1.[Objective] To study the status of return visit of the clients of psychological counseling in general hospital.[目的]了解综合医院心理咨询门诊咨客的复诊情况。
2.To study the characteristic of the clients for children psychological counseling in general hospital.【目的】 了解综合医院心理咨询门诊儿童咨客的特点。
3.The Personality Diagnostic Questionnaire(PDQ+4)was administered to 1402 clients to screen personality disorders.目的:研究心理咨询门诊咨客人格障碍倾向的分布特点。

1.Analysis on clients of adolescence of psychological counseling in general hospital综合医院心理咨询门诊青春期咨客分析
2.Distribution of Personality Disorder Tendency of Outpatients in Psychological Counseling心理咨询门诊咨客人格障碍倾向的分布特点
3.Motivational Interviewing:A Client-Focused Counseling Technique for Preparing People to Change Behavior;动机性访谈:一种以咨客为中心的行为改变咨询技术
4.If encryption is not made available to clients, clients must be informed of the potential hazards of unsecured communication on the Internet.如果保密方法不对咨客可用,咨客必须被告知不安全的网络通讯所产生的潜在危险。
5.The Characteristics of the Customers and Their Relationship with Advisory Bodies;咨询客户的特征及其与咨询机构的关系
6.Welcomed the new and old customers call advice, booking.欢迎广大新老客户来电咨询、票。
7.Unemployed people are the main users of this advice center.失业者是这个咨询中心的主要客户。
8.On Construction of Customer Relationship Management in Consulting Field;论咨询业客户关系管理(CRM)的构建
9.On the Working Content of Professional Consultation on PDL Engineering Economy客运专线工经专业咨询工作内容探讨
10.Blog-A New Model of Digital Reference Service博客——数字参考咨询服务的新模式
11.Also can seek advice pay treasure customer service, do not pass or can allow your advisory bank.也可咨询支付宝客服,不过还是会让你咨询银行的。
12.Service adinistrator will provide service consulting, payment consulting, work report, complaint investigation, and troubleshooting to the customer.为客户提供服务咨询,缴费咨询,工作汇报,投诉处理,故障排除等服务。
13.Welcome honored guests both home and abroad to our factory for consultation and purchase.欢迎海内外客商到敞公司咨询和洽谈业务。
14.We welcome the Chinese and foreign businessman to tel or mail advisory and order.我们热情欢迎中外客商来电来函咨询订购。
15.Warmly welcome their clients and advisory businesses to negotiate!热忱欢迎广大客户与商家前来咨询洽谈!
16.We would have a lot of advisory conversations with the customer,我们也许会和客户进行不少咨询性对话,
17.A lot of the time of course is advice-giving,当然,我们还花大量时间为客户提供咨询,
18.Welcome clients at home and abroad to cooperate with us for nice future hand in hand!欢迎国内外客商咨询合作,携手共创辉煌!

passenger traffic consultation客运咨询
3)advisory customers咨询客户
1.This article divided the advisory customers into seven types:the level of cooperation,the level of service,organizational forms ,customers quality,customers characters,geographical location and industry features.研究信息咨询客户的需求特点和行为特点,必须科学划分咨询客户类型。
4)consultant-client relationship咨询-客户关系
1.Works on consultant-client relationship, the significance of Information Consultancy, the internal management of consulting firms, methods to promote the success of consultation and.文章阐述了西方信息咨询研究的热点问题及其主要观点,主要包括咨询-客户关系、信息咨询的意义、咨询公司内部管理、提高咨询成功率的方法和家族企业咨询几个方面。
5)At tourist information centre.在旅客咨询中心。
6)Customer Telephone Enquiry Hotline客户电话咨询热线

景咨《释门正统》【景咨《释门正统》】  新市人。从梵圆通于思溪,得意教观,戒净精勤,以赜禅师《十六观颂》弘赞净业,语带葛藤,行人难晓。启梵别颂,梵念其留心利他,为其颂巳,暨览《往生传》,知其已生,而传不云先究台道,是不知彼有学大乘,功似隐其德,因备书于《十六观颂·序》。