1.Identity recognition can be based on face,voice,or both.身份识别可以单独通过面孔或语音来完成,也可以通过面孔和语音共同完成。
2.Methods:Thirteen right-handed healthy Chinese women underwent blood oxygen level dependent (BOLD) fMRI voluntarily while recognizing happy, sad, neutral emotional faces and fixation cross videos.结论:面孔加工及动态表情的识别由脑内一个分布式神经网络所调控,其中额内侧回参与多种情绪的加工,可能是情绪加工的共同通路,而颞上回主要负责面部动态特征的加工。
3.[Objective] To investigate the characteristics of spatiotemporal pattern of gender differences in event-related potentials of face expression processing.目的考察面孔表情加工对应的事件相关电位(event-relatedpotentials,ERP)时空模式的性别差异。

1.Curse! How he looked.哎呀!他那个面孔
2.a pasty face, complexion苍白的面孔、 脸色.
3.a sinister face [plot]邪恶的面孔 [奸计]
4.One face to God, and another to the Devil .一张面孔向上帝,一张面孔朝撒旦。
5.The face seemed to be beaming with a kindly smile.面孔看来笑容可掬。
6.The candle illuminated her countenance.那支烛正照着她的面孔
7.a pretty, handsome, etc face漂亮的、 英俊的...面孔
8.She has a wonderfully beautiful face.她的面孔俊俏极了。
9.controlled surface porosity support可控表面孔度支持体
10.His face pouched and seamed.他的面孔肉松皮皱。
11.Now the faces about him were gloomy.他的面孔是沮丧的。
12.What a fine noble face!好英俊高贵的面孔啊!
13.a gloomy face, expression, voice, person忧伤的面孔、 表情、 声音、 人.
14.Her face was screwed with fear.她吓得皱起了面孔
15.His face was stern and much flushed.他的面孔绷紧而且通红。
16.injector hole area喷嘴孔的通过截面面积
17.This machine can be used drilling,core drilling, reaming,boring,tapping, spot-facing and chamfering etc.可以进行钻孔、扩孔、铰孔、镗孔、攻丝、锪平面,倒角等工作。
18.taken in through the pores of a surface.通过表面的孔被吸入。

1.Some people think that the inversion effect is unique to faces, and this finding is regarded as evidence that the visual system uses special perceptual processing for faces different from the processing of other non-face objects.面孔倒置效应的提出已经近四十年,但是对于它所揭示的意义到现在依然存在争论,有些研究者认为:倒置效应为面孔所独有,而且是面孔加工特异性的显著标志之一。
3)micro-pore face多孔端面
1.Numerical Analysis of a Laser Textured Micro-Pore Face Mechanical Seal;激光加工多孔端面机械密封的数值分析
4)surFace sealing表面封孔
5)interface microvoid界面微孔
1.The results showed that:(1) PVDF /PVA were incompatible blends,new interface microvoid structure was produced as a result of phase separation in PVDF/PVA;(2) With PVA content increased,the water flux of PVDF/PVA blend membrane increased due proba.结果表明,PVDF/PVA为不相容体系,在成膜过程中产生界面微孔;随PVA含量增加,PVDF/PVA共混膜水通量先增大后减小,在PVDF/PVA为8/2时呈较大值,截留率变化趋势则相反;PVA的存在明显改善了PVDF/PVA共混膜的亲水性,表现为随其含量增加共混膜接触角明显减小;随固含量增加,膜厚度增加,孔隙率降低,水通量减小,截留率升高;添加剂PEG600浓度为6%时,孔隙率高,水通量大,但截留率低;凝固浴种类直接影响膜结构及性能;热处理可完善膜结构从而获得性能更优的膜。
6)drilling hole on conical surface锥面钻孔

面孔1.脸。 2.容貌。 3.犹面子,体面。