1.Contrary to Christian conception of original sin,offence is the spiritual situation of Greeks in the.而与基督教的"原罪"观念不同,冒犯是希腊人在诸神面前的精神处境,彰显的是人的强健与高贵,希腊人的悲剧艺术正是这种精神姿态的显现。

1.a state or condition of being innocent of a specific crime or offense.没有犯罪或冒犯他人。
2.I didn't mean to offend you.我不是故意冒犯你。
3.provoke sb by making him angry,upset or offended激怒、惹恼或冒犯某人
4.He fall foul of his boss and lose his job他冒犯了老板,丢了工作
5.He fell foul of his boss and lost his job.他冒犯了老板,丢了工作。
6.I hope I haven't offended you.我希望我未冒犯您。
7.No offence!没有冒犯你的意思!
8.slander is an actionable offense.诽谤是可控告的冒犯
9.visibly offended, ill, in love看得出受到冒犯、 生
10.Don't get hot under the collar. I didn't mean to offend you.别发火,我本无意冒犯你。
11.observant to avoid giving offense;注意避免冒犯别人;
12.Don't mean to off end you.我不是故意冒犯你的。
13.Please excuse me for having offended you just now.刚才冒犯了你,请原谅。
14.incapable of offending or attacking.没有冒犯或攻击力的。
15.The offender apologized when he sobered up.冒犯者醒酒后道了歉。
16."Forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive them that trespass against us."宽恕我们对你的冒犯行为吧,如同我们宽恕别人对我们的冒犯
17.Her brusqueness offends many people.她的粗暴无礼冒犯很多人。
18.People who are too straightforward in speech easily offend others.说话太直率的人 很容易冒犯他人.

trespass against违犯;冒犯
3)cultural offense文化冒犯
1.People engaged in transcultural marketing must be aware of the so-called "cultural offense," resulted from .而跨文化广告营销必须要注意由于价值观、消费观不同而带来的文化冒犯,只有对一个国家或地区传统文化的深入理解,才能有效实现跨国营销的决定性胜利。
4)the offended被冒犯者
5)severity of offence冒犯程度
1.The collected data,which are analyzed by SPSS,demonstrate that the apology is such a sophisticated behavior that it is under the influence of complex parameters: severity of offence,expectation of an apology,gender and social distance.通过问卷形式和实地观察记录法对影响大学生“道歉”言语行为的各种因素进行调查,并利用SPSS软件系统进行数据分析,证实冒犯程度、道歉期望指数、性别和社会距离等变量共同影响道歉行为。
6)pragmatic offence语用冒犯
