1.Effect of methylmercuric chloride on the expression of c-jun protein in rat hippocampus.;氯化甲基汞对大鼠海马c-jun蛋白表达的影响
2.Effects of Training of Operant Conditioned Reflex on Free Amino Acids in Hippocampus of Rats;操作式条件反射训练对大鼠脑海马区游离氨基酸的影响
3.Transplantation of neural cells and change of hippocampus GABA neurons in temporal lobe epilepsy rat models;神经元移植与鼠颞叶癫痫海马γ-氨基丁酸能神经元的变化

1.Seahorse: The male seahorse has a pouch in which the mother lays her eggs.海马:雄海马身上有个育儿袋,海马妈妈就把卵产在里边。
2.Apoptotic Study in the Patients with Temporal Lobe Epilepsy Characterized by Hippocampal Sclerosis;海马硬化型颞叶癫痫病人海马中细胞凋亡研究
3.The Change of Brn-4 mRNA Expression in Rat Hippocampus after Fimbria/Fornix Transection;穹窿海马伞切割大鼠海马内Brn-4 mRNA的表达变化
4.Hippocampal Epileptic Network Reconstructed Bilaterally by Acute Tetanization of the Right Posterior Dorsal Hippocampus in Rats;电刺激右后背海马重建双侧海马癫痫电网络
5.Use MR to Investigate the Hippocamps in Heroin Addicts;海洛因依赖者海马功能的磁共振研究
6.The differentiation of hippocampal neural stem cells(NSCs) into cholinergic neurons induced by the combination of extract from fimbria-fornix transected hippocampus and extract of ginkgo biloba(EGb)切割穹窿海马海马提取液和银杏叶提取物联合诱导海马NSCs向胆碱能神经元的分化
7.The Effects of Coriaria Lactone on the Sodium Current of Actuely Isolated Rat Hippocampal Neurons;马桑内酯对大鼠海马神经元钠电流的影响
8.Study of Changes of Cytokines (Interleukin-2) in Hippocampus Following Coriaria Lactone-induced Kindling in Rats;马桑内酯致痫大鼠海马IL-2免疫反应性的变化
9.Item memory attracted right hippocampus activity, source memory attracted left hippocampus activity.内容记忆引起右侧海马激活,而来源记忆引起左侧海马激活。
10.The Application of Hippocampal Quantitative Measurement on MRI for Assessment of Hippocampal Lesion in Temporal Lobe Epilepsy;MRI海马定量测量在颞叶癫痫海马病变评价中的应用
11.The Effect of Electro-Acupuncture on Ache and Morphosis in Hippocampal of AD Rats;电针对老年性痴呆大鼠海马乙酰胆碱酯酶和海马超微结构的影响
12.Effects of Ginsenoside Rg1 on Morphology and Function of Hippocampal Neurons of Rats with Hippocampal Electrical Injuries;人参皂甙Rg1对海马电损伤大鼠的海马神经细胞形态和功能的影响
13.Intrahippocampal Injection of Endothelin-1 Induces Seizures and Hippocampal Sclerosis in Mature Rats海马内注射内皮素-1致大鼠痫性发作及海马硬化的研究
14.the Strait of Malacca马六甲海峡[亚洲]
15.Fabric made with yarn from this hair.马海呢用马海毛的纱线制成的织物
16.What traffic and what crowds!真是人山人海,车水马龙!
17.Shanghai Shenma Engineering Plastics Co.上海神马工程塑料公司
18.performing seals in a circus在马戏团里表演驯海豹.

1.Expression and significance of GAP-43 in hippocampal CA1 region after cerebral ischemic preconditioning in neonatal rats;新生鼠脑缺血预处理后海马CA1区GAP-43的表达
2.Expression of GABAARα1 subunit in cortical region and hippocampal formation of rats with radiation-induced diffuse cortical dysplasia;GABAARα1在弥漫性皮质发育障碍鼠大脑皮质和海马中的表达
3.Effects of Naloxone on the Morphology and Structure of Hippocampal CAl Pyramidal Neurons of Rats with Vascular Dementia;纳洛酮对血管性痴呆大鼠海马神经细胞形态和超微结构的影响
1.Impairment effect and mechanism of advanced glycation end products on hippocampi rats;晚期糖化终末产物对大鼠海马神经元的损伤作用与机制
2.Primary study on changes of gene expression profile in hippocampi of reserpine animal models with spleen-asthenia;利血平脾虚证模型海马基因表达谱变化的研究
3.Effects of repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation on ΔFosB expressions in rat hippocampi;经颅重复性低频磁刺激后大鼠海马ΔFosB阳性标记的变化
1.Effect of aluminium on Ca~(2+)concentration in cerebral cortex and hippocamp neurons;铝对大鼠大脑皮层和海马神经细胞钙浓度影响
2.Changes of ACh and ACh Fibers in Hippocamp When the Rats Were Learning and Memorizing;大鼠在学习记忆时海马ACh和ACh能纤维的变化
3.Use MR to Investigate the Hippocamps in Heroin Addicts;海洛因依赖者海马功能的磁共振研究
5)Hippocampal neurons海马
1.Effect of PQQ on the hippocampal neurons of aging rat induced by D-galactose;吡咯喹啉醌对D-半乳糖致衰老大鼠海马神经元的影响
2.The influence of excessive exercise on Brain Derived Neurotrophic Factor in hippocampal neurons;过度运动对大鼠海马脑源性神经营养因子的影响
3.Effect of naoling docoction on hippocampal neurons apoptosis in rats with alzheimer disease;目的观察脑灵汤对阿尔茨海默病(Alzheimer'sDisease,AD)大鼠模型学习记忆能力及脑内海马细胞凋亡基因Bcl-2和Bax表达的影响。
6)Sea of marmara马尔马拉海

海马【通用名称】海马【其他名称】海马 海马 拼音名:Haima 英文名:HIPPOCAMPUS 书页号:2000年版一部-240 本品为海龙科动物线纹海马 Hippocampus kelloggi Jordan et Snyder、刺海 马 Hippocampus histrix Kaup 、大海马 Hippocampus kuda Bleeker 、三斑海马 Hippocampus trimaculatus Leach 或小海马(海蛆) Hippocampus japonicus?Kaup 的干燥体。夏、秋二季捕捞,洗净,晒干;或除去皮膜及内脏,晒干。 【性状】 线纹海马 呈扁长形而弯曲,体长约30cm。表面黄白色。头略似马头,有 冠状突起,具管状长吻,口小,无牙,两眼深陷。躯干部七棱形,尾部四棱形, 渐细卷曲,体上有瓦楞形的节纹并具短棘。体轻,骨质,坚硬。气微腥,味微咸。 刺海马 体长15~20cm。头部及体上环节间的棘细而尖。 大海马 体长20~30cm。黑褐色。 三斑海马 体侧背部第1、4、7节的短棘基部各有1黑斑。 小海马(海蛆) 体形小,长7~10cm。黑褐色。节纹及短棘均较细小。 【炮制】 除去灰屑。用时捣碎或碾粉。 【性味与归经】 甘,温。归肝、肾经。 【功能与主治】 温肾壮阳,散结消肿。用于阳痿,遗尿,肾虚作喘,癥瘕积聚, 跌扑损伤;外治痈肿疔疮。 【用法与用量】 3~9g。外用适量,研末敷患处。 【贮藏】 置阴凉干燥处,防蛀。