1.Winnicott s Treatment View on Theory of Object Relation of Psychoanalysis;温尼科特的精神分析客体关系理论的治疗观
2.Interpretation of Children s Aggression from the View of Psychoanalysis——Winnicott s Theory of Aggression;儿童攻击性的精神分析式解读——温尼科特的攻击性理论
3.Winnicott s Study on Child Psychoanalysis: A Review;温尼科特的儿童精神分析学评介

1.Winnicott s Treatment View on Theory of Object Relation of Psychoanalysis;温尼科特的精神分析客体关系理论的治疗观
2.Interpretation of Children s Aggression from the View of Psychoanalysis--Winnicott s Theory of Aggression;儿童攻击性的精神分析式解读——温尼科特的攻击性理论
3.Coster-Kronig transition科斯特-克朗尼格跃迁
4.Kennicott stooped to peer through the windows.肯尼科特弯下身来,往窗外看了一眼。
5.Kennicott was closeted in his detective story.肯尼科特埋头看他的侦探小说。
6.a Celtic language formerly spoken in Cornwall.以前科尼什人说的凯尔特语。
7.Sitnitov, utterly confused, look at his coach-man.西特尼科夫非常狼狈,望着他的车夫。
8.Carol picked at Kennicott's sleeve.卡萝尔拽了一下肯尼科特的袖子。
9.Kennicott's house is barren and gloomy.肯尼科特的住宅又阴暗又寒酸。
10.He touched the manila folder which Wainwright had put down.他按了按温赖特放下的马尼拉纸文件袋。
11.Temperature Dependent Internal Friction Characteristic and Solute Effect of High Damping Magnesium Alloys高阻尼镁合金温度相关内耗特征及溶质影响
12.Wings Coin babbit alloy温斯科因巴比特轴承合金
13.Characteristics of the Aeolian Sandy Soil Temperature and its Analysis in Horqin Sandland科尔沁沙地风沙土地温特征及其分析
14.Distribution and Spread Characteristics of Invasive Plants of Compositae in Wenzhou;温州菊科入侵植物的分布特点及其扩散特征
15.Kennicott slowly understood that she meant to keep up her seclusion.肯尼科特慢慢地开始懂得,她是有意要回避他。
16.In 1935, three Walt Disney films were screened in Moscow.1935年,莫斯科上映了3部华特.迪士尼的电影。
17.AS Monaco, Nice and Rouen in France and FC Winterthur in Switzerland.法国的摩纳哥、尼斯和鲁昂俱乐部,以及瑞士的温特图尔俱乐部踢球。
18.In his pictures of Trinidad the sea is warm and the foliage tropical.在他的画里,特立尼达的海是温暖的,热带花草密密丛丛。

3)Taconite Harbour塔科尼特港
4)Kennecott Copper Co.肯尼科特铜公司
5)postnikov system波斯特尼科夫系
6)Corey-Winter reaction科里-温特反应

温尼耶,A.O.  挪威诗人、作家。生于泰勒马克郡,卒于奥普兰郡。他是一个贫苦农民的儿子,曾在奥斯陆大学攻读法律。1851年任一家地方报纸的记者。1858年创办新挪威语杂志《山谷人》,并发表了许多诗作。他受海涅的影响较深,对当时社会持批判态度,崇尚自然美。他的著名的散文集《1860年夏游记》(1861)收入从奥斯陆步行至特隆赫姆的见闻札记,至今仍为挪威人民所喜爱。