作者意图,author's intention
1)author's intention作者意图

1.3-to 6-year-old Children's Understanding of the Painter's Intention3-6岁儿童对于图画作者意图的理解
2.Contentions on the Issue of "Author and Author s Intention" and Its Enlightening Significance to Literature Teaching;“作者和作者意图”的论争及其对文学教学的启示
3.Narrative Design and Authorial Consciousness in Wuthering Heights论《呼啸山庄》中的叙事布局和作者意图
4.Preschool Children s Cognitive Development About the Painter s Intention;学龄前儿童关于图画作者意图的认知发展
5.The Function of the Author s Intention in Poetic Criticism:A Case Study Concerning "Skunk Hour";从《臭鼬时辰》看作者意图在诗歌评论中的作用
6.Research of control method to Internet-based telerobot system based on operator intention analysis结合操作者意图分析的Internet机器人控制方法研究
7.Young Children s Cognitive Development about the Painter s Intention and Its Educational Implications;学前儿童对于图画作者意图的认知发展及教育启示
8.Improving the Reader Satisfaction and Strengthening the Work of Library Services;提高读者满意度 加强图书馆服务工作
9.Reader Satisfaction and Service in College Library论高校图书馆读者满意度与图书馆读者服务工作
10.These folks enjoy creative work, whether it's hairdressing, graphic design or photo journalism.他们大都喜欢有创意的工作,像理发师、绘图师和图片新闻工作者。
11.Protecting Writers: A Significant Dialogue;保卫作者:一场有意义的对话——赫施意图论的当代解释学意义
12.These pictures were painted as a pair and were intended to be hung together.这两幅画是一组画,作者的意图是要挂在一起的。
13.Analysis of "Perfect Translation" in Hushi s Translation"The Isles of Greece"from the Perspective of Translator s Intention;从译者意图解读胡适译作《哀希腊歌》中的“善译”观
14.Examination and Assessment of Readers Satisfaction Being a Presupposition of Good Library Work;通过对读者满意度的测评 做好图书馆服务工作
15.The Intention and Context of the Source Text Is the Measure of Translation;原作者的意图和语境是翻译时取舍的尺度
16.Strengthening the Work of Medical Library Services and Improving the Reader Satisfaction加强医学院校图书馆服务工作提高读者满意度
17.Making Intentions and Expectations Meet: A Role of Relevance Theory in Translation;译者意图与读者期待——试论关联理论在翻译过程中的作用
18.the author inadvertently reveals the murderer in the penultimate chapter; the figures in the next-to-last column.作者在倒数第二章无意说出了凶手是谁;倒数第二根柱子上的图形。

operator intention操作者意图
1.Research of control method to Internet-based telerobot system based on operator intention analysis结合操作者意图分析的Internet机器人控制方法研究
3)Target Language Text Readers' Expectations原文作者意图
4)translator's intention译者意图
5)intention of patients患者意图
6)author consciousness作者意识
1.Author s editor consciousness and editor s author consciousness;作者的编辑意识与编辑的作者意识
