1.Relationship Between Adult Attachment and Psychopathology:A Teview成人依恋与精神病理的关系

1.The study of the origin, development, and manifestations of mental or behavioral disorders.精神病理学对精神或行为方面的病症的起因、发展和症状的研究
2.The Psychopathology of Everyday Life日常生活中的精神病理
3.Male nurses be often employed in hospital for the mentally ill精神病院常雇用男护士护理精神病人
4.Male nurses is often employed in hospital for the mentally ill.精神病院常雇用男护士护理精神病人。
5.Male nurses are often employed in hospitals for the mentally ill.精神病院常雇用男护士护理精神病人.
6.The Interpersonal Theory of Psychiatry《精神病学的人际理论》
7.the study of drugs that affect the mind.用在精神病的药理学。
8.European College of Neuropsychopharmacology (ECNP)欧洲神经系统精神病药理学学会
9.psychopathic personality心理病态人格 精神病态人格
10.The Theory and Practice of Judging Psychopaths Divorce Cases;精神病人离婚案件审理的理论与实践
11.Comprehensive Paychological Nursing for Drug Compliance of lnpatients with Schizophrenia;精神病患者依从性与心理护理的研究
12.Psychological Analysis and Nursing Cares in Spouses of In-patients With Mental Disease住院精神病病人配偶的心理状态分析及护理
13.Nursing analysis on menstruation self-care of female psychosis inpatients女性住院精神病病人月经自理情况的护理分析
14.Research Communications in Biological Psychology and Psychiatry生物心理学与精神病学研究通讯
15.a narrow bed on which a patient lies during psychiatric or psychoanalytic treatment.精神或心理治疗时病人躺的窄床。
16.She became so unmanageable, she was committed to an asylum.她变得如此不可理喻,被送进精神病院。
17.the branch of psychiatry concerned with psychological methods.精神病学中有关心理治疗的分支。
18.Mental Disease Diagnosis:scientific judgment?ethical judgment?;精神疾病诊断:科学的判断?伦理的判断?

1.The Emotional Stroop Task and Its' Utilization on Psychopathology;情绪性Stroop任务及其在精神病理学中的运用
2.This traditional educational pathology regards psychology and psychopathology as its theoretical basis,the children with mental defects as its subject matter,and pursuit of approaches to preventing and curi.这种传统的教育病理学是以心理学和精神病理学为理论基础、以精神缺陷儿童为对象、以寻求预防和治疗儿童精神缺陷的方法为目的的一门学问,曾被视为教育学的一个分支学科,又被视为"治疗教育学"的一部分。
3.A Lot of researches suggests that increased and decreased error-related brain activities are associated with the internalizing and externalizing dimensions of psychopathology, respectively.大量研究表明过度的和不足的错误相关脑活动(hyperactive and hypoactive error processing)可能分别与精神病理学的内化性和外化性障碍(internalizing and externalizing disorders)相关联。
3)psychotic disorders/nursing精神病/护理
4)psychiatric nursing精神病护理
6)psychiatric aides精神病护理员

精神病理学精神病理学psychopathology  精神病理学(psyehopathology)研究精神异常现象的性质和特征,并从理论上阐明其发生的原因和机制的临床学科。有两个主要分支:(l)现象学的精神病理学(P henomenologieal psyeho-Pathology),主要是对异常的精神状态,即精神症状作客观的描述和归类,说明其主要性质和特征。(2)精神动力学的精神病理学(P syehodynamie psyeo-hpathology),起源于精神分析学派的理论,对各种精神症状的发生原因和机制,进行说明,特别是用无意识的理论,加以解释。 (刘协和撰赵亚忠审)