小说交际,fictional communication
1)fictional communication小说交际
1.Studying fictional communication from the pragmatic perspective,this paper builds a pragmatic framework of fictional communication.本文对小说交际进行了语用研究,构建了小说交际语用框架,说明小说交际的参与者包括作者、读者、叙述者和人物,小说交际的途径为人物话语、叙述话语、故事事件、故事结构以及故事塑造的人物或描述的现象,小说交际的语境包括作者创作小说的语境、叙述者讲述故事的语境、人物使用语言的语境和读者阅读小说的语境,小说交际中的意义包括抽象意义、语境意义和在六个层次上的八种作者意义,小说交际是具有多个参与者、多种途径、多种语境、多层意义的延缓了的交际。
2.From the perspective of pragmatics, it regards the process of fictional communication as the subject, which is seldom studied by traditional literary theories and linguistic studies.本文属于跨学科研究,从语用学视角出发,以传统的文学理论和语言学研究涉及得较少的小说交际过程为研究对象,在关联理论基础上提出了“小说交际语用分析模式”。

1.Relevance: Construction and Reconstruction of Meanings in Fictional Communication关联性:小说交际中意义的建构与重构
2.Analyzing the Communicative Functions of Address Forms Through the Novel Choose从小说《抉择》看称呼语的交际功能
3.the trait of being communicative.爱说话和交际的特性。
4.They are looking for evidence that a graduate can communicate and work in a team."’他们正在寻找说明学生有能力交际和能在小组中合作的根据。”
5.The Tension of Communicative Memory and Cultural Memory in Gras s Novels;记忆的构建与选择——交际记忆与文化记忆张力场中的格拉斯小说
6.Relevance of Conversation between Characters in Literary Text--Unsuccessful Communication in "A Good Man is Hard to Find";文学语篇中人物话语之间的关联性——小说《好人难寻》中的无效交际
7.English Short Story Teaching and the Students Cross-cultural Communicative Ability Training;大学英语短篇小说教学及其对学生跨文化交际能力的培养
8.Intercultural Collisions--An Intercultural Perspective of Invisible Man,an African American Novel;文化的碰撞——从跨文化交际学视角看美国黑人小说《无形人》
9.Delivery of Communicative Intention of Chinese Code in Translating The Joy Luck Club汉语语码还原过程中交际意图的传递——以英文小说《喜福会》为例
10.Incomplete statistics show that over the last two decades and more, Short Story International has carried over thirty outstanding Chinese short stories, beautifully rendered into English, which had been previously published in Chinese Literature.二十年来,《国际短篇小说
11.For what is usually called social intercourse she had very little relish.对于通常所说的社会交际,她兴趣不大。
12.The Application of the Communicative Approach to the Teaching of English Listening and Speaking in Junior High Middle Schools;交际法在初中英语听说教学中的应用
13.The Influence of Communication Anxiety in Listening, Speaking, and Reading on English Achievements;听、说、读交际焦虑对英语成绩的影响
14.Fostering the Students English Communicative Ability by Combining Listening with Speaking;“听”“说”结合,培养学生的英语交际能力
15.The Application of Communicative Approach to the Listening and Speaking Course of Practical English;交际法原则与《实用英语》听说课教学
16.“Triple Contextual Categories″ (TCC)of International Communication: Hypothesis and Verification;国际交流“语境三分类”假说与验证
17.The Effect on Personal-Communication Ability of College Students through Making-friend Group Discipline.;交友小组训练对大学生人际交往能力的影响
18.Subcommittee on Tourism and Facilitation of International Traffic旅游业和促进国际交通小组委员会

meaning in fictional communication小说交际的意义
3)A Pragmatic Study of Fictional Communication小说交际语用研究
4)PI-Model of Fictional Communication小说交际语用分析模式
5)international fiction国际小说
6)communicative model based on listening and speaking听说交际型
