1.Through the analysis of the archetype-scapegoat in the marginal contextualization of Lord Jim s twice "losing honor" in the British novelist Conrad s novel——Lord Jim,the essay explores the philosophical meaning of "original sin" reflected in the story and the absurdity in Lord Jim s atonement.以英国小说家康拉德中篇小说《吉姆爷》中吉姆爷两次"失去尊严"的边缘情境为切入点,分析吉姆爷悲剧的"替罪羊"原型,并试图探究其"原罪"的哲学内涵和吉姆赎罪的荒诞性。
2.From the aspect of collective unconsciousness, this paper focuses on "scapegoat" in the novel "The Lottery", the magnum opus of the famous modern American novelist Shirley Jackson, and analyzes three kinds of characters of the novel.杰克逊的代表作《彩票》中"替罪羊"这一原型,从集体无意识角度分析小说的三类人物,结论是:资产阶级挑选替罪羊是要不露声色地压迫村民为其赚取利益;村民们把替罪羊当作发泄对抽彩的恐惧和对资产阶级不满的出气筒;特丝沦为替罪羊揭示了男权社会传统不可动摇、男人统治一切的局面。

1.The accused was used as a scapegoat.被告成为别人的替罪羊
2.This means to be the scapegoat, to be blamed for something that someone else did.它的意思是“替罪羊”,也就是替人受过。
3.He had been made the scapegoat for all the failures of the Luftwaffe.他就是德国空军各次败绩的替罪羊
4.They were made the scapegoats for the misfire of the program.他们成了那个计划失败的替罪羊
5.I'm not going go be a punching bag for anyone.我不会给任何人当替罪羊
6.B: Definitely not. He is just the scapegoat.当然不是,他只是个替罪羊而已。
7.He was a whipping boy in this accident and he was done for.他是这次事故中的替罪羊,他完蛋了.
8.The easy scapegoat is Mr Bush himself.温驯的替罪羊正是布什先生本人。
9.He was made a scapegoat of the ruling circles and compelled to resign.他成了统治集团的替罪羊,被迫辞职。
10.Somebody like you could end up a goat.象你这样的人最后可能变成替罪羊
11.As usual, he was left to carry the can.像往常一样,他成了带人受过的替罪羊
12.The Images of "Scapegoat" in Paradise Written by Toni Morrison;莫里森《天堂》中的“替罪羊”形象
13.On the Release of Social Tension from the Phenomenon of "Scapegoat"从“替罪羊”现象看社会紧张的缓释
14.All those red hots need a victim.所有的那些走运的家伙都需要一个替罪羊
15.The gang ran off and left their lookout at a fall guy.那伙人逃跑了,让他们守望员当了替罪羊
16.whipping boy【史】(陪王子读书, 代受鞭责的)受鞭伴读;替罪羊
17.But I suspect that the nuclear weapon is only the scapegoat for our fears.但我怀疑,核武器不过是我们害怕的替罪羊
18.America needs to stop making China a scapegoat for the failures of American policy.美国需要停止让中国成为其政策破产的替罪羊

image of scapegoat替罪羊意象
1.Starting from the perspective of the metaphorical images in Gates metaphorical theory,the present thesis made an interpretation of how the image of scapegoat and that of suicide are repeated and modified in the black s context.从盖茨的喻指理论中意象的喻指入手,分析解读莫里森《秀拉》中替罪羊意象和自杀意象在非裔美国黑人语境下的重复与改写。
3)A scapegoat代罪羔羊
4)The Crime of Assume the Person of the Offender顶替人犯罪
1.Progress in research on detecting gestation in sheep using real-time B-mode ultrasonic scanner;B超监测母羊妊娠研究进展
2.Analysis of amino acids in brain polypeptide of sheep;羊脑多肽的氨基酸含量分析
3.Application of Cysteamine in Sheep production;半胱胺在养羊生产中的应用
1.Comparative study on histodynamics in adult goat and human heart;成人和成体羊心脏组织动力学比较
2.Histodynamic observation of endocardium in adult goat and human heart;成人和成体羊心脏心内膜的组织动力学观察
3.Observation of Purkinje fiber and Purkinje fiber-cardiac muscular bundle junction in goat ventricle;羊心脏蒲肯野纤维和蒲肯野纤维-心肌束连接观察
