1.Study on special defoamer agent for antibiotics;抗生素专用消泡剂的研制
2.Defoamer Application in Methtone and Ethtone Equipments;消泡剂在甲乙酮装置的应用
3.Preparation of TS emulsion type organic silicon defoamer;复合型乳液有机硅消泡剂的研究

1.antifoaming agent, antifoamer防[泡]沫剂,脱泡剂,消泡剂
2.foam suppressor泡沫抑制剂,消泡剂
3.Synthesis of polyester-ether defoamer by direct alkoxylation and study on its defoaming property聚酯醚型消泡剂的一步法合成及消泡性能研究
4.Xiaopaoji, paper help white agents, the paper switched agents, hydrogen peroxide solution manufacture, marketing.消泡剂、造纸助白剂、纸张涂饰剂、双氧水制造、销售。
5.A Preliminary Investigation of Protein Adsorption Behavior in Foam System with the Presence of Antifoam Agent消泡剂存在体系中蛋白质泡沫吸附行为的初探
6.Wujin Benniu Defoamer Processing Factory武进市奔牛镇消泡剂加工厂
7.Synthesis and Compounding of Polyether Modified Polysiloxane Crude Oil Defoamer聚醚改性聚硅氧烷原油消泡剂的制备
8.Preparation and Evaluation of Organic Silicone Defoaming Agent for Drilling Fluid钻井液用有机硅消泡剂的制备与评价
9.Retention aid, Defoamer, Deposit Controller, Felt Controller, Preservative, Slime Controller, System Cleaner.助留剂、消泡剂、网部树脂控制剂、毛布树脂控制剂、防腐剂、粘泥控制剂、清洗剂。
10.High levels of organic compounds will frequently promote foaming, leading to high consumption of antifoam reagents.有机化合物的含量高常常促使生成泡沫,导致消泡剂的耗量增多。
11.The Preparation of Siloxane-polyester Copolymer and Study in Application;有机硅改性聚醚酯消泡剂的制备及应用研究
12.Synthesis of a Self-emulsification Defoaming Agent-siloxane-oxyalkylene Copolymers;自乳化型聚醚改性聚硅氧烷消泡剂的研制
13.The Relevant Research on Defoamer and Paper Making System白卡纸专用消泡剂与抄纸系统的关联性研究
14.Preparation and application of the main monomer for high fatty alcohol defoamer高级脂肪醇类消泡剂主单体的合成及应用
15.Effects of defoamers on growth and hydrgoen production process of photosynthetic bacteria添加消泡剂对光合细菌生长和产氢量的影响
16.Preparation of Silicone Defoamer and its Application in Monosodium Glutamate Fermentation有机硅消泡剂的制备及在味精发酵中的应用
17.Preparation and Characterization of Main Monomer for Fatty Alcohol-based Defoamer高级脂肪醇类消泡剂主单体的合成及表征
18.Study on application of defoamer in cement-based self-leveling mortar消泡剂在水泥基自流平砂浆中的应用研究

defoaming agent消泡剂
1.Study on the synthesis and use of high-efficiency polyacrylate defoaming agent;高效能聚丙烯酸酯消泡剂的合成及应用探讨
2.Developing & application of defoaming agent used in WPA production;湿法磷酸用消泡剂的开发及应用
3.Development and application of high-effective defoaming agent for heavy oil.;高效稠油消泡剂的研制与应用
3)antifoaming agent消泡剂
1.Application of antifoaming agents in suspension polymerization of polyvinyl chloride;消泡剂在悬浮法聚氯乙烯生产中的应用
2.The development and application of special antifoaming agent for the production of SPVC;SPVC生产专用消泡剂的研制与使用
3.Application of Antifoaming Agent in Textile Production;消泡剂在纺织生产中的应用概述
1.Preparation and properties of acrylate grafted poly(dimethylsiloxane) antifoamers;丙烯酸酯接枝硅油消泡剂的制备与性能
2.A study of polyether modified polysiloxanes antifoamer;聚醚改性有机硅消泡剂的研究
3.Application of antifoamer in propane deasphalting process消泡剂在丙烷脱沥青工艺中的应用
1.Preparation of powdered detergent containing silicone antifoam with spray-on technology喷雾技术制备含有机硅消泡剂的洗衣粉
2.Present study situation and prospect of antifoam;消泡剂的研究现状与展望
3.In this paper the effects of four different antifoams on yeast yield and yeast acivity were studied.消泡剂在面包酵母生产中有着特殊作用。
6)defoamer agent消泡剂
1.Apreparation method of polysiloxane defoamer agent was introduced in this thesis.本文介绍了一种聚硅氧烷乳液型消泡剂的制备方法 ,讨论了各组分对消泡作用的影响以及各组分的最佳配比。
2.Using defoamer agent made of greasyfoot as foam killer, the foam of carbonified liquid is defoamed well and quickly, the experiment proved the defoamer agent is very good one for lye vat.:由油脂下脚料生产的消泡剂对碳化取出液进行消泡 ,消泡效果好而且迅速。
3.The emulsion defoamer agent was preparation by using simethicone,H-containing polysilicone,polyether and suitable emulsifying agent.以二甲基硅油、含氢硅油、聚醚为原料,选用适宜的乳化剂,制成了兼有有机硅特性和聚醚特性的乳液型消泡剂,性能良好,成本低廉,并对硅油聚醚的配比、乳化剂的选择等对消泡效果有影响的因素进行了探讨。
