1.A Clinical Study on the Efficacy of Zhong Youbins Psychoanalytic Therapy in the Treatment of Phobia Patients.;认识领悟疗法治疗恐惧症

1.Of, relating to, arising from, or having a phobia.恐惧症恐惧症的,有关恐惧症的,由恐惧症引起的,或患有恐惧症
2.One who has a phobia.恐惧症患者有恐惧症的人
3.a morbid fear of developing a phobia.对于患上恐惧症的病态恐惧。
4.There of these phobias are particularly common:有三个恐惧症尤为常见:
5.I have a phobia for [about] airplanes((英)我有飞机恐惧症
6.I have a phobia for [.((英))about] airplanes.我有飞机恐惧症
7.There are two main types of fears: phobia and post-traumatic stress disorder - PTSD.恐惧症主要可分为两种:恐惧症和重大创伤后压力处理失调症。
8.An abnormal fear of being alone.孤居恐惧症一种不正常的对独处产生恐惧的症状
9.What can you do to try to get rid of phobias?要克服恐惧症你该怎么办?
10.Do you know anyone with a phobia?你认识患有恐惧症的人吗?
11.Here is a list of the twelve most common phobias.这里有12个常见的恐惧症
12.If you suffered from panic attack, what should you do?* 万一你得了恐惧症,该怎么办呢?
13.It is not in the least bit of homophobic.这跟同性恋恐惧症哪里粘得上一点边?
14.any phobia (other than agoraphobia) associated with relatively simple well-defined stimuli.由于相对单一的原因所引起的恐惧症
15.3.Acrophobia:The person burdened with this fear is panic-stricken by heights.3、Acrophobia患有这种恐惧症的人在居高时会陷入恐慌。
16.Such specialists teach phobic people how to deal with their fears and, eventually, overcome them.这些专家教恐惧症患者如何对待他们的恐惧,以致最终克服它们。
17.My rich dad understood phobias about money. Some people are terrified of snakes. Some people are terrified about losing money. Both are phobias.我的富爸爸理解人们对金钱的恐惧症。一些人非常怕蛇,一些人非常害怕失去金钱,这都是恐惧症
18.Acrophobia, or fear of great heights.恐高症或对高处的恐惧

mysophobia [fear of uncleanliness]不洁恐惧症;被污恐惧症
3)social phobia社交恐惧症
1.Progress of pharmacotherapy for social phobia;社交恐惧症药物治疗新进展
2.An investigation of the defenses style among patients with social phobia;社交恐惧症患者防御方式的研究
3.In order to cure this social phobia help-seeker,who called herself "wings-broken eagle",cognitive-comprehensive therapy,systematic desensitization therapy and "reasoning、knowing、comprehending、believing"method were used.对一例自称"没有翅膀的鹰"的社交恐惧症求助者,采取了认知领悟疗法、系统脱敏法和"理、知、悟、信"的方法相结合的措施,并对其进行社交技能的训练,同时调动了她的社会支持系统给予帮助,使她从根本上摆脱了心理困扰,达到了心理的健康发展和人格的完善。
4)Eclectic psychotherapy场所恐惧症
1.A Case Study of Eclectic psychotherapy In Adult Agoraphobia;运用综合心理疗法治疗成人场所恐惧症1例报告
1.Analysis of Sexually Transmitted Disease Venereophobia;性病恐惧症的心理分析研究
6)Fear of flying飞行恐惧症

错构症和虚构症  记忆障碍的一种特殊表现形式,主要为回忆的错乱。    错构症是指患者在回忆往事时,常混淆事情发生的时间、地点和情节,张冠李戴,如把过去可能在生活过程中确曾经历过、然而在他所指的那段时间里却从未发生过的事情,错误地当作该时发生的真实事件来诉说,并且不自觉地固执地加以歪曲和渲染。酒精中毒性精神病、智力落后、脑器质性精神病和外伤性痴呆等患者常有这种记忆障碍。    虚构症是指要求患者回忆往事时,他总以虚构的内容来填补记忆中的空白,或掩盖自己记忆的缺陷。患者在谈论这些"亲身经历"时,似乎真有其事。虚构症是一种严重的记忆障碍,患者往往立即忘记其生活中确曾有过的经历,就连自己虚构的情节,也不能在记忆中有所保持,当要他重述时,内容也会有所改变。这种记忆障碍多见于酒精中毒性精神病、外伤性和中毒性精神病以及麻痹性痴呆,也可见于精神分裂症。