1.When the“Oven”Became a“Shrine”: On the Reconstruction of History in Toni Morrison s Paradise;当烤炉成为圣坛——评《乐园》中历史的重构
2.A Study of a Myth of Paradise in The Classic of Mountains and Seas;《山海经》乐园神话研究
3.This text analyzes the myth—Archetype image in“paradise”of Journey to the West,and the focal point is with“paradise”mode of the Holy Bible.本文即从神话原型的角度,分析《西游记》中“乐园”这一神话原型意象,并重点以《圣经》中的“乐园”模式为基础进一步从中西文化对比的角度分析孙悟空的“得乐园”、“失乐园”、“复乐园”这一神话模式。

1.The concert hall is in Tivoli.音乐厅在第凡尼乐园内。
2.Over the years, Disneyland has acquired the unmistakable characteristics of a national institution.迪斯尼乐园是大型主题游乐公园。
3.The Tivoli Gardens are famous around the world as an amusement park.第凡尼乐园是举世闻名的游乐园
4.Hong Lok Yuen Fresh Water Booster Pumping Statio康乐园食水增压抽水站
5.The Super Rides of California's Great Theme Parks加州游乐园里的惊奇
6.Throughout Disneyland and throughout the entire world,在迪斯尼乐园和全世界,
7.How big is the park?迪斯尼乐园有多大?
8.Have you ever been to Dis-neyland?你去过迪斯尼乐园吗?
9.I like to go to the Disneyland.我想到迪斯尼乐园去。
10.Disneyland and Long Beach.迪斯尼乐园和长滩。
11.They are in Disneyland.他们在迪斯尼乐园
12.Disneyland, California, USA加利佛尼亚迪斯尼乐园
13.Space Monster [Children's Adventure Playground]太空怪物〔儿童探奇乐园
14.Solar System [Children's Adventure Playground]太阳系〔儿童探奇乐园
15.Moon Dragon [Children's Adventure Playground]月球之龙〔儿童探奇乐园
16.Moonscape Feature [Children's Adventure Playground]月球面貌〔儿童探奇乐园
17.Suspension Bridge [Children's Adventure Playground]吊桥〔儿童探奇乐园
18.Moon Rocket [Children's Adventure Playground]月球火箭〔儿童探奇乐园

1.The Perfect Dream and Realistic Tragedy in Paradise;《乐园》的完美理想与现实悲剧
2.Narrative Pattern of Paradise;论《乐园》的叙述话语模式
3.The Black Families in Paradise;托尼·莫里森《乐园》里的黑人家庭
3)Urumqi Water Park水上乐园
1.Based on the determination of the contents of six elements such as Pb, Cu, Cd, Zn, Hg and As respectively in the veneer (coal ash layer), intermediate layer(powderedsoil layer)and sublayer(differentiation layer)of the bottom sediment of Urumqi Water Park, the pollution condition of heavy metals in the sediment was assessed.分析测定了水上乐园库底沉积物表层(煤灰层)、中层(粉土层)、底层(风化层)中Pb、Cu、Cd、Zn、Hg、As6种元素含量。
1.Harmony,Blend——Unscrambling of General Planning of Dangtu Taibai Eco-Eden;和谐·交融——当涂县太白生态乐园总体规划解读
5)Children Park儿童乐园
1.The conceptual plan of the Children Park in the Newly Developed Area for Government and Culture in Hefei gives full consideration of the children s mentality and the need of exchange during growth, and has the characteristic of spontaneous activities of children.合肥市政务文化新区儿童乐园的概念性方案,充分考虑了儿童的心理和成长交流需要,以儿童的自发活动为特色,兼顾各类活动设施,创造丰富活动空间,构筑了一个富有感染力、空间变幻多彩的都市儿童乐园
6)paddling fairyland戏水乐园
1.Presents design of the heating, ventilating and especially air conditioning system of the paddling fairyland.介绍了南山娱乐城供暖、通风、空调系统设计 ,着重介绍戏水乐园空调系统的设计。
