1.From "Logotherapy" to Grief-lessening Guidance——Probing into the Applied Value of Frankl s "Logotherapy";从“意义治疗”到悲伤辅导——弗兰克尔“意义治疗学”的应用价值初探
2.Search for the Fulcrum of Life: Research on Frankl s Logotherapy;寻找生命的支点:弗兰克尔的“意义治疗学”研究
3.The article used the prospect of Logotherapy researches the“meaning”which have big effect to human being.而弗兰克尔得意义治疗学无疑为我们解决这样的问题,提供了一套行之有效的方法。

1.An Investigation into the "Meaning" in Frankel's Logotherapy弗兰克尔意义治疗学之“意义”探索
2.From "Logotherapy" to Grief-lessening Guidance--Probing into the Applied Value of Frankl s "Logotherapy";从“意义治疗”到悲伤辅导——弗兰克尔“意义治疗学”的应用价值初探
3.Retrospection and Understanding: Frank’s Theory of Meaning Therapy and its Practical Implications追溯与理解──略论弗兰克的意义治疗学说及其实践意义
4.Search for the Fulcrum of Life: Research on Frankl s Logotherapy;寻找生命的支点:弗兰克尔的“意义治疗学”研究
5.Meaning therapy is Frank′ s innovative attempt to solve the problem.意义治疗学说是弗兰克解决这一问题的智慧性尝试。
6.Literature Therapy: Another Interpretation of Cultural Significance of Shen Congwen s Novels;文学疗治:沈从文小说文化意义的别一种解读
7.Study on hematological early shift and significance of treated children with acute promylocytic leukemia儿童早幼粒白血病治疗初期血液学变化及意义
8.Significant of Premenstrual Syndrome Syndrome Differentiation Dependent Therapy in the Modern Medication;经前期综合征辨证论治在现代医学药物治疗中的意义
9.Neo-Confucianism Striding to a Meaningful Logotherapy Dimension: From Tang Junyi s View on Concept of Aspiration;迈向一种意义治疗法的新儒学——从唐君毅之“立志之道”学说开始
10.Study on Therapeutic Importance of DHBV Replication in Extrahepatic Tissues and Construction of Cellular Platform for Screening Anti-hepatic-fibrosis Traditional Chinese Medicine in Vitro;肝外DHBV复制治疗学意义及中药体外抗肝纤维化筛选平台的探讨
11.Detection of Functional FPR Expression by Human Glioma Cells and the Therapeutic Significance;人恶性胶质瘤细胞FPR表达与功能检测及其治疗学意义
12.The Detection of the Main Immunnohistochemical Marks of Breast Carcinoma and the Analysis of Its Clinical Value;乳腺癌重要生物学指标的新辅助治疗前检测及其临床意义
13.On the Psychological Significance of Bai Lu Yuan from the Character Tragedy of LU San and His Son HEI Wa;从鹿三父子的人格悲剧看《白鹿原》的人格治疗学意义
14.Etiologic diagnosis and treatment meanings of follicular development detected with B ultrasound among spontaneous abortion patients超声监测卵泡发育对自然流产的病因学诊断及指导治疗的意义
15.Changes and Significance of the Immunological Indicators in Children with Primary Nephrotic Syndrome儿童原发性肾病综合征激素治疗前后免疫学指标的变化及意义
16.Meaning has an inherent curative power. Meaning affects everything.意义具有内在的治疗能力。意义影响到一切事物。
17.The Theoretical Analysis of Logotherapy and the Constructive Route about Individual "Meaning;意义治疗的理论分析与个体“意义”的建构思路

theory of meaning treatment意义治疗学说
1.The Theoretical Analysis of Logotherapy and the Constructive Route about Individual "Meaning;意义治疗的理论分析与个体“意义”的建构思路
2.Confucianism contains abundant logotherapy thoughts.儒家学说中蕴涵着丰富的意义治疗思想。
3.To analyse the basic propositions of logotherapy, the way of finding the meaning of life and the key technique of logotherapy.意义治疗是奥地利著名精神医学家和心理医生弗兰克尔所提出的一种心理治疗理论。
4)therapeutic potential治疗意义
1.Estrogen-like activities and therapeutic potential of resveratrol;白藜芦醇的雌激素样作用及相关治疗意义
5)political and philosophical significance政治哲学意义
6)antisense therapy反义治疗
1.Receptor-mediated antisense therapy studies;受体介导的反义治疗研究
2.The principle of antisense therapy is transferring the sequence-specific binding of an antisense oligonucleotide to target DNA or mRNA, and sele.反义治疗(antisense therapy)就是在体外合成一段能与目的基因DNA或RNA互补的小分子的寡核苷酸片段,转入靶细胞,选择性地关闭或抑制致病基因的表达,从而起到防治疾病作用的一种治疗方法。

《中兽医治疗学》《中兽医治疗学》Therapeutics of Traditional Chinese Veterinary Medicine 《中兽医治疗学》(了滋‘翔加utics of7’;’adt’·tio加1 chinese Veterinary Medici规)以中兽医临证治疗为主的中兽医学专著。中国农业科学院中兽医研究所组织编写。1963年农业出版社出版。书分总论,马、驴、裸疾病,牛病,猪病等四编。总论综述了中兽医理论基础及其基本原则。第二编载述马、驴、狠疾病及其治疗153种。第三编载述牛病及其治疗108种。第四编载述猪病及其治疗42种。各种家畜疾病按中兽医脏腑理论归类,对每种疾病分列概念、病因、证候、诊断、治法、附方、方意、调理、预防及附歌等内容。该书比较系统地收录了家畜常见病、多发病的中兽医疗法,对指导临证实践有一定作用。 (施振声)