1.The effect of mianserin,5-HT2 receptor antagonist,on the activity of subthalamic neurons in rats;5-羟色胺受体-2拮抗剂米安色林对大鼠底丘脑核神经元活动的影响
2.Efficacy of mianserin and amitriptyline in the treatment of patients with depression;比较米安色林与阿米替林治疗抑郁症的疗效
3.Comparative study of citalopram and mianserin in the treatment of senile depression;西酞普兰与米安色林治疗老年抑郁症对照研究

1.Comparative Observation on Mirtazapine Combined with Sulpiride in Treatment of Depression米安色林合用小剂量舒必利治疗抑郁症的对照研究
2.Cesar is returning to Italy this month after failing to settle at Corinthians, where he has been playing this season on-loan from Inter Milan.在被科林蒂安队遣返回国米之后,塞萨尔将在本月回到意大利.本赛季,他被国米租借到科林蒂安.
3.Amfebutamone vs. Amitriptyline for Depression:A Control Study安非他酮和阿米替林治疗抑郁症的对照研究
4.Discussion About Developing Green Food In Forest Region Of Daxing anling District;大兴安岭林区发展绿色食品产业的探讨
5.Mrs.Anne Sterling showed her colours when she ran through a forest after two robbers.当安妮斯特林太太穿过森林追赶两个强盗时才现出她的本色。
6.Then the children of ammon came together and put their army in position in Gilead. and the children of Israel came together and put their army in position in Mizpah.当时亚扪人聚集,安营在基列。以色列人也聚集,安营在米斯巴。
7.A method of HPLC to detemine content of monacolin K in red rice高效液相色谱法测定红曲米中莫拉可林K的研究
8.RP-HPLC determination of amitriptyline in rat plasma反相高效液相色谱法测定大鼠血浆中阿米替林的浓度
9.Adrienne Freeman is a park ranger at Yosemite National Park in California. She is part of the Yosemite Search and Rescue team.艾德丽安?弗里曼是德州约塞米蒂国家公园的守林人。她是约塞米蒂搜索营救队的成员。
10.Grain-for-Green Programme and Its Effects on Food Security in Hilly and Gully Area of Loess Plateau in Northern Shaanxi Province--Take Mizhi County in Yulin City as a Case;陕北黄土丘陵沟壑区退耕还林对粮食安全的影响——以榆林市米脂县为例
11.Social Transformation and Evolution of Gender Boundary of Family Role in Our Country社会转型与我国家庭角色性别边界的嬗变——兼论改革后吉林省玉米农区家庭角色的变化
12."and all these kings came together, and put their forces in position at the waters of Merom, to make war on Israel."这诸王会合,来到米伦水边,一同安营,要与以色列人争战。
13.Green Foods Marketing in Daxinganling Forest Zone by SWOT;基于SWOT分析的大兴安岭林区绿色食品营销策略探讨
14.Thermochromism of 2-Hydroxy-1-Naphthaldehyde-4-Aminoantipyrine2-羟基-1-萘醛缩-4-氨基安替比林席夫碱的热色性研究
15.Prospective Surveillance and Relative Study of MRSA Infection in Baoan District宝安地区耐甲氧西林金黄色葡萄球菌(MRSA)前瞻性监测及相关研究
16.meter-kilogram-second-ampere system米-千克-秒-安制
17.Something light. Grey or beige.一些浅色的,灰色或米黄。
18.One afternoon Jimmy Valentine and his suitcase climbed out of a train in Elmore, a little town in Arkansas.一天下午,基米·范林丁带着他的手提箱在阿肯色州的一个名叫爱尔摩的小镇下了火车。

1.Treatment of 43 Cases of Post-schizophrenic Depression with Mianserin;米安舍林治疗精神分裂症后抑郁症43例
4)buff glazed paper米色道林纸
5)Mianserine脱尔烦 ,米安舍林
1.Magnetic Properties of Lacustrine Sediments and Implications for Paleoclimate in Milin Area,Tibet;西藏米林地区湖积物的磁性特征及其古气候意义
2.The Pleistocene sediments in the Linzhi—Milin Basin of Tibet have been surveyed and studied.对西藏林芝—米林盆地的更新世及其以后的沉积进行了调查研究,磁性地层分析表明这些湖积物的历史不到4万年,在米林的古湖泊沉积物中采获Polypodiaceae等晚更新世孢粉,于米林县白过多更新世湖积之上全新统冲积中新发现林芝智人的头盖骨、牙齿及石斧等,为研究青藏高原第四纪地质作用和古环境、古气候变化及古人类活动等提供了新资料。
