
1.The Analysis and Strategy of Human-elephant Conflict in Xishuangbanna;西双版纳人象冲突的分析和缓解对策
2.Study on Alleviating Countermeasure Against Bullwhip Effect in Supply Chain;供应链中牛鞭效应及其缓解对策研究
3.Factors and Countermeasures of the University Teacher s Job Burnout;高校教师职业倦怠的致因及缓解对策
4.The Appearance Mechanism of Bullwhip Effect and the Analysis of its Easing up Countermeasures;牛鞭效应的产生机理及缓解对策分析
5.On the Intense Situation of Human-earth Relations in Putian City and its Countermeasures;莆田市人地关系紧张态势及缓解对策
6.The "Bullwhip Effect" in Supply Chain and Its Easing Countermeasures;浅析供应链中的“牛鞭效应”及缓解对策
7.The Study of the Private Enterprises Social Security Puzzledom and Its Solutions;我国民营企业社会保障困境及其缓解对策研究
8.The psychological pressure of missionary engaged the graduate student admission and the alleviation countermeasure;研究生招生工作人员的心理压力及其缓解对策
9.On College English teachers vocational stress and its relieving strategies;大学英语教师的职业压力成因及缓解对策
10.Analysis on Colleges and Universities Teachers Anxious Psychology Causes and Lysis Measures;高校教师焦虑心理成因及缓解对策分析
11.Analysising on the Causes,Effects and Mitigation Countermeasures of RMB Appreciation;当前人民币升值的成因、影响及缓解对策分析
12.The Sharpening Contradiction Between Man and Land in Inner Mongolia; Pastoral Areas and Measures to Be Taken to Mitigate It;内蒙古草原牧区人地矛盾的加剧及缓解对策
13.Reasons and Alleviation Countermeasures on Urban Traffic Congestion in Chongqing重庆市城市交通拥堵的原因及缓解对策
14.Study on Countermeasures to Alleviate the Financing Difficulties Faced by SMEs in China;缓解我国中小企业融资难的对策研究
15.Countermeasures of Fiscal Law to remit contradictions between supply and demand on public goods;缓解公共产品供求矛盾的财政法对策
16.Analysis on the Strategic Countermeasure to Alleviate the Impact of the “Silver Hair Tide”;缓解“银发浪潮”冲击的战略对策分析
17.On the Appreciation Pressure: the Interest Rate Mechanism and Government Policie;升值压力的缓解:利率机制和政府对策
18.Conflict or Compromise?--Understanding Iranian Policy toward US over the Nuclear Crisis;对抗,还是缓和?——核危机下伊朗对美政策解读

easing policy缓解政策
1.The Reasons of difficult and costly to see a doctor and strategy of the solutions;“看病难看病贵”的形成之因与缓解之策
4)moderation strategies缓解策略
1.Research on English reading anxiety and its classroom moderation strategies;英语阅读焦虑情绪研究及课堂缓解策略
5)N 2O emissions减缓对策
6)countermeasures to dispel press缓压对策

缓解缓解 指疾病的症状逐渐减轻。