1.Effect of Nimotop on congnitive function and content of TXB2 and 6-Keto-PGF1α in blood plasma of vascular dementia patients;口服尼膜同对血管性痴呆患者认知功能及血浆中TXB2和6-Keto-PGF1α含量的影响
2.Effects of nimotop on the expression of NF-κB in perihematomal brain regions of rats;尼膜同对脑出血大鼠血肿周围核转录因子-κB表达的影响
3.Role of perfusion of different concentration of Nimotop on cerebral vasospasm;不同浓度尼膜同灌洗对实验性脑血管痉挛的治疗作用

1.The Effect of Nimotop on Serum NES Activity in Patients with Acute Head Injury;尼膜同影响急性颅脑损伤患者血清NSE的临床观察
2.Effects of nimotop on apoptosis of neuronal cell in early period of focal brain ischemia reperfusion injury in rats尼膜同对大鼠早期脑缺血再灌注损伤细胞凋亡的作用
3.Effect of Nimotop on the expression of AQP9 mRNA and the changes of BBB penetrability after cerebral ischemia in rats脑缺血后尼膜同对AQP9 mRNA表达和血脑屏障通透性的影响
4.Clinical Observation on the Treatment of Vascular Dementia Patients with the Combination of Shuxuening and Nimotop舒血宁联合尼膜同治疗血管性痴呆32例临床研究
5.Effects of Nimoton on Brain Water Content, BBB Permeability and AQP4 Expression after Experimental DAI in Rats;尼膜同对大鼠弥漫性轴索损伤后脑含水量、BBB通透性及AQP4表达的影响
6.Synchro-response Design Analysis of Squeeze Film Damper挤压油膜阻尼器同步响应设计的分析
7.Proteinuria and hematuria were assessed by dipstick.结果尼卡地平体内能诱导大鼠系膜细胞凋亡,同时伴轻度蛋白尿。
8.The Establishing of Nylon Membrane Hybridization Method for Detecting Actinomycete Genome DNA Relatedness;尼龙膜杂交检测放线菌基因组DNA同源性方法的建立
9.Anthony's capsule staining安东尼氏荚膜染色法
10.The Analysis of Effect in the Patients Treated Cerebral Vasospasm with Nimodipine in Different Administration Routes after Aneurysmal Subarachnoid Hemorrhage;尼莫地平不同给药途径治疗动脉瘤性蛛网膜下腔出血后脑血管痉挛的疗效分析
11.Continuous Epidural Analgesia after Upper Abdominal Surgery Using Different Concentration of Sufentanil Combined with 0.125% Ropivacaine;不同浓度舒芬太尼复合0.125%罗哌卡因持续硬膜外输注在上腹部术后镇痛中的研究
12.Experimetal Study of Intraarterial Different Doses Nimodipine Infusion in Treating Cerebral Vasospasm Following Subarachnoid Hemorrhage;不同剂量尼莫地平动脉内灌注治疗蛛网膜下腔出血后脑血管痉挛的实验研究
13.Epidural Anesthesia with Different Dosage of Fentanyl and Levobupivacaine for Lower Limb Surgery不同剂量芬太尼和左旋布比卡因硬膜外阻滞麻醉用于骨科下肢手术的研究
14.Different concentration of sufentanil combined with 0.15% ropivacaine for postoperative patient-controlled epidural anal gesia after caesarean operation剖宫产术后不同浓度舒芬太尼混合罗派卡因病人自控硬膜外镇痛的效果
15.At the same time, structure parameters of SLFD are confirmed through experiments and the important gist is provided for optimal design of the damper.同时,通过试验确定了精镗孔挤压液膜阻尼器部分结构参数,为阻尼器的优化设计提供了重要依据。
16.The Clinical Observation of Epidural Sufentanil for the Supplementation of Epidural Block;硬膜外腔舒芬太尼辅助硬膜外麻醉的临床观察
17.Study on Preparation and Performance of Nylon Membrane;尼龙微孔膜的制备与膜孔结构性能研究
18.An Applied Calculation Method of Pressure Distribution in Squeeze Film Damper挤压油膜阻尼器油膜压力的1种实用计算方法

Nylon membrane尼龙膜
1.Modification of nylon membrane for affinity purification;用于亲和分离的尼龙膜的改性
2.In our study, covalent coupling of chitosan (CS) to activated nylon membrane was performed after the reaction of the microporous n.本文利用尼龙膜为基质,通过甲醛活化,然后键合亲水性的多聚物壳聚糖对其进行改性。
3)nylon 66 membrane尼龙66膜
4)Liquid-Film Damp液膜阻尼
1.The effects of Liquid-Film Damping on inherent frequency and respouding amplitude in boring rod system are analyzed.从理论的角度分析了液膜阻尼对镗杆系统固有频率的影响规律和液膜阻尼对镗杆系统响应振幅的影响规律,并用能量耗散理论分析了最佳液膜阻尼产生的机理。
5)Oil-film Damping油膜阻尼
1.The results showed that a significant vibration attenuation is available due todifferent forms of oil-film damping though they vary with different oil-film parameters.对滚动导轨系统油膜阻尼的减振效果进行了理论分析计算和试验研究。
6)nylon membrane filter尼龙滤膜
1.Meth- ods Human serum albumin HSA was adsorbed on the zeta-bind membrane (ZBM), a positively charged nylon membrane filter.方法采用尼龙滤膜ZBM作为介质吸附抗人血清白蛋白(HSA),将含mAb的腹水滤过此ZBM,再将吸附于ZBM上的mAb解离下来,获得纯化的mAb。

尼膜同药物名称:尼莫地平英文名:Nimodipine别名: 尼膜同;尼莫地平;圣瑞恩尼莫地平;尼莫通 ,尼立苏 ,硝苯比酯;硝苯甲氧乙基异丙啶;硝吗比啶 外文名:Nimodipine,Nimotop药理作用: 尼莫地平属双氢吡啶类钙拮抗剂,容易通过血脑屏障而作用于脑血管及神经细胞。药理特性是选择性扩张脑血管,而无盗血现象,在增加脑血流量的同时而不影响脑代谢。可拮抗K+、5-HT、花生四烯酸,过氧化氢、TXA2、DGF2a和蛛网膜下腔出血所致脑血管痉挛。有向精神性作用即抗抑郁和改善学习、记忆功能。另有降低红血球脆性,血浆粘稠性和抑制血小板聚集作用。适应症: 用于治疗蛛网膜下腔出血、缺血性脑血管病、偏头痛、突发性耳聋和各型痴呆症,且均有较好的治疗效果。用量用法: 老年性脑功能障碍30-40mg,tid,连服2个月。偏头痛 40mg/次,tid,12周为1疗程。蛛网膜下腔出血所引起的脑血管痉挛 40-60mg/次,tid-qid,发病后第1在即可服用,连服2-3周。脑梗塞 120mg/日,分3-4次服用,连服1个月。轻、中度高血压 初始剂量为40-60mg/日,tid口服,最大剂量为240mg/日,分3-4次口服,连服1个月。突发性耳聋40-60mg/次,tid,5天为一疗程,一般用药3-4个疗程。脑供血不足 20-30mg/次,tid,连服6个月。脑血管病患者记忆力减退 30-40mg/次,tid,连服3个月。 针剂:8-12mg/日,静滴,以500ug/hr开始,若耐受良好,2hr后剂量为1mg/hr,随后2mg/hr。连续给药5-14日。 禁忌: 严重肝功能损害(如肝坏死)。 不良反应: 偶见面红、头晕、皮肤瘙痒、口唇麻木、皮疹等症状,一般不需停药。 注意事项: 弥漫性脑水肿或颅内压显著升高者,年老多病者,肾功能严重损害(肾小球滤过率<20ml/分),有严重心血管功能障碍及严重低血压者慎用。 规格: 胶囊 20mgx 20粒。30mg x 20粒。 注射剂: 50ml:10mg 类别:周围血管扩张药||降血压药