1.A Review of Hot Dry Rock(HDR) Research and Development in the World;干热岩(HDR)资源研究与开发技术综述

1.Probably Existed Enhanced Geothermal System in Taizhou Area of Jiangsu Province江苏泰州地区可能存在增强型地热系统(干热岩)
2.Research on Heat Transfer of Rock Wall in Mine Tunnels;煤矿巷道内围岩传热量计算若干问题的研究
3.Pilot Plant Research on Pulverized Oil Shale Fluidized Bed Retorting油页岩固体热载体流化干馏炼油工艺中试研究
4.Reutilization of Residual Heat from Cooling Water of Oil Shale Dry Distillation Units油页岩干馏装置循环冷却水余热回收利用
5.Methods of Vegetation Rehabilitation on Mudstone Slopes in Jinsha River Xerothermic Valley金沙江干热河谷泥岩坡地植被恢复研究
6."Found mainly in drier savanna and rocky areas, they feed on a variety of plants and animals."主要生存在干燥的热带大草原和岩石地区,以多种植物和动物为食。
7.The rock walls sometimes supply heat, sometimes absorb it.岩壁有时放热,有时吸热。
8.Thermal Convection Diagenesis of Reservoir Sandstone of Magmatic CO_2 Pool;岩浆成因CO_2气藏中储集砂岩的热对流成岩作用
9.endomagmatic hydrothermal differentiation内成岩浆热液分异作用
10.The hot lava overspread the mountainside.赤热的熔岩布满山腰。
11.The reservoir rock can be of various lithological compositions.热储岩体的岩石成份各式各样。
12.Quartztes and rock salt have the highest conductivities.石英岩和岩盐的热导率最高。
13.The rapakivi granites have a number of petrological peculiarities.环斑花岗岩具有若干岩石学的特征。
14.hot air shrinkage热风收缩,干热收缩
15.More people mean a greater ferment of ideas, more enthusiasm and more energy.热气高, 干劲大。
16.To dry by heating.烘干通过加热使变干
17.Geothermal energy is derived from hot water or steam created by hot or melted rock.地热能可从热岩石或熔岩所产生的热水或蒸汽中取得。
18.dry adiabatic lapse rate干绝热〔温度〕递减率;干绝热〔温度〕直减率

hot dry rock干热岩<能>
3)dry hot rocks干热岩体
4)dry-hot-rock geothermal system干热岩地热系统
5)dry-hot-rock geothermal system干热岩地热系统<地>
6)hot dry rock geothermal power system干热岩体发电系统

干岩矸【通用名称】干岩矸【其他名称】干岩矸 (南川《常用中草药手册》) 【来源】为罂粟科植物毛黄堇的全草。 【植物形态】毛黄堇 多年生草本。主根圆锥形,肉质,灰黄色。茎单一或丛生,倾斜,茎叶均密被白色茸毛。根生叶柄较长,叶片向四周披散,粉绿色,2回羽状复叶;小叶分裂为3~5片,先端钝圆或微尖或3裂。总状花序顶生,有长梗;花冠黄色,无毛。蒴果,线形,有毛。 生于悬岩陡壁缺少雨水处。分布四川等地。 【采集】全年可采。 【性味】苦,凉。 【功用主治】清热,止痛,止血。治跌打损伤,劳伤吐血。 【用法与用量】内服:煎汤,2~3钱;或泡酒。