叙事语法,narrative grammar
1)narrative grammar叙事语法
1.However, the research of news narrative grammar whic.然而,新闻叙事语法作为新闻叙事学的重要组成部分,却少见专门论述,据笔者有限的了解,目前国内公开发表的学术论文中,专门论及新闻叙事语法的尚付阙如,其概念的提出,内涵的界定与阐释均属新闻学术领域内的薄弱甚至空白地带。

1.The Explanation of The Fallen Woman with Glaymas Narrative Grammar;格雷玛斯叙事语法对《茶花女》的阐释
2.On the Origin,Development and Basic Narrative Grammar of Horror Fiction;论恐怖小说的渊源、演化及基本叙事语法
3.Connotations of "Narrative Grammar" in Hong Yings Fiction;结构意蕴:“流散”作家虹影小说的“叙事语法
4.The Alienated State of Man: An Analysis of as I Lay Dying from the Perspective of Greimas Narrative Structure;运用格雷马斯叙事语法解读《我弥留之际》的异化主题
5.Martial Arts Fictional Narrative Grammar in Private Records of Studying in Japan;《留东外史》的“武侠小说”叙事语法——论平江不肖生武侠小说创作的转型
6.Gender,Identity and Narrative Discourse:Mainstreams Approaches to Feminist Narratology;性别、身份与叙事话语:西方女性主义叙事学的主流研究方法
7.The Narrative Research of Task-based Teaching Approach in Vocational English Class;高职英语任务型教学法探索的叙事研究
8.Narrative Functions of English Syntactic Constructions and Their Cognitive Motivations;英语句法结构的叙事功能及其认知理据
9.Discourse transformation and Chunqiubifa: Narrative strategies in English and Chinese;从话语转换与春秋笔法看英汉叙事策略
10.Techniques of Defamiliarization in Beloved--Studies of Narrative Point of View and Language Strategies;《宠儿》中的陌生化手法——解读叙事视角和言语策略
11.An interaction of discourses: the narrative of The French Lieutenant’s Woman;话语权力的互动——《法国中尉的女人》的叙事艺术
12.The Narrative Discourse Strategy in Cao Yu’s Drama:Diversity Inlay Techniques曹禺戏剧话语的叙事策略:多样化的镶嵌手法
13.good at mathematics, languages, describing things擅长数学、 语言、 叙事
14.On Metafictional Narrative Strategies of Horizontal Narrative Discourse and "Fragment" Narration in Zuckerman Trilogy;“佐克曼三部曲”的元小说叙事策略:碎片叙事及非线性叙事话语研究
15.A Study of Use of Discourse Markers in Narrative and Non-narrative Discourse by Chinese EFL Learners;英语专业学习者自述话语中叙事与非叙事成分的话语标记语研究
16.Instead, Archer Taylor's system classifies riddles by the nature of the item described in the question, using seven general categories:因此,阿切尔-泰勒分类法根据谜面描叙的事物性质,将谜语分成七类:
17.Condensed Poetic Epic Narrative: Balaise Cendrars s Gold;诗意化的浓缩史诗叙事——瑞士籍法语作家桑德拉尔的《黄金》
18.Contesting Narratives in Courtroom and Conflicts between Disputants: Implications of Discourse Analysis to Trial Judges;庭审中叙事的对立与诉讼对抗:话语分析对法官的启示

On the News Narrative Grammar新闻叙事语法论
3)narrative language叙事语言
1.On the Narrative Language of Genesis;论《创世纪》的叙事语言
2.There are very clear characteristics in the art of narrative language of LIAO ZHAI ZHI YI.《聊斋志异》的叙事语言有着鲜明的艺术特色,既有传统叙事文学的简练美,又摈弃了口语中粗俗的成分,具有很强的通俗性和明显的典雅和文人化特色。
3.By reviewing avant-garde novels from brand new angles of narrative language, narrative artifice and narrative style, it can be seen that they have the following features: avant-garde writers use a lot of metaphors and ironies in narration, and they actively explore the expressive function in language proper.从叙事语言、叙事手段、叙事风格三方面的全新视角切入来审视先锋小说,其叙事特色如下:先锋派作家在叙事语言方面大量使用“像……”的比喻结构,反讽性的修辞,并积极探索语言自身的表达功能。
4)narrative discourse叙事话语
1.On the Local Narrative Discourse in Chinese Movie and Television;中国影视艺术中的本土“叙事话语”试探
2.On narrative discourse,it takes the way of "saying" news rather than broadcasting mode,focusing on relaxation,colloquial and natural beauty.它在叙事话语上,采用"说新闻"的播报方式,注重轻松性、口语化和自然美;在叙事结构上,"调侃新闻"、"奇观展示"一显一隐地表征着两条行进路线,生成文本意义;在叙事视角上,运用富有交流性、亲切感的第二人称叙事视角,借助柔性叙事策略,有效缩短受传双方的距离。
3.Since late 1980s,feminist narratology in the west has refocused its attention to the relations among narrative discourse,gender and identity,including the gendered narrative strategies,gendered interpretation of specific narration and the construction of the reader s gender identity by narrative forms.20世纪80年代后期开始,西方女性主义叙事学主要研究叙事话语与性别及身份的关联,包括各种话语策略的性别差异,具体叙事的性别化阐释,以及叙事形式对读者性别身份的建构等。
5)narrative discourse叙事语篇
1.Diverse speech and thought representations in narrative discourse are constructed around two ground centers with four dimensions.根据认知语法中的"场景定位"理论研究,叙事语篇中人物言语和思想的表达形式应是围绕两个场景参照中心、在四个维度上进行动态场景构形的结果。
2.Based on the analysis of how the prototype changes the category of narrative discourse .本文通过分析原型与鲁迅科学小说译作叙事语篇范畴关系,揭示原型对原文叙事语篇的范畴化及对译文的建构作用。
3.In the cognitive construction of fictional world,perspective subjects cognitive choice concerning viewpoint space,interactive roles and access paths provides full account for diverse linguistic forms and patterns in narrative discourse.利用认知语言学的理论把人的认知操作与语言形式结合起来对叙事语篇中视角的本质及其与语言形式之间的构建关系进行分析。
6)narrative text叙事语篇
1.This study was designed to explore the effects of titles on skilled and less skilled Chinese EFL readers’ on-line thematic inference-making processes during narrative text comprehension.本研究考察叙事语篇标题启动条件对不同阅读能力的中国英语学习者即时主题推理加工的影响。
2.Through comparison and analysis, the author gives evidence to show that the identification of Theme and patterns of thematic progression within a narrative text also suggests another implicit pattern "the problem-solution method".经过具体语言素材的分析和比较,文章认为英语叙事语篇的主位及主位推进模式的选择,表达了该语篇的“问题-解决办法”模式。
3.The purpose of this study was to contrast the topical inference ability and information integration of the junior high school students with undergraduates in narrative text, and explored the connection of both of them.实验一采用2×2设计,用简短的叙事语篇作为阅读材料。
