1.The Canonization and Communication of Zhao Shuli s Novels;赵树理小说的经典化与传播
2.A Study of the Canonization of John Donne s Poetry;约翰·多恩诗歌的经典化研究
3.A Study of Tolkien s the Lord of the Rings and Canonization;对托尔金的《指环王》与经典化问题的研究

1.Research on the Canonization and Decanonization of Red Canon Chao Yang Gou;红色经典《朝阳沟》的经典化与去经典化
2.The Classical Position of the Book of Songs Constructed by History and Deconstructed by the School of Discussion in Ancient Chinese History;《诗》经典化与古史辨《诗经》阐释的去经典化
3.Classicalization and Nonclassicalization of the Revolutionary Historical Novels during the "Seventeen Years";“十七年”革命历史长篇小说的经典化与非经典化
4.Red Classics:A Confirmation on the Value of the Classic Literature Heritage--"Red Classics" Ⅲ;“红色”的“经典”:对于经典化文学遗产的价值确认——“红色经典”论之三
5.Formation of Ancient Critic Classics in Perspective of Canonization of “Poem Expressing Ideal”;从“诗言志”的经典化过程看古代文论经典的形成
6.Transforming Oriental Classics into Western Canon:Spread and Canonization of Waley s Translation of Classical Chinese Poems in Europe and America;东方古典与西方经典——魏理英译汉诗在欧美的传播及其经典化
7.The Interpretation of The Book of Odes and Its Canonization in the Han Dynasty;汉儒的《诗经》阐释与“诗”的经典化
8.Holding Classics in Awe:An Introspection;在历史之畏中透视经典——对人类文化史中一种“去经典化”与“伪经典化”现象的反省
9.The Travel of Texts and the Making of a Canon:How Han Shan s Poems Have Gained a Classic Status in the United States;文本旅行与经典建构——寒山诗在美国翻译文学中的经典化
10.Criticisms on Literary Classics and Tendency to Classical Literary Criticism;文学经典的批评与文学批评的经典化——以建国后十七年文学经典的批评为中心
11."Canonization" of Texts and the Construction of the History of Chinese Contemporary Literature;文本“经典化”与中国当代文学史的建构
12.Study on Canonization of Poem from Perspective of Its Early Dissemination;从《诗》的早期传播看《诗》的经典化
13.Ba Jin s Self-narrative and the canonization of his Sui Xiang Lu;巴金的自我叙述与《随想录》的经典化
14.The modern propagation and the canonization of The Goddess;现代传播与《女神》的出场及其经典化
15.Classical "Audience-Division" in Context of Literary Industrialization论文学产业化语境下经典的“分众化”
16.Literary Canon and Cultural Power: Literary Canon in the Perspective of Cultural Studies;文学经典与文化权力(上)——文化研究视野中的文学经典问题
17.The Revelation of Canonization for the Cultural Industry;原典化对文化产业化的启示——以红色经典《红岩》为例
18.Of or characteristic of the literature, art, and culture of ancient Greece and Rome; classical.经典的有古希腊和古罗马的文学、艺术和文化特征的;经典的

1.Classicalization and Nonclassicalization of the Revolutionary Historical Novels during the "Seventeen Years";“十七年”革命历史长篇小说的经典化与非经典化
2.Birefly discussing classicalization of researches in the Chinese modern literature;略论中国现代文学研究的经典化
3.This paper discusses the classicalization and essentialization in the compilation of literary history,and analyzes the process in which classicalization and essentialization cause the loss of truth in literary research.描述文学史编撰过程中的经典化与本质化,主要分析了经典化与本质化是如何造成文学史真相在文学研究过程中的迷失。
1.Two viewpoints have been formed around the comments of the revolutionary historical novels during the "seventeen years";one is classicalization and the other is nonclassicalization.围绕着如何评价"十七年"革命历史长篇小说,已形成了经典化与非经典化这两种不同观点。
4)Deconstructing Classical Works去经典化
5)classic culture经典文化
1.Synchronically, classic culture is an ideological platform that is constructed by the highest civilization achievements in a given historic period to form the elevation of the culture of an epoch.共时态地看,经典文化是一定历史时期最高文明成果组建的精神平台,构成一个时代文化的标高;历史态地看,经典文化是几千年文化精粹连缀成的等高线,是民族的精神原典,其生成和发展是一个动态的过程,并能在许多层面上惠泽后人。
2.It is a successful TV program exerting strong social influence and marketing might and producing brand value of Chinese classic culture,which boasts an unprecedentedly broad market.在节目成功的同时,《百家讲坛》更是显现出了强大的社会影响力和市场号召力,掀开了中国经典文化所蕴涵的品牌价值,为经典文化打开了前所未有的广阔市场。
6)Cultural Classics文化经典
1.Contemporary Explanation of Cultural Classics of Lu Hsun ——Speech on International Seminar of Study of Lu Hsun for 20 Years;鲁迅文化经典的当代阐释——在鲁迅研究二十年国际学术讨论会上的发言
