1.The effect of learning on BDNF expression in rats after unilateral local cerebral infarction;探索学习对局灶性脑梗死大鼠梗死灶周围皮质BDNF表达的影响
2.Influences of learning on learning and memory ability and blood vessel proliferation of rats after unilateral local cerebral infarction;探索学习对局灶性脑梗死大鼠学习记忆和新生血管的影响
3.The Effect of Learning on Behavioral Recovery and the Expression of Nestin, Nerve Growth Factor, Synaptophysin in Rats after Local Cerebral Infarction;探索学习对局灶性脑梗死大鼠行为学恢复及巢蛋白、神经生长因子、突触素表达的影响
2)explorative learning探索型学习
3)explorative learning探索性学习
1.The synergy and dynamic between explorative learning and exploitative learning:An empirical study;探索性学习和挖掘性学习的协同与动态:实证研究
2.Based on March s balance theory of explorative and exploitative learning,this paper analyzes that there is synergy between explorative learning and exploitative learning under open innovation,the effect of these two kinds of learning on innovation performance,and the moderating effects of environmental turbulence.本研究基于March提出的探索性学习和挖掘性学习及其平衡理论,提出了在开放式创新模式下,两类学习的协同及其它们对创新绩效的共同促进作用,并进而分析了环境动荡性在其中的调控效应。
3.Then,this paper focused on the impact of open innovation on the paradigm for organization to obtain sources,and suggested that explorative learning and exploitative learning could be synergized dynamically.本研究基于March提出的探索性学习和挖掘性学习及其平衡理论,分析了探索性学习和挖掘性学习的特点及其对竞争优势的影响,它们之间的平衡和对立。

1.Explorative learning and exploitative learning: antinomy or synergy?;探索性学习和挖掘性学习:对立或协同?
2.A probe into the application of research study in chemical teaching;中学化学教学实施研究性学习的探索
3.Exploratory Learning in the Teaching of Economic Geography;《经济地理学》教学中研究性学习的探索
4.Research Learning in Math Class of Secondary Education;研究性学习在中专数学教学中的探索
5.Exploration of Advanced Mathematics Inquiry Learnig Teaching Mode高等数学研究性学习教学模式的探索
6.The mechanism between explorative and exploitative technological learning探索性技术学习和挖掘性技术学习及其机理
7.High School Thought Politics Discipline Investigative Study Exploration;高中思想政治学科研究性学习的探索
8.Practice and Explorations on Investigative Learning in Biology Teaching in Senior High School;高中生物学研究性学习的实践与探索
9.Practice and Exploration of Launching Studying Study of Mathematics in Medium-sized Vocational School;中职开展数学研究性学习的实践探索
10.The Theory and Practice of Biology Inquiry Learning in Junior High School;初中生物学研究性学习的探索与实践
11.Exploration and Practice that Investigative Study in Visual foxpro Teaching;Visual Foxpro教学中研究性学习的探索与实践
12.Probes into Independent Learning in Physics Classroom Teaching;“自主性学习”在物理课堂教学中的探索
13.Preliminary study of teaching for undergraduates on probation with the focus on “learning based on research”;以“研究性学习”为核心本科见习教学的探索
14.Primary School Art Teaching Inquisitive Learning Approach Exploration and Practice;小学美术教学中探究性学习方式的探索与实践
15.The Exploration and Practice of Research Study of Work by Famous Writers in Senior School;高中名家作品研究性学习探索与实践
16.An Explorative Research on Learning Tiredness Relieving during Break;课间缓解学习疲劳的一项探索性研究
17.An Explorative Study on Technological Learning within Sino-foreign Joint Ventures;中外合资企业技术学习的探索性研究
18.On the Researching Learning of Higher Vocational Education on Network;网络环境下高职教育研究性学习探索

explorative learning探索型学习
3)explorative learning探索性学习
1.The synergy and dynamic between explorative learning and exploitative learning:An empirical study;探索性学习和挖掘性学习的协同与动态:实证研究
2.Based on March s balance theory of explorative and exploitative learning,this paper analyzes that there is synergy between explorative learning and exploitative learning under open innovation,the effect of these two kinds of learning on innovation performance,and the moderating effects of environmental turbulence.本研究基于March提出的探索性学习和挖掘性学习及其平衡理论,提出了在开放式创新模式下,两类学习的协同及其它们对创新绩效的共同促进作用,并进而分析了环境动荡性在其中的调控效应。
3.Then,this paper focused on the impact of open innovation on the paradigm for organization to obtain sources,and suggested that explorative learning and exploitative learning could be synergized dynamically.本研究基于March提出的探索性学习和挖掘性学习及其平衡理论,分析了探索性学习和挖掘性学习的特点及其对竞争优势的影响,它们之间的平衡和对立。
1.Knowledge management strategy and organization learning:an exploration and exploitation perspective;本文从探索式学习和利用式学习的角度出发,运用计算机仿真模型,研究组织知识编码和个性化知识管理策略在不同内外环境下对组织知识水平的影响。
5)exploratory learning探索式学习
1.Based on constructivism and centered on the students, the net course advocates learner autonomy and exploratory learning, and encourages the students to assimilate and accommodate to new information with the possessed schemes and construct meaning.网络课程以建构主义理论为基础 ,以学生为中心 ,提倡自主性和探索式学习 ,鼓励学生在个性化环境中应用已有的图式去同化和顺应新的信息 ,积极建构意义。
6)explorative learning探索式学习
1.Therefore,it is very important how to improve entrepreneurs explorative learning and exploitive learning.对个体来说,探索式学习和利用式学习是两种排他性的学习模式(Gupta&Smith,2006)。

部分学习与整体学习部分学习与整体学习part learning and whole learning  部分学习与整体学习(part learningand whole learning)在运动学习和记忆学习中,根据对学习内容的处理方式可以分成部分学习和整体学习。部分学习就是将材料分成几个部分,每次学习一个部分:整体学习就是每次学习整个材料。一般来讲,整体学习的效果优于部分学习。但是,课题复杂彼此没有意义联系的材料,用部分学习的效果好:课题简短或具有意义联系的材料,用整体学习的效果好。在进行学习时,可以将部分学习与整体学习结合起来,先进行整体学习再进行部分学习,或者相反。这种相互结合的学习方式叫做综合学习,效果更好些。 (周国帕撰成立夫审)