障通透性的影响
11.Clinical Observation of Taiji Tongtian Oral Solution in Combination with Nimodipine in Treatment of Migraine太极通天口服液合用尼莫地平治疗偏头痛的临床疗效观察
12.SIHANOUK, Monique莫尼克·西哈努克(王妃)
13.Fio Banlysa Poliester莫奥贝尼尔塞-聚酯
14.Mojonnier milk tester莫琼尼尔牛乳测定器
15.Money caught up her hair into a bun.莫尼把头发挽成一圆髻。
16.Schumacher, who retired from Formula 1 at the end of last season after a record-breaking career, was presented with his award by FIA president Max Mosley and F1 commercial supremo Bernie Ecclestone.国际汽联主席莫斯利和F1掌门人伯尼·埃克莱斯通共同向已退役的舒马赫颁发了这一荣誉。
17.So far, Palmer has gone by land through Europe and the Middle East, then by sea to India and on to Indonesia.截至目前,帕尔莫从陆路穿越了欧洲和中东地区,通过海路抵达了印度和印度尼西亚。
18.Police investigate a two-car accident on the Crescent Bridge over the Mohawk River in Colonie, N.Y. The drivers of both cars were seriously injured.在纽约州科勒尼市莫霍克河上的新月桥上发生了一起严重的交通事故。

1.Objective To investigate the effect of Nimodipine on expression of related gene in apoptosis after focal cerebral ischemia followed by reperfusion.①目的探讨尼莫通对脑缺血再灌注时细胞凋亡的影响。
2.Dantrium and Nimodipine could dec.应用尼莫通 (Nimodipine)和丹曲林 (Dantrium)对NF κB的活化有调节作用 ,对IL 6和NO亦有下调作用。
3.Objective: To study on brain protection for nimodipine during deep hypotheanic circulatory arrest in rats and discuss the mechanism of wich.目的研究尼莫通(有效成分是尼莫地平,简称NP)对深低温停循环(Deep hypothermic circulatory arrest,DHCA)大鼠的脑组织的超微结构、脑组织含水量变化及自由基损伤的保护作用进而探讨尼莫通的脑保护作用机制。
1.Assessment of Intravenous Nimoton Therapy in Hypertension of Acute Stroke;尼莫通在急性脑卒中患者中的降压作用及安全性
2.Objective:To observe the effects of Shengmai injection(生脉注射液),nimoton and the combination of the two agents on experimental intestinal ischemiareperfusion injury in rabbits.目的 :观察生脉注射液、尼莫通及二者联合应用对家兔实验性肠缺血再灌注损伤的影响。
4)nimotop injection尼莫通注射液
5)Nimotop/therapeutic use尼莫通/治疗应用
1.Preparation and Determination of Physical Properties of Nimodipine Emulsion Injection;尼莫地平注射乳剂制备方法与物理性质的测定
2.Preparation of Nimodipine gelatin microspheres and study of its characteristics;尼莫地平明胶微球的制备及其性质研究
3.Preparation of proliposome nimodipine and quality evaluation;尼莫地平前体脂质体的制备及其质量评价

尼莫通药物名称:尼莫同英文名:Nimotop别名: 尼膜同;尼莫地平;圣瑞恩尼莫地平;尼莫通 适应症: 参阅"用量"。 用量用法: 老年性脑功能障碍30-40mg,tid,连服2个月。偏头痛 40mg/次,tid,12周为1疗程。蛛网膜下腔出血所引起的脑血管痉挛 40-60mg/次,tid-qid,发病后第1在即可服用,连服2-3周。脑梗塞 120mg/日,分3-4次服用,连服1个月。轻、中度高血压 初始剂量为40-60mg/日,tid口服,最大剂量为240mg/日,分3-4次口服,连服1个月。突发性耳聋40-60mg/次,tid,5天为一疗程,一般用药3-4个疗程。脑供血不足 20-30mg/次,tid,连服6个月。脑血管病患者记忆力减退 30-40mg/次,tid,连服3个月。 禁忌: 严重肝功能损害(如肝坏死)。 不良反应: 偶见面红、头晕、皮肤瘙痒、口唇麻木、皮疹等症状,一般不需停药。 注意事项: 弥漫性脑水肿或颅内压显著升高者,年老多病者,肾功能严重损害(肾小球滤过率<20ml/分),有严重心血管功能障碍及严重低血压者慎用。 规格: 胶囊 20mgx 20粒。30mg x 20粒。 类别:钙通道阻滞剂|防治心绞痛药|降血压药|周围血管扩张药