1.Methods 314 college students majoring in nursing were tested by Personal Report of Communication Apprehension(PRCA-24).方法采用交流恐惧自陈量表(PRCA-24)对314名在校护生进行测试,并对结果进行分析。
2.Methods 622 senior 1 school students of one city in Jiangxi province are investigated by PRCA-24.方法采用"交流恐惧自陈量表"对江西某市重点中学高一年级622名学生的交流恐惧程度进行调查。
3.Questionnaires were designed with PRCA-24 and APAS.方法从某所综合性大学随机抽取两个班学生,采用交流恐惧自陈量表及青少年心理适应性量表对其进行测评,有效参与者共71名,并对收集的数据进行相关性分析。

1.Methods 648 subjects were randomly selected from a normal university, then they were tested and scored by Personal Report of Communication Apprehension (PRCA-24).方法采用交流恐惧自陈量表(PRCA 24)对 648名高师学生进行测试与分析。
2.Reliability and Validity of Communication Apprehension Scale in College Students;交流恐惧量表在208名大学生中应用的信效度
3.A Study on the Relations between Freshmen s Communication Apprehension and Self-concept;大学新生交流恐惧与自我概念的关系
4.Revision of Social Interaction Anxiety Scale and Social Phobia Scale;社会交往焦虑量表和社交恐惧量表的修订
5.Nothing is to be feared but fear.恐惧来自心理恐惧。
6.A Research on the Relation among Freshman Communication Apprehension, Social Support, Self-concept, Coping Style;大学新生交流恐惧与其社会支持、自我概念关系研究
7.Research on Communication Apprehension of Senior 1 School Students;高一学生交流恐惧调查分析及其对策
8.Psychological Model of Communication Apprehension of Freshmen;大学新生交流恐惧的多因素影响模型
9.The survey and analysis on the state of the university students’communication;大学生人际交流恐惧状况的调查分析
10.Impact Evaluation of Music Desensitization on Dispelling Communication Apprehension of Undergraduates;音乐系统脱敏治疗大学生交流恐惧效果分析
11.Investigation on Communication Apprehension for College Students Majoring in Nursing and Analysis of Its Influential Factors;高校护生交流恐惧状况调查及影响因素分析
12.Dreadful Emotion of College Students of Xi an Jiaotong University During the Epidemic Period of SARS;SARS流行期间西安交通大学学生恐惧情绪反应
13.Relationship between Communication Apprehension and Psychological Adaptability of Undergraduates大学生交流恐惧与心理适应性的关系研究
14.“there are essentially two forces that motivate people: self-interest and fear.有两种驱使人们的基本力量:自私和恐惧。”
15.and his eyes showed the fear that was upon him.眼中流露出恐惧的神色。
16."Indicating anxiety, fear, or terror""表示焦虑,害怕或恐惧的."
17.fear survey schedule恐惧调查表(心理学)
18.Hate is an automatic response to fear.仇恨是恐惧的自然反应。

Social Phobia Scale社交恐惧量表
1.Revision of Social Interaction Anxiety Scale and Social Phobia Scale;社会交往焦虑量表和社交恐惧量表的修订
3)Communication apprehension交流恐惧
1.Objective To study the influential factors of normal university students Communication Apprehension (CA).目的 探讨影响高师学生与人交流时表现出交流恐惧的相关因素。
2.This study explores the relations between communication apprehension and selfconcept of 555 college freshmen in Guizhou province through questionnaires.对555名大学新生进行研究,探讨了大学新生的交流恐惧与自我概念的关系。
3.Nowadays, the question of communication apprehension becomes increasingly important.交流恐惧问题正日益受到关注,它是发生率高,影响人们成就获得的重大心理问题之一,国外已有不少学者对它进行了干预研究。
4)Social phobia社交恐惧
1.Clinical Intervention and Effectiveness Analysis on Social Phobia of a college Student一例大学生社交恐惧的临床干预与效果分析
5)self-reported questionnaire自陈量表
1.,we have made the self-reported questionnaires of non-intelligent factors following the strict procedure,which is proved to have better reliability and validity.运用逻辑分析、问卷调查和数理统计等方法,遵照严格的程序编制了非智力因素自陈量表,经测试具有较高的信度和效度,旨在为了解特殊群体青少年竞技运动员非智力因素发展的现状和规律做准备。
6)Fear Survey Schedule恐惧调查表
