1.Promotion of Students Self-disclosure and Teacher-Student Relationships under Network Environment;网络环境下学生的自我表露与师生关系促进
2.Self-disclosure s Value and Enlightenment to Psychological Consultancy;自我表露在心理咨询中的价值及启示
3.Methods:Based on 164 samples from Zhejiang University, this study first tested the psychological property of JSDQ (Jurad self-disclosure questionnaire) and made some revisions according to the result.目的:探讨大学生自我表露、主观幸福感现况及二者的关系。

1.Research between Youngster s Self-disclosure Level and the Target Person of Disclosure;青少年自我表露水平与表露对象关系的研究
2.Self-disclosure of Middle School Students and Its Relationship with Self-esteem中学生的自我表露及其与自尊的关系
3.Cross-cultural Comparison on Teaching Effects of Teacher Self-Disclosure;教师自我表露教学效果的跨文化比较
4.Quantitative Analysis on Literatures of Self-disclosure in SSCI;SSCI中自我表露研究的计量分析
5.The Analysis of Self-revelation in Children′s Peer Interaction;幼儿同伴交往活动中自我表露的探析
6.Self-disclosure s Value and Enlightenment to Psychological Consultancy;自我表露在心理咨询中的价值及启示
7.Investigation on the Relation of Freshmen s Mental Health and Self-disclosure;大学新生心理健康状况与自我表露的关系研究
8.Dancing with Shackles:Self Disclosure of Stars in Their Blogs;戴着镣铐的舞蹈:明星博客中的自我表露
9.Self-Disclosure and Its Relationship with Subjective Well-being among College Students;大学生自我表露及其与主观幸福感的关系
10.Promotion of Students Self-disclosure and Teacher-Student Relationships under Network Environment;网络环境下学生的自我表露与师生关系促进
11.The Impact of Self-disclosure by Teachers in Lecture on their Appraisals from Students;教师课堂教学中的自我表露对学生评价的影响
12.Case report on the amelioration of interpersonal relationship in undergraduates by means of self-disclosure;运用自我表露改善大学生人际关系的个案报告
13.Researching on the Relations between Adolescent Self-disclosure with Peers and Loneliness青少年对同伴的自我表露及其与孤独感的关系
14.The Self-disclosure of Undergraduates to Their Net Friends and the Relational Study大学生与网友的自我表露及其相关研究
15.A Study on the Relationship of Interpersonal Relationship,Self-disclosure and Internet Addiction Disorder in Middle School Students中学生人际关系、自我表露与网络成瘾的关系
16.Correlation among Social Anxiety Self-Efficacy and Self-Disclosure in Nursing Students;护生社交焦虑现状及其与自我效能、自我表露的相关性分析
17.Loneliness of University Students and Its Relationship with Serf-concealment,Serf-disclosure,Coping Style and Perceived Social Support;大学生孤独感与自我隐瞒、自我表露、应对方式和社会支持的关系
18.Self-disclosure and Self-concealment in Adolescence and the Relationship between them and Subjective Well-being;青少年自我表露和自我隐瞒的特点及其与主观幸福感的关系

1.Making sense of the basic status of the freshmen s self-revelation will contribute to the related education of their metal health.了解大学新生自我表露的基本状况将直接有助于对其进行针对性的心理健康教育。
2.The interaction,the extent and pattern of children′s self-revelation affect each other.同伴交往活动在幼儿的社会性发展中发挥着非常重要的作用,这一活动与幼儿的自我表露程度和方式互为影响。
3)self disclosure frequency自我表露频率
4)self disclosure content自我表露内容
5)teacher self-disclosure教师自我表露
1.To explore and compare the perceptions of Chinese preservice teachers and American preservice teachers on teaching effects of teacher self-disclosure,Teaching Effects of Teacher Self-Disclosure Scale was administered to 180 American preservice teachers and 509 Chinese preservice teachers.以180名美国和509名中国师范生为研究对象,采用自编《教师自我表露教学效果问卷》调查和比较中美师范生对教师自我表露教学效果的理解。
6)Style of clients'disclosure自我表露风格
