1.Analysis of transmission line trip in ZhejiangPower Grid and its preventive countermeasures;浙江电网输电线路跳闸的原因分析及防范措施
2.Analysis of Laoshan substation bus A trip incident and its precautionary measures;崂山站A段母差保护跳闸原因分析及防范措施
3.Analysis About a Turbine Trip Accident Caused by the Setting of Inappropriate Parameters in Primary Frequency Regulation;一起一次调频设置不当引致机组跳闸事故分析

1.network tripping and reclosing device电力网自动跳闸和重合闸装置
2.transformer undercurrent trip变压器欠流跳闸装置
3.transformer underload trip变压器欠载跳闸装置
4.transformer overcurrent trip变压器过流跳闸装置
5.LO-TRIP pressure sensor低压跳闸压力传感器
6.An analysis of the isolating switch operation leading to switch trip一起刀闸操作引起开关跳闸事故的分析
7.emergency tripping device应急跳闸装置应急脱扣装置
8.Proper application of lightning arrester to reduce trip out rate of power transmission lines;合理应用消雷器 降低线路跳闸
9.Analysis on Transformer Tripping Incident in 600MW Power Plant600MW发电厂启备变跳闸事故分析
10.Analysis of Icing-Caused Conductor Galloping for 500 kV Transmission Line and Its Prevention500kV输电线路覆冰舞动跳闸原因与对策
11.300MW Units High Increase Tripping and Over-Temperature Steam Temperature Analysis300MW机组高加跳闸和汽温超温情况分析
12.Calculation on Shielding Failure Trip-out Rate of 500 kV Transmission Lines with High Tower500kV高杆塔输电线路绕击跳闸率计算
13.Analysis of Lightning Stroke Fault on 500kV Transmission Line500kV输电线路雷击跳闸故障分析
14.Lightning failure analysis of ±500kV Jiang-Cheng HVDC transmission line±500kV江城线路雷电跳闸原因分析
15.Analysis on the "7.23" Sequent Tripping Accident of 500 kV Sanlong Ⅱ and ⅠTransmission Lines“7.23”500kV三龙Ⅱ、Ⅰ回线相继跳闸事故分析
16.Brief Analysis on Tripping Incident of Transmission Line Directly Under North China Power Grid in 20082008年华北电网直属输电线路跳闸浅析
17.Analysis and thinking on 500 kV transformer tripping incident一起500kV变压器跳闸事件的分析及思考
18.Xing'an Substation 602~# Master Switch Trip Accident Analysis兴安变电所602~#总开关跳闸事故分析

1.Causes analysis about one point earthing leading to breaker tripping in DC system;直流系统负极一点接地致开关跳闸原因分析
2.Analysis on Lightning Stroke Tripping on 500kV Transmission Lines of Baodongxv Project;包东徐工程500kV线路雷击跳闸原因分析
3.Technical analysis and treatment for frequent tripping of the 32 MW turbine generator;32MW机组经常跳闸的技术分析与处理
3)Tripping operation跳闸
1.Through the comparison of the variable frequency start and the soft start of the squirrel cage AC asynchronous motor,the merits of former have been reflected,and the problems in use which should be paid attention to have been raised,and the solution of frequency-changer overflowing tripping operation by the frequency converter set of parameters for the improper in the electric drive system.通过鼠笼型交流异步电动机变频起动与软起动的对比,体现出变频起动的优异性,并提出了变频起动在使用中应注意的问题,及在电力拖动系统中变频参数设置不当造成变频器过流跳闸的解决方法。
2.During its long-term operation, generator stator appears tripping operation.运行中发电机定子接地保护基波部分64G1动作,机组故障跳闸
4)switch off跳闸
1.This article analyzes the reasons which result in switch off of the AC and DC breakers in the main converter set when the main converter set is suddenly connected to two parallel extent voltage diesel generators under emergency excitation.本文通过对柴油幅压发电机组在应急励磁状态下,双机并联运行突加主变流机组负载时,其主变流机组交直流自动开关跳闸现象进行了详细的分析;指出了在这种状态下其跳闸的必然性,并对其跳闸的过程进行了综合地分析,提出了在这种情况下的防范措施。
1.The proper setting of the trip-reclosure time on a transmission line is substantial in improving power system stability.本文以跳闸-重合闸电气操作全过程为研究对象,建立了跳闸-重合闸操作时机对电力系统稳定性影响的数学模型,并使用能量函数导出了最佳操作时机的条件及其整定策略。
6)miss trip未跳闸,拒跳闸

非同步重合闸非同步重合闸auto-reclosing without synchronism check-ing between line and bus voltages feltongbu ehonghezho非同步t合闸(auto一reelosing without Syn-ehronism eheeking between line and bus volt-ages)见三相重合一词。