1.Determination of Morphine and Codeine in Hot Pot by Solid-phase Extraction and HPLC;固相萃取-反相高效液相色谱法测定火锅中吗啡和可待因
2.Kinetic Characteristics of the Interaction Between Morphine and Its Antibody by SPR Competitive Immunoassay;SPR免疫竞争法研究小分子吗啡与其抗体间作用的动力学特征
3.RP-HPLC Determination of Morphine in Human Serum;人血清中吗啡含量的高效液相色谱法测定

1.Pholcodine phenylacetate吗啉乙吗啡苯乙酸酯
2.He is a morphinomaniac, suffering from morphinism.他是个吗啡瘾者,深受吗啡中毒之害。
3.Expression of orphanin FQ in the brain of acute morphine tolerant rats急性吗啡耐受大鼠脑内孤啡肽的表达
4.metopan hydrochloride甲基二氢吗啡酮盐酸盐
5.Myrophine hydrochloride盐酸苄吗啡十四酸酯
6.Desomorphine hydrobromide氢溴化二氢去氧吗啡
7.Oh, God, for some morphia!啊,上帝,弄点吗啡来吧!
8.Morphine [Hydrochloride, Sulfate]吗啡[盐酸盐,硫酸盐]
9.heroin (diacetylmorphine)海洛因(二乙酰吗啡
10.Ethylmorphine hydrochloride injection盐酸乙基吗啡注射液
11.Hydromorphinol bitartrate氢吗啡醇重酒石酸盐
12.Morphine hydrochloride and atrophine injection盐酸吗啡阿托品注射液
13.The morphine was administered by injection.那吗啡是注射进去的.
14.Is there any coffee in the coffee pot ?咖啡壶里有咖啡吗?
15.Can I cop a cup of coffee from you?我能向你讨杯咖啡喝吗?
16."Wouldn't you like some coffee?"“您喝杯咖啡不好吗?”
17.Do you take sugar (ie in tea or coffee)?你(往茶或咖啡里)放糖吗?
18.Would you rather have tea than coffee?茶和咖啡,你更喜欢茶吗?

1.Microcirculation Changes of Chronic Morphine Dependence-Abstinence Rats and Role of Warm Yang, Replenish Energy, Invigorate Blood Circulation and Eliminate Blood Stasis Compound Prescription in Morphine Dependence-Abstinence Syndrome;慢性吗啡依赖和戒断大鼠微循环改变及温阳益气、活血化瘀复方的作用
2.125% bupivacaine were administered respectively or by PCEA with morphine.12 5 %布比卡因或接自控镇痛泵用吗啡行PCEA治疗。
3.To observe the inhibitory effect of scopolamine (5pm) and chlorpromazine (Clo) on withdrawal syndromes in morphine dependent rats.我们采用吗啡依赖大 鼠模型,不同剂量单次、多次皮下注射东莨菪碱和氯丙嗪处理动物后, 腹腔注射(ip)纳洛酮(naloxone)5mg/kg诱发戒断反应,观察东莨菪 碱和氯丙嗪对大鼠吗啡戒断反应的影响记录戒断症状。
1.Clinical Observation of Burnorphic Combining with Single Morphia Outputamen in the Easing Pain after Gynecology Surgery.;氯诺昔康联合硬膜外单次吗啡用于妇科术后镇痛的临床观察
2.The characteristics of the interaction between morphia and nucleic acids were studied by ultraviolet-visible spectra, fluorescent spectra and circular dichroism chiroptical spectra.采用紫外光谱、荧光光谱和圆二色光谱等手段对吗啡与小牛胸腺脱氧核糖核酸(ctDNA)、酵母核糖核酸(yRNA)的作用方式进行了研究,发现核酸对吗啡有较强的荧光猝灭作用,且核酸的紫外吸收光谱和吗啡的荧光发射光谱有一定程度的重叠,据此求得了其结合反应的结合常数、结合位点数和基本热力学参数等,证实了吗啡通过沟渠方式与核酸作用。
5)morphine ampoule吗啡针剂;"吗啡针"
1.Effect of Endomorphin on Contractile Response of Colon Muscle Strips in Cathartic Colon Rats in Vitro;内吗啡肽对“泻剂结肠”大鼠离体肠肌条收缩反应的影响
2.Influence of intracerebroventricular administraction of endomorphine-1 on left venteicular systolic pressuer in rats;侧脑室注射内吗啡肽-1对大鼠心功能的影响
3.Analgesic mechanism of endomorphin in the superficial laminae of the spinal dorsal horn;内吗啡肽在脊髓背角浅层的镇痛机制
