1.Each sample was assessed with CSMHS developed by national ministry of education.方法采用中国大学生心理健康量表(CSMHS)对我校2005级本科新生进行了心理健康普查。
2.Methods Freshmen from 2007 grade were assessed with CSMHS.方法采用中国大学生心理健康量表(CSMHS)对我校2007级新生进行了心理健康普查。

2.SCL-90 as Measurement of Mental Health in College Students:a meta-analysis用症状自评量表(SCL-90)评估中国大学生心理健康状况的Meta分析
3.The Norm of the Mental Health Questionnaire for College Student in Hebei Province;“大学生心理健康量表”的河北省常模
4.Reliability and Validity of Mental Health Scale for Primary and Middle School Students;中小学生心理健康量表的信效度检验
5.Development of Middle School Students' Mental Health's Teacher-check Scale中学生心理健康教师评价量表的编制
6.Development of the Mental Health Scale with a Healthy Personality Orientation for College Students健全人格取向大学生心理健康量表的编制
7.An Analysis and Suggestion to the Colleges in China Students Psychological Health;中国大学生心理健康现状分析与对策
8.The College Student Mental Health Scale: Revision, Reliability, and Validity;大学生心理健康量表的修订和信效度研究
9.The Research of Reliability and Validity about the Psychological Health Rating Scale for College Students.;大学生心理健康评定量表信度效度研究
10.The development of the mental health scale for middle vocational school students;中等职业学校学生心理健康量表的初步编制
11.Preliminary Construction of the Mental Health Scale with an Adaptive Orientation for Secondary School Students;适应取向中学生心理健康量表的初步编制
12.Development of Mental Health Scale for Middle School Student of HeNan Province and Study on Its Self-report;中学生心理健康量表初步编制及其自评研究
13.Study on Mental Health of Shanghai Middle School Students and Its Self-report Inventory;上海市中学生心理健康及其自评量表的研究
14.A Study on the Self-report Inventory for Shanghai Middle School Students;上海市中学生心理健康自评量表的研究
15.Organization of Middle-school Students Psychological Health Diagnostic Scale in Shenyang;沈阳市中学生心理健康诊断量表的编制研究
16.The Direction of the Psychological Healthy Standard of the College Students and the Healthy Psychology;大学生心理健康标准及健康心理导控
17.Affect Variables and Mental Health in College Students;大学生的情感变量与心理健康的探讨
18.Developing the Mental Health Education Innovation System of Chinese College Students;中国大学生心理健康教育创新体系的构建

Mental Health Scale for Primary and Middle School Students中小学生心理健康量表
1.Reliability and Validity of Mental Health Scale for Primary and Middle School Students;中小学生心理健康量表的信效度检验
3)Mental Health Scale for Secondary School Students (MHS-SSS)中学生心理健康量表
4)Chinanized questionnaires of mental health心理健康量表中国化
5)Mental health scale for middle vocational school students中等职业学校学生心理健康量表
6)college students mental health大学生心理健康
1.Based on an analysis of status quo of college students mental health,the paper points out the advantage of university libraries involvement in the mental health education.分析了大学生心理健康的状况,指出了高校图书馆参与心理健康教育的优势所在,提出了开发图书馆心理健康教育功能的具体方法和措施。
2.In order to solve the college students mental health problems, guide college students to grow up healthily, we need to retrospect the accomplishment of college s.我国的大学生心理健康教育研究工作起步于上个世纪80年代中期,现在已经取得了较为丰富的研究成果,同时,我国的大学生心理健康教育工作也卓有成效地顺利进行。
3.This articl explains the unique effect of calisthenics on college students mental health from physiology, psychology, aesthetics and artistic pedagogy.文章从生理学、心理学、审美学等层面分析论证健美操在增进大学生心理健康方面的功效,指出健美操是有效增进大学生心理健康的便捷途径与方法。
