1.Systematically individual difference of emotional understanding and expression maybe found in the same situations, and they are considered as anger or sadness.生气和伤心是儿童人际交往中最基本的消极情绪反应,两者密切相关,但又互相区别。
2.It is uncertainty whether anger emerge in four-month infants (i.生气是人类普遍存在的基本情绪(Darwin,1872),4个月的婴儿是否已经具有稳定的生气,目前还存在争议(i。

1.The boy is angry, very angry.男孩生气了,非常生气
2.To cause to become offended or annoyed.使生气,使发脾气使变得生气或恼火
3.incur a person's displeasure [wrath]惹人不高兴[生气]
4.Don't mind him. He's just a guy who's lost his wife.别生气,他刚丧妻。
5.Don't be angry, Scarlett.不要生气,斯佳丽。
6.Are you angry, Lisa?丽莎,你生气了吗?
7.A fit of bad temper or pique.发怒,一阵怒气坏脾气或生气的发作
8.A fit of ill temper. Often used with the.脾气的发作,生气一阵坏脾气。常与the连用
9.A Calm,Healthy and Vigorous Atmosphere--Reflection on and Practice in Bringing Forth New Ideas in College Student Work;静气·正气·生气——高校学生工作的思考与实践
10.utter in an angry, sharp, or abrupt tone; `No!, she snapped'.生气、强烈、生硬地说。
11.An incidence of sulking or angry behavior.愠怒,坏脾气愠怒或生气行为的发生
12.Torn is never cross as John sometimes is.约翰有时候生气,汤姆从来没有生过气。
13.air producer gas空气(发生器)煤气
14.An apparatus that generates vapor or gas.产生蒸气或气体的机器
15.gasifier turbine燃气发生器式燃气轮机
16.life sustained in the presence of air or oxygen.需要空气或氧气的生活。
17.draw-bar bubble引砖(产生的)气泡
18.generator, acetylene gas (water process)乙炔气发生器(水生产)

1.Photosynthetic Responses to Light and Temperature in Ulva lactuca Under Aquatic and Aerial States;在水生与气生状态下石莼光合作用对光照和温度的响应(英文)
2.Intertidal macroalgae experience continual alternation of photosynthesis between aquatic state at high tide and aerial state at low tide.潮间带海藻光合作用总是处于水生 (高潮时 )与气生 (低潮时 )两种连续变化的环境状态下进行。
3)life enhancing Qi生生之气
1.YUN Tie-qiao,latter-day doctor famous in his efforts joining medicine east and west,interpreted the life enhancing Qi in TCM as "efensive function" of human body.近代中西医汇通医家恽铁樵在《生理新语》中对传统中医的人的生生之气阐发为人体的"救济功能",认为利用人体"救济功能"是中医治疗疾病的关键,并以中西医治疗烂喉痧为例,对中西治疗烂喉痧的不同原则进行了对比解说,深化了人们对中医为"生生之具"的认识。
4)continuous creation of Qi气化生生
5)gas & associated gas气与伴生气
