1.A Perceived Stress Mediating Model Study About Problem-focused Styles of Coping in University Students Affect Mental Health;大学生问题指向应对方式影响心理健康的应激体验中介模型研究
2.A Study of Artificial Colloid on Stress Reaction in Moderate Abdominal Operation;人工胶体对腹部手术后应激影响的比较

1.Capable of responding to stimuli.应激性的能对刺激作出反应的
2.Study on Immunological Stress during Vaccination and Preparetion and Application of Anti-stress Agent in Domestic Animals and Fowls畜禽疫苗免疫应激及其抗应激剂研究
3.highly or violently reactive.易于起反应或反应激烈。
4.Impacts of Oxidative Stress on Piglets and the Anti-Stress Effects and Mechanism of Selenium;仔猪氧化应激及硒的抗应激效应和机理的研究
5.The Relationship between Supervisor-subordinate Communication and Work Stressors,Strain上下级沟通与工作应激源和应激反应的关系
7.Effects of Heat Surroundings and Exercise Stress on Stress Hormone and Immunologic Reaction;热环境和运动应激应激激素和免疫反应的影响
8.fast-response laser receiver快速响应激光接收器
9.theory of stress胁强学说,应激学说
10.Dynamic Analysis of Hormones, HSP70 and HSP70 mRNA during Piglets Cold Stress;仔猪冷应激反应中激素、HSP70及其mRNA的动态分析
11.stimulus bound response刺激引发反应刺激引发反应
12.Chemical reaction by isotope selective laser activation同位素选择激光激活化学反应
13.[Results] A total of 257 cases had used GCS and 201 cases did not in the course of SARS.【结果】应用激素组257例,未用激素组201例。
14.Make merit with sb.理应受到某人的感激
15.laser controlled thermonuclear reactor激光受控热核反应堆
16.laser ignited fusion reactor激光引烧聚变反应堆
17.nuclear fusion reactor triggered by laser激光触发核聚变反应堆
18.Stark-tuned laser斯塔克效应调谐激光器

stress response应激
1.Compare effects of total intravenous anesthesia and balanced anesthesia on stress response on suspensive laryngoscope vocal cords surgery;全静脉麻醉和平衡麻醉对支撑喉镜声带手术应激反应影响的比较
2.Metabotropic glutamate receptors and stress response;代谢型谷氨酸受体与应激损伤
3.Effect of intravenous infusion of lidocaine on return of bowel function and stress response after hysterectomia surgery静脉输注利多卡因对妇科手术患者胃肠功能恢复及应激反应的影响
3)stress hormone应激激素
1.Effect of ganglion block on stress hormone in patients with acute myocardial infarction;星状神经节阻滞对急性心肌梗死患者应激激素水平的影响
2.Effect of local mild hypothermia therapy on stress hormones in patients with acute cerebral hemorrhage;局部亚低温治疗对急性脑出血患者应激激素的影响
3.Objective To investigate the effect of insulin-like growth factor-1(IGF-1)on the stress hormone,IGF-1 receptor(IGF-1R)protein and mRNA expression.目的探讨胰岛素样生长因子-1(IGF-1)对脓毒症大鼠血浆应激激素及骨骼肌IGF-1受体(IGF-1R)蛋白质和mRNA表达的影响。
4)Stress hormones应激激素
1.Stress hormones comprising antidiuretic hormone(ADH),brain natriuretic peptide(BNP) and adrenocorticotrophic hormone(ACTH) wer.结论亚低温治疗可明显改变弥漫性轴索损伤患者应激激素水平,减轻继发性脑水肿,降低颅内压,改善神经功能,保护脑组织,改善预后。
2.Objective:to investigate the effect of basketball playing on blood stress hormones.为探讨篮球运动对大学生血液应激激素的影响,将24名大学生分为两组:篮球运动组和一般运动组,在训练前后测试受试者血肾上腺素、去甲肾上腺素、皮质醇和生长激素水平。
3.Objective to investigate the changes in stress hormones in neurogenic pulmonary edema(NPE) and explore the clinical value of mild hypothermia therapy for treatment of NPE.目的了解神经源性肺水肿(NPE)患者应激激素的变化,并进一步探讨亚低温治疗NPE的临床意义。
5)stress stimulator应激刺激
1.The curative obseration of stress stimulator for 114 case with the acute injury of ankle ligament;应激刺激疗法治疗急性踝关节韧带损伤144例疗效分析
6)stress reaction应激反应
1.Correlations of degree of sedation with hemodynamics and stress reaction in total intravenous anesthesia;全凭静脉麻醉的镇静程度与血流动力学及应激反应指标的相关性研究
2.Research of the different stress reaction induced by Laparoscopic cholecystectomy and Opening cholecystectomy;腹腔镜胆囊切除术及开腹胆囊切除术对机体不同应激反应的研究
3.Survey of megluming cyclic adenylate in preventing of cardiovascular stress reaction of endotracheal intubation;心先安预防气管内插管时心血管应激反应的观察
