文艺期刊,literary periodicals
1)literary periodicals文艺期刊
1.As a new media of novels, literary periodicals have technicality, large capability, abroad influence and doughty ability of advertisement, which straightly accelerated the boom of novels, and it brought positive effects on novels transform from antiquity to modern times also.晚清是中国古代小说的转型时期,文艺期刊作为新兴的小说载体,以其专门性、大容量、广泛影响和极强的广告力直接促进了小说在这一时期的繁荣,为小说由古代向现代的转化产生了积极的影响。
2.The translation activities of literary periodicals in Guilin during the Anti-Japanese War were rich and colorful.桂林抗战时期文艺期刊翻译活动是丰富多彩的,我们没有理由不给予它应有的重视和研究。

1.A Collection of the Translation-Carrying Literary Periodicals in the Wartime Guilin关于对桂林抗战时期刊登译作文艺期刊的整理
2.Literary and Artistic Periodicals,as Cultural Industries;作为文化产业的文艺期刊──关于“文学与期刊的市场境遇”札记之三
3.The Interplay of Translation and Literary & Artistic Periodicals in Guilin from 1938 to 1944;桂林抗战文化城文艺期刊与翻译的互动
4.The Literature and Art Mass Organizations and Their Magazines at the Early Stage of Tsinghua University;论清华大学早期的文艺社团及其刊物
5.A Study of Systematic Visual Design of Cultural and Art Periodical;文化艺术类期刊的系统化视觉设计研究
6.A Neglected Newspaper Supplement--The study of Da Gong Bao s Week Literary Art;一份被忽视了的准同仁副刊——《大公报·星期文艺》论
7.On the Understanding and Practising of “Usefulness” of Newspaper Literary and Artistic Supplement in the New Period;论新时期报纸文艺副刊“有用性”的理解与实践
8.EPA is a Key Journal in China and embodied by CA.本刊是中文核心期刊、A收录期刊。
9.A Research to the Classification of Periodicals in Art Designing--The Category of Environmental Art Designing;《全国中文艺术设计类期刊等级鉴定研究——环境艺术部分》
10.Lots of periodicals in foreign languages have been subscribed to, not to mention those in Chinese.且不说中文期刊, 外文期刊也订了不少。
11.On the Journal Culture Building and Its Competitive Ability Raising;塑造期刊企业文化 提高期刊竞争力
12.Comparative Analysis of the Core Journals of China and Chinese Journals Formation;中国期刊方阵与中文核心期刊的比较
13.non - periodical literature非刊文献, 不属于期刊上发表的文章
14.MAO Dun launched the semimonthly Literary Position in 1938, and edited from the first 18 issues.茅盾于1938年4月16日创办了半月刊《文艺阵地》并主编了前18期。
15.Monograph and Periodical Article Database专论和期刊文章数据库
16.Reader's digest is a periodical.《读者文摘》是一种期刊。
17.(This is an excerpt of an article published in the July issue of The Alumnus)(原文刊于国大7月出版的《毕业生》期刊)
18.Problems of citation forms of English journal titles in bibliographic references of Chinese sci-tech journals科技期刊文后参考文献英文刊名著录问题

comprehensive literature and art journals综合性文艺期刊
1.The issued copies of comprehensive literature and art journals are far more than those of scientific journals, and this fact almost leads to a thinking habit in the field of editoring and publishing.综合性文艺期刊的发行数量远远高于综合性科技期刊的发行数量,这几乎成为一种思维定势。
3)Left-Wing magazine左翼文艺期刊
1.In the 1930s,a certain number of poems,short stories and other writings written by Korean proletarian writers were translated into Chinese by the Left-Wing magazines of China such as Dazhongwenyi.20世纪30年代,我国的《大众文艺》等左翼文艺期刊对朝鲜左翼作家和"同伴者"作家的作品进行了部分翻译介绍,它们是两国左翼文学交流的踪迹,是两国现代文学交流的重要组成部分。
4)Kuomintang's literature and art periodical motive国民党文艺期刊
5)Right-wing literary periodical右翼文艺期刊
6)Cultural and Artistic periodical文化艺术类期刊

解放军文艺出版社(见解放军文艺社)解放军文艺出版社(见解放军文艺社)PLA Literature and Art Publishing House  IiefQngiun Wenyi Chubanshe解放军文艺出版社(PLA Literatureand Art Publishing House)见解放军文艺社。